View Full Version : PvE Warrior

01-03-2014, 04:06 PM
Hello, I have been gone since cap was 16 and game was easier. I have recently come back to AL and have realized that I am terrible at it. What is the new way to play warrior in AL? ie skills, specs, etc.

Up until I started playing again i had 5 deaths. In the course of 48 hours I am up to 30:(

This trend needs to stop. Pro warriors, pls help.

Thanks guys,

01-05-2014, 07:26 AM
For lvling try this spec

Full STR

Vengeful Blood

Passive - STR Durable and INT

If you dieing too much then dont get taunt at start of lvling

Gear with main attributes - STR(main) INT Armor
Pet - Ribbit

Pm me in game if u need more guidance - just sent friend request and remind me u r forum guy :)

01-05-2014, 03:39 PM
For lvling try this spec

Full STR

Vengeful Blood

Passive - STR Durable and INT

If you dieing too much then dont get taunt at start of lvling

Gear with main attributes - STR(main) INT Armor
Pet - Ribbit

Pm me in game if u need more guidance - just sent friend request and remind me u r forum guy :)

01-05-2014, 03:54 PM
Warriors are the tanking class. As such, you should get taunting skills. If you are dying to much do an easier map, don't build a warrior that doesn't taunt (period). Into is a throw away passive for warriors who have endless mama through vb. For leveling SS, WM, HoR, and VB are fine; however, I would add a few points in jugg and go for a 5 skill spec since that has become the new standard for both elite and PvP.

Do the following upgrades on skills:

HoR: max it asap. Warriors are the current healing class; HoR also has a wide taunt.

SS: upgrade damage and stun. This area based dash skill is great for staying at the front of a party and stunning large groups. You may want to upgrade area but I find the basic area plenty to get the job done.

WM: upgrade all but snare (cripple). This is your bread and butter damage dealer and taunt. High overtime damage and a large area of effect. However, if you are doing PvP go 5/5

VB: max it. Best buff skill in game. VB grants mana return as you take damage, +50str (this also self heals 500 HP), +25% damage, and +25% crit. Using this skill helps counter low mama and helps you run maps much faster, IMO its a must.

Jugg: I wouldn't worry about this until level 30ish. I have "ignore pain" and "second wind" as my only upgrades in it; however many players do 5/5 for the taunt and anti-stun ability. For lack of better description jugg makes you immortal for several seconds, it is 100% required for elite. I have 2004 armor and jugg still saves me every day.

5/5 str
5/5 armor

Rest is up to you, Dex and/or damage are suggested.

01-05-2014, 08:45 PM
zzzzz Do u have even idea about how new player lvl up? Juggernut is useless in lvling. Yeah new player dont have even clue what is called tank? Dont take dex while lvling - put points in INT - it will save ur lots of mana pots so you can have enough gold to buy gear and lepre at max lvl.

Dont get taunt until lvl 20-25 if you are not comfortable with taunting. HoR taunts enemy even without taunt upgrade. At low lvl warrior dmg is way higher than other classes so you really dont need taunt - you just hold agrro with your dmg.

Your suggested spec might helpful in elite but in lvling just NOOO.

01-05-2014, 09:35 PM
zzzzz Do u have even idea about how new player lvl up? Juggernut is useless in lvling. Yeah new player dont have even clue what is called tank? Dont take dex while lvling - put points in INT - it will save ur lots of mana pots so you can have enough gold to buy gear and lepre at max lvl.

Dont get taunt until lvl 20-25 if you are not comfortable with taunting. HoR taunts enemy even without taunt upgrade. At low lvl warrior dmg is way higher than other classes so you really dont need taunt - you just hold agrro with your dmg.

Your suggested spec might helpful in elite but in lvling just NOOO.
Did you read the part where I said don't worry about jugg until level 30? Or, that I suggested a five skill spec.

I'm assuming you also missed the part where the starter of the thread asked for tips on tanking not purely leveling.

The askers obviously knows the basics of the game so they should be fine taunting as long as they don't do higher level maps. AL doesn't do a good job of explaining map levels. When it says "suggested level35" it means level 35 in mostly legendaries level35. If this player started at level 16 they shouldn't venture into the dead city (the next map in the campaign) untill level 20-21 and well geared.

Why I suggest taunt at low levels: when I first started AL I noticed manyplayershad a nasty habit o never using potion unless in boss fights. Being a tank you should be able to hold off the small hordes at low level maps. If you hold most of the aggro the other players (hopefully mages) will finish off the mobs with their much higher damage.

