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View Full Version : Pocket legends pvp restoration

01-04-2014, 02:01 PM
Pocket legends used to be the best of the best of all mmorpgs, now it is a disaster.
Pvp, Pve and Ctf should be restored once more and not have these long, "strategic" fights with the winners always being a tank( bear) or a healer( mage). Birds were once the mightiest class of all, now its the weakest class. This all happened because people were requesting nerfs on just birds for endgame, its great and all for endgame but the other lower lvls suffered the most damage. There are 2 possible cases to fix pvp, increase the dmg and unnerf buffs or nerf the overpowered classes and skills or increase the performance of the weaker classes. Here I will explain what needs to be nerfed and what needs to be restored.

Bird: As I explained bird used to be the best class, now at most lvls of pvp, now an unexperienced bear can just beckon stomp the bird and he'll be dead. This is becase of lack of defences, birds evade should be restored. Due to the damage nerf lots of birds cant dish out enough damage to kill a fully armed tank or healer. The solution to this is to unnerf buffs and pvp dmg or to give birds a buff damage increase like all the other classes. A major lack of defences and damage makes birds the weakest class at the moment and the one that needs the most improvement.

Rhino: Right now rhinos are exceptional tanks, with one problem, their extremely low damage( except those op 20 plat pack rhinos which ill get to later)The solution to this is to: unerf the damage, give rhinos vitals force more critical chance, or replace/ improve the useless skills such as brute force,summon, and the useless second attack skill(forget the name). Rhinos also need more aoe and a aoe combo. I suggest we replace summon with a 12m skill that works like hell scream and stuns the target while doing damage and make the second useless attack skill into something like stomp with more range and dmg and the combo name could be like "paralyzed". Also the mana amount a rhino uses up is ridiculous and the skills should use less mana. Do to lack of killing abilities, dmg, aoe and uses up an insane amount of mana, rhino is at the moment the second weakest class.

Fox: Fox is a decent class at the moment and can kill any class besides bears. The main problems with fox is lack of aoe skills/combos and a terrible way to unroot stuns and roots and lack of defense. To solve these problems, hypnotize and fox howl should be an aoe combo, hypnotize should target multiple opponents like a bears beckon and combined with howl there should be a 2 sec stun and the combo name should be something like "screeched". The solution to unrooting should be so for the first 5 seconds of evade, a fox should be unrootable or fox howl should unroot stuns and roots. Bandage needs some improvement as well, you should be able to use it in combat. Like a bird, foxes ham hamstring should be able to pierce though a mages ms. Lack of defenses, small lack of aoe and little unrooting capabilities make fox the third weakest class.

Mage: The mage is a decent damage dealer and surviver. Its unfair how mages lost more then 50% of their critical and at lvl 6 their critical should be something like 40. At the moment mages heal is op due to lack of damage dealing and the massive amount it heals in a short period of time at lvl 6. A small lack of critcal, and powerful healing capabilities make mage the second strongest class at the moment.

Bear: Right now the king of pvp and decent for pve. Due to the damage nerf, these tanks have a MASSIVE advantage over all the other classes, its armour and hp are already high enough, but will all its dmg debuffs, the bear is extremely overpowered especially with op set like savage and plat pack sets. Also rage gives the bear a huge amount of damage which is extremely helpful during a buff and damage nerf. Bears dodging abilities haven't really been nerfed either so its defence is way beyond that of all the other classes. Str plat packs and savage sets definitely need nerfing and if the plat packs do get nerfed, they should be able to be liquidated for plat/piece ex:hammer:15 plat, armour 10, helm 5. High attacks, defence and debuffs make bear by far the king of pvp.

In conclusion, to solve pvp issues, things should be unnerfed or nerfed. For the lvl ranges since it is a 10 lvl difference, the damage dealt from a lower lvl player should be increased when attacking a higher lvl player, and when a higher lvl play attacks a lower lvl player, the damage should be decreased. This is what I came up with:1 lvl difference- damage dealt to higher player increased by 3% and damage taken reduced by 3%, add 3 each time the lvl goes up by 1. I hope sts takes this in consideration, this is a good way to solve problems like 71 vs 61, 51 vs 61, 30 vs 40, 20 vs 30, 1 vs 10 etc and higher lvls farming and teaming lower lvls.

Thanks for taking time to read this extremely long article, hopefully sts will make some of these changes! Leave comments plz!

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01-04-2014, 02:03 PM

01-04-2014, 02:14 PM
nice thread but there have been countless threads like these but i feel like STS has no mind in changing PvP yet alone any updates

01-04-2014, 02:17 PM
nice thread but there have been countless threads like these but i feel like STS has no mind in changing PvP yet alone any updates
Yea ik but worth a shot, maybe someday it might happen.

01-04-2014, 11:51 PM
I thought this thread was about the endgame PVP guild 'Restoration' lol.

01-05-2014, 12:17 AM
yup birdies are wek, i get rekt when i dont hit blind against mages

01-05-2014, 12:28 AM
I thought this thread was about the endgame PVP guild 'Restoration' lol.

Haha me too.

Anyways I read through the thread and don't exactly agree with everything (on mobile so I can elaborate later)... But I do agree with an overall pvp change that needs to be made, which STS has absolutely no interest in fixing, as stated already.

01-05-2014, 12:37 AM
Pretty much everything needs to be balanced they tried numerous times but yet failed.

01-05-2014, 12:42 AM
Pretty much everything needs to be balanced they tried numerous times but yet failed.

It isn't possible for things to be completely balanced. There are always people who complain because of their selfishness and for their own good.

Tho, it was very near balanced during sewers cap.

01-05-2014, 12:45 AM
Bears need to be buffed

01-05-2014, 12:46 AM
You're very right about the complaints part and yes sewers was by far the most balanced.

01-05-2014, 01:31 AM
Bears need to be buffed

hush bb lmk

01-05-2014, 02:03 AM
With forg nerfed, the way it was before was fine, just nerf bird damage or dodge a bit, bear dodge a bit, and Mage crit a bit from how it was before. I feel like the buffs are quite weak now, especially at low levels to the point where heal and survival means winning and nuke doesn't work well anymore. The pvp economy has gone very poor as well, change needs to happen very soon...

for the lulz
01-05-2014, 03:28 AM
this post is subliminal advertising for the endgame pvp guild restoration , lol jk
i think this is a great idea , long strategic fights wud be nice , not to mention , pls vote for the new class turtles !!!

01-05-2014, 07:49 AM
This kinda enormous threds encouraging me towards an unique idea, which I may post l8r mayb (would be useless anyway)

01-05-2014, 09:40 AM
Lol whoops should change the title lol

01-05-2014, 09:47 AM
The thing is the buffs fixed endgame by a little bit(i think so at least) but the majority of the other lvls fights are "strategic" ull se what i mean when u see mage v mage, bear v mage, bear vs bear, rhino v rhino etc

01-05-2014, 12:29 PM
Don't you think the whole game is trash nowadays... Has potential but nothing fixes itself.

01-05-2014, 02:19 PM
Don't you think the whole game is trash nowadays... Has potential but nothing fixes itself.
Yep, I actually miss em forgotten bows, at least you could kill with em.