View Full Version : DeepTownTrainingCenter (DTTC)

01-04-2014, 12:35 AM
Master: C

1. Purpose
1) Exercise to increase gaming stamina
2) Overall health
3) Confidence
2. Equipment
1) None
2) Why?
3) Cheaper and better
4) 007 did it this way in FRWL and all the other books
3. Types of E?
1) Golf, Frisbee, Hacky Sack, Swimming, Mountain-walking (Cheap Equipment, Cheapest possible)
2) Pull ups, over hand and under, and behind the back like Will Smith in his movies, until you can do 20 for each
3) Sit ups and leg lifts, More the better
4) Push ups, 50 fast, 100 normal, negatives
5) Curls, just need one dumbbell, movements obvious
4. Diet
1) Always carry plastic water bottle from Costco, drink every chance you get
2) Dont eat breakfast, maybe one tangerine
3) Lunch at 11:00
4) Dinner at 5:30
5) Snacks: Nuts, Fruits, Cheese, OJ, Water
5. Misc
1) Sleep at 10:00 Pm and wake up around 4-5 AM
2) Dont sleep during the day, light naps
3) Dont write things down so much, try to remember them, exercise mind this way



01-04-2014, 12:39 AM
It is good, very good. ^^; Enjoy your all the days of your miserable life under the sun with blah blah and your work because it is a gift. And...Keep it simple...The more the words, the less the meaning, and what is the point in that. Vanity of ...therein thereon thereof theretofore...Nothing new...all is from the past and nothing you can say to say this is new...Enjoy your vanity filled life under the sun. Poor dog is better than a dead lion...One has memory the other has nothing. END


01-04-2014, 12:44 AM
not again...

01-04-2014, 12:47 AM
You don't belong here, try Comedy Central instead. You could become a billionaire.

And btw, I find this soo irrelevant to AL.