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View Full Version : Leprechaun Bundle

01-03-2014, 12:09 PM
Is it worth the 150 plat? I'm only level 21 right now but should I hold off on buying, or just go ahead and get?

Thanks, Duper

01-03-2014, 12:15 PM
The lepre pendant grants +15% reroll chance. It sells for around 195k in cs normally. If you think it's worth the 150 plat then buy it

01-03-2014, 12:18 PM
Are the drop chances good enough that it outweighs the need for stats from the pendant slot?

01-03-2014, 12:26 PM
Depends on your purpose, if you're doing pvp or killing mobs probably not. If you're farming and aiming for good loot and gear then yes.

01-03-2014, 12:43 PM
The leprechaunt is the basic item that every player needs which is the only thing beside luck elixir can let you loot legendary gear (without luck the chances are very low like 1% to me). If you dont feel it worth 150 plat then wait for luck elixir and farm for locked crates and sell for cash then buy it from CS, but trust me it takes you very long to do that according to me, a non-plat player.

01-03-2014, 12:44 PM
It's the first investment anyone who's playing AL should own. I usually wear it right before the boss dies, but on normal maps, I roll around with one equipped all the time. This thing will give you items from locked to legendary drops :) A must have in the game.

01-03-2014, 12:44 PM
I'd purchase with gold over plat, but if plat spending isn't an issue and you think it will take too long to save the gold, then by all means buy with plat.

At low lvl farming wearing the lep ammy will not matter. At higher lvl farming, you'll usually switch your regular ammy for the lep prior to killing a boss.

the Lep was the first major purchase i made by saving my gold. Drops get way better after having it. It also stacks with luck elixir for greater luck.

01-03-2014, 12:47 PM
Thanks! I have been gone so long (since cap was 16) that I am unfamiliar with the drop rates and how much percent luck help is required to get good drops. All I know, is that once I cap, I'm farming. Alot. I am way behind the one percenters and its time I caught up.

01-03-2014, 01:21 PM
When u Buy the Lep using Plat u will also Get a Mythic Banner as a Bonus...:)

01-06-2014, 07:31 AM
I bought a leprechaun and after a week i already earned all the 200k back in a week. So buy it. Or u can buy it for 150 plat and sell it to make 40k profit.

01-06-2014, 09:49 AM
buy it with gold. save ur 150 plat. buying it thru plat is a ripoff

01-06-2014, 09:57 AM
buy it with gold. save ur 150 plat. buying it thru plat is a ripoff

That depends.. If everyone thought it was a ripoff and nobody bought them... How else did they all flood the game?

Obviously, if no one else bought, then the people who did would make a fortune.

~Food for thought :)

01-06-2014, 10:00 AM
i looked at it as a ripoff because i thought mythic items would be plat exclusive to begin with like the mythic pets.

when i found out later that it was purchaseable through gold i was disappointed because id rather buy it through gold that plat.

i did not have it refunded because i did not know it was possible before.

01-06-2014, 11:19 AM
i looked at it as a ripoff because i thought mythic items would be plat exclusive to begin with like the mythic pets.

when i found out later that it was purchaseable through gold i was disappointed because id rather buy it through gold that plat.

i did not have it refunded because i did not know it was possible before.

One thing i've learned in my short time playing this game (since August) is that being plat exclusive is a relative term to mean you will get use of the pet/item for a limited time before it may or may not become available to be purchasable by gold.

Once you know this, you can make an informed decision whether you want something NOW, or you can wait the allotted time and maybe eventually be able to buy something with gold.

The people that usually get 'hurt' are the people that buy something with plat really close to the time it becomes available via gold. The worst example for this is the Grimm stable/egg fiasco, where plat exclusive meant 1 week.

Aside from that one instance, STS has done a relative good job of keeping things plat exclusive for a fair amount of time before introducing items non plat buying public.

01-06-2014, 08:20 PM
hi hect. when the grimm event happened that was the time i decided not to use plats anymore.

sts said precisely before mythic eggs will be plat exclusive. then again, they changed their minds so i stopped using plats. wasted quite a number on them.