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View Full Version : [Suggestion] General Suggestions for new year

01-07-2014, 07:31 AM
First, thank you so much for giving us interesting event, generally motivate all players to kill bosses, which is kind of helping new players went through maps

I have several suggestions, some of them might be complaints, sorry:

1. old maps difficulties should be reduced, to help and encourage new players to chase old ones, especially nordr bosses who can hit you sometimes even if you're out of their danger zone, or any scheme to motivate old players to help new ones. currently there is none, cmiiw... with this maybe new players will keep coming, and endgame players will be motivated to keep playing while waiting for updates
2. Pets:
- isn't it already the time to implement sort or search feature in pets?
- combine pet's level in one account please. Just like giving discounts can motivate consumers to buy things, why don't you make it easier to level up pets, i believe most of us didn't even bother to level up most of the unused pets
- i think it will be good if we are provided a method to call pet to come near the player, either by pressing arcane skill or add another button to operate pet...
pets sometimes too slow or bugged (not attacking)
3. with trends of upgrading inventory capacity, i think you should provide a way to clean inventory faster, e.g. 'clean all' feature with feature to 'lock' certain items so it won't liquidated by 'clean all'
4. skills information should be explained in detail (real expected damage/heal, range) and in similar form depending on the types, e.g. self-AoE, targetted-AoE, conic, line and differences between charging/not
5. option to liquidate chests and eggs, or even better, provide a way to use already unlocked pet eggs.
6. combined friend list in one e-mail account aside from combined pet stable

thank you, and happy new year