Again, max heal.


You said heal taunts without the upgrade, false. All skills in AL pull aggro if they are the first to hit a mob. To physically taunt is to steal aggro from another player. Other ways to taunt in AL is to deal high damage. This is why rogues easily pull the aggro of bosses whom they are dealing high single target damage to.

You said warrior damage is higher than other classes at low levels, false. Warriors are always the lowest damage dealers. The only time they become power houses is if a level 5 uses the +50str buff which adds 20+ DPS to below 20 base DPS character. The author is level 16, I was around during season 1 and confirm that warriors were still twig swingers. Mages were the DPS kings at level 16 actually (damage didn't become a stat until season 2 when passive was added).

01-05-2014, 10:50 PM
5 skill build is not suggested during lvling. Even after lvl 30 jugg is useless in lvling. Jugg shines in elite - so most players save that 7 plat(they got during lvling) and do proper respec of skills at max lvl according to their play style. Noone have time to switch kills during lvling warrior - it makes u slow and annoying. Which skill are perfer to switch for jugg during lving? By using jugg during lvling it will make u slow. OP didnt asked tips for tanking - he just wanted to stop dieing and get familiar with warrior first. After getting familiar with class - get taunt and learn how to tank.

Make Jugg build only if you wanna lvl up with wt4 only.

After lvl 15-20 - you do every pull with VB on. Pull big which you can handle - Use charged HoR(make sure it gives shield to each pt members)- Use charged vb - Spam SS and WM - all mobs die and your vb is recharged again for new pull. Repeat whole process untill you reach 36.

Yeah when you use heal even without taunt upgrade it draws attention of all mobs towards you. Same goes for mage heal skill - in elite many times mage get gang banged by mobs by using heal and die in less than one sec. Who hit mobs 1st obviously they get agrro first but when you use heal after - mobs draw attention towards them.

Warrior dmg is high at low lvl bcoz they get access of full VB(+25 str)+ SS+ WM at lower lvl. Other class have dont have many skill combo unlocked yet so their dmg bit low compare to warrior in big pull with vb on. This trend breaks around lvl 12-15. My bad I didnt notice OP is lvl 16.

01-06-2014, 12:44 AM
5 skill build is not suggested during lvling. Even after lvl 30 jugg is useless in lvling. Jugg shines in elite - so most players save that 7 plat(they got during lvling) and do proper respec of skills at max lvl according to their play style. Noone have time to switch kills during lvling warrior - it makes u slow and annoying. Which skill are perfer to switch for jugg during lving? By using jugg during lvling it will make u slow. OP didnt asked tips for tanking - he just wanted to stop dieing and get familiar with warrior first. After getting familiar with class - get taunt and learn how to tank.

Make Jugg build only if you wanna lvl up with wt4 only.

After lvl 15-20 - you do every pull with VB on. Pull big which you can handle - Use charged HoR(make sure it gives shield to each pt members)- Use charged vb - Spam SS and WM - all mobs die and your vb is recharged again for new pull. Repeat whole process untill you reach 36.

Yeah when you use heal even without taunt upgrade it draws attention of all mobs towards you. Same goes for mage heal skill - in elite many times mage get gang banged by mobs by using heal and die in less than one sec. Who hit mobs 1st obviously they get agrro first but when you use heal after - mobs draw attention towards them.

Warrior dmg is high at low lvl bcoz they get access of full VB(+25 str)+ SS+ WM at lower lvl. Other class have dont have many skill combo unlocked yet so their dmg bit low compare to warrior in big pull with vb on. This trend breaks around lvl 12-15. My bad I didnt notice OP is lvl 16.
For the sake of my sanity please read my entire post. I read all of yours.

01-06-2014, 12:50 AM

1) the author didn't ask for a leveling build.

2) VB is +50str not 25.

3) how do other classes not have skill combos? Aimed + Nox, Fire + clock, etc

4) I am currently PvP speced, and can 100% confirm HoR doesn't taunt.

5) The author is lvl 76 in PL they can handle taunt.

6) I never said worries were OP at level 16, I did point out that the author played during the lvl16 cap so they know the basics.

7) READ my previous posts for in depth analysis, please stop ignoring key explanations.

01-06-2014, 10:33 PM
This is getting way out of topic- yes I read all of your post.

