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01-08-2014, 08:49 AM
Hello guys what I would like to see in AL in the future (and I think I'm not the only) it's more trade slots or a way to be able to trade many items at a time. The actual 4 slots were maybe enough at the beginning of the game when there wasn't a so huge difference between usable items and expensive items. Many times I've seen people scammed for this lack, let's do an example: player A asks to B 8 locked for a malison egg, the trade must be done in 2 times and A can run away with the first 4 lockeds or B with the egg before paying all the lockeds requested. For trades like this it could be useful also to put same item with a number, (as in inventory we see fire gem x 4 for example), we can see in the trade: locked grand crate of the watch x 8.

Another thing that could be useful in my opinion would be to introduce a new item (like leprechaun) that allows your pet to stay happy or that gives him +x% experience to allow players to train faster pets and test more abilities and strategies.

Finally an aesthetic advice : I don't know if I'm the only to think this but I'm a bit tired by banners being always with the same shape and the same flag pole that comes out from your back in an unrealistic way (in my opinion). I suggest to do banners without the pole (that magically flow in the air and maybe shine)and with different shapes or to do circular banners under player's feet like the circles we see with some buffs or for example like when a pet like horton does it's arcane ability.

As always I look forward to hear what do you think guys so share your opinions :smile: and sorry if I've done some language mistakes

01-08-2014, 11:43 PM

01-22-2014, 04:20 AM
:) Others?

01-22-2014, 05:01 AM
All three are decent suggestions. :)

Recoloring/modifying your own banner --with similar to crafting procedure-- would be a great idea as well.

01-22-2014, 03:08 PM
I agree that STS should increase the item trade limit from 4 to like 10. But the pet item, although it would be useful, probably wont be implemented cuz it defeats the purpose of feeding. But the banner is a great idea too.

01-24-2014, 03:05 PM
Yes infact I said like leprechaun, so an item thar gives + x% exp and that needs to be buyed with platinum or a good amount of gold :). This doesn't replace the elixir or feed.
Nice to hear that you like my advices guys :)

01-24-2014, 03:21 PM
Today I got a new idea
I would like to see items (maybe vanities or however only good looking items but not strong) that are extremly rare farmable from elite bosses but not tradable and cannot be sold too. To have one of those items would make the game more intresting imo, and who will have those items will have a very unique and hard to get item to be "proud of". I think this would make a lot of people to play more, it's like to gain an hard achievement and have a very rare item that cannot be buyed at the same time.

01-24-2014, 04:12 PM
Yeah in previous STS games there were lootable vanities, from cheap ones to the most expensive items on the game. I like your idea but maybe you should allow them to be tradable. I'd like to experiment in that new market since vanities have no level requirements. :)

01-24-2014, 05:18 PM
The purpose is to make players play more elites, if rich players can buy them immediately it's like any other rare lootable item. My purpose was to have something "to be proud of" that can't be buyed, that will be a recognizing mark for who played hard to obtain that extremely rare item

01-24-2014, 05:32 PM
I assure you the pricing of those items will scale accordingly.

Making something with drop rates around 5% iscomparable with looting an arcane off a locked chest. But in our case, it takes a lot more time and effort to get to a boss and defeat it to have that small chance to loot one. It's not like arcanes where anyone can buy a bunch, purchase some good platinum, sit in a corner and begin opening dozens.

So what I'm saying is not much different than your suggestion, these extremely rare items will get prices higher than some arcanes. That would make them technically untradable since very few people would be willing to buy so high and even less would be willing to sell something so special. :)

01-24-2014, 05:57 PM
I thought something more like what elite leaderboard banners are but that involve also luck (and that can't be falsed like pvp kills for example are by people who use dummies). It's partially true what you say, if they become harder to get than arcane they won't be selled so much by players who want something special but they will be by players that are poor and will become rich... I wanted an item that merchants, big platinum users and scammers (yes unfortunately there are some scammers that become very rich) won't never have if they don't redo 300-400 times the elite map as everyone else. Noone is advantaged this way. What you suggest is something like bael axe (or troll rings) that drops from a very rare and hard to fight boss (bael II) and it's a special drop but it's price is around 150-200k if I remember well.

01-24-2014, 09:07 PM
These items are so low because of their limited usability and level/rarity restrictions. Their design isn't very special to be collected or wanted as vanity gear either. And also, they can only be used (or at least it makes sense to be used) by one class only, at the moment.

The lootable vanity I'm thinking of can be potentially worn by all three classes, regardless the level. One for each campaign kind of thing, with drop rates close to 2-3% by mobs and bosses alike! That way everyone would happily rerun previous campaigns and help the lower level players too without targetting a single boss or two and getting boring. :)