1 Author doesnt asked for tanking spec either - He just wanted to stop dieing tradition.
2 Typo in rush
3 Warrior combos are more powerful at low lvl - +50 str+ cri+dmg from vb is just too op low lvl in group of mobs
4 Test it again - it does draw attention of mobs when u use it; indirectly you can say it taunt
5 PL and AL is different game - Why OP asked here for simple class help if know basic of class?(Sorry I didnt want to mention this for new player)
6 No idea what you saying
7 You are also ignoring key explanation I have pointed - Why not jugg lvling? Why get familer with class first and then get taunt etc.

Instead of carrying out further I suggest let OP decide what best for him. PM me or crowsfoot(I hope you dont mind) in game for any query and explanation of individual spec suggested. Dont wanna derail this thread by carrying out further discussion. We both have different opinion and views about warrior class- just saying. Not replying in this debate anymore

01-07-2014, 10:43 PM
This is getting way out of topic- yes I read all of your post.

1 Author doesnt asked for tanking spec either - He just wanted to stop dieing tradition.
2 Typo in rush
3 Warrior combos are more powerful at low lvl - +50 str+ cri+dmg from vb is just too op low lvl in group of mobs
4 Test it again - it does draw attention of mobs when u use it; indirectly you can say it taunt
5 PL and AL is different game - Why OP asked here for simple class help if know basic of class?(Sorry I didnt want to mention this for new player)
6 No idea what you saying
7 You are also ignoring key explanation I have pointed - Why not jugg lvling? Why get familer with class first and then get taunt etc.

Instead of carrying out further I suggest let OP decide what best for him. PM me or crowsfoot(I hope you dont mind) in game for any query and explanation of individual spec suggested. Dont wanna derail this thread by carrying out further discussion. We both have different opinion and views about warrior class- just saying. Not replying in this debate anymore
3) by level 16 its pretty obvious warriors aren't the damage class. Read my previous post that supports this thesis.

4) doesnt steal aggro. Only grabs attention of unfocused mobs. You should test again. Read my previous post which defines what "taunt" really is.

5) they both use pot spamming. And the fact OP has played any game at all means that picking up AL won't take more than a week or two.

7a) How did I ignore your point? I acknowledged and rebuttled it. Whereas you skipped over several of my body paragraphs that reinforce my theses.

7b) I SAID NOT TO WORRY UNTILL LEVEL 30! My suggested build levels same as many but doesn't use throw away passive points that have minor impact and are going to get respeced away anyway. I hardly see how 5 points in passive is life changing when leveling.
*read all of 7b, it's third time I've had to repeat my reasoning*

I love feedback, if it's based off my entire posts instead of fragments from sloppy scanning over.

01-08-2014, 01:17 AM

Send using my cellphone.. yes my cellphone

01-08-2014, 03:42 PM
Was fun to read all of those comments. xD So much love around!

@Superduper - I've done a lot of respec'ing, purely because all these builds say they do this and that and the tiny details matter so much. But honestly, it all comes down to each player, what you prefer, how you play, what you want to do and where you're at in the game.

To start with I had a pretty basic build, was all over the place, after reading up on it, I changed, then after actually getting some exp' with sword/shield, hammers etc and different builds and getting a general feel for everything I changed my build to this:

Skyward Smash; Seismic Slam - Thundering Hammer - Quaking Earth (3/5)
Windmill; Increased Radius - Blender - Prolonged Spin - Cripple (5/5)
Vengeful Blood; Acute Strike - Savage Strikes - Focused Rage - Adrenaline Surge (5/5)
Horn of Renew; Increased Range - Increased Duration - Challenge - Protective Shield (5/5)

Durable; 5/5
Damage; 5/5
Might; 5/5

Now until you have a nice cash flow, or at least a good way of making some cash (lepre etc) I found having int in my passives or good int gears was good, but as soon as I started making $$$ I started aiming for purely str on everything and if I could afford it, INT.
By using the build above I went from 29-35 in about 2 hours. Which Idk if that's good, but I was pretty happy with myself. I would not recommend it for an "end of game" build, as I'll be changing mine to a full tank build when I decide to make the jump to level36.
But as of now, I constantly am commented on my tanking abilities + my damage. I very very rarely die, and I destroy the **** out of things.
So to anyone who disagrees, feel free to comment but putting all "statistics" aside, that's what has worked for me and my cruddy legendary gears. :')

Peace :cat: