View Full Version : Int/Dex Mage

11-22-2010, 10:13 PM
I know this has been discussed already but I'm still looking for more answers.
My mage is 24 atm and I have 75 Int and the rest is into dex. My stats seem ok. I've got like 84% hit 6 crit (16 when I use blessing of might) I think I have 5 mama regen and I have 31 def. What I would REALLY like to see is some sort of breakdown showing the benifit of getting dex rather then all int. I was thinking putting points into dex would affect my crit/dodge/hit/defence.
However I didn't take notes while I was putting my points in so I'm not 100% sure if its really helping me to have all those points into dex. So anyone that can help me get this information would really be helping me out.
Also what about int? Does it give hit/grit or anthony else for that matter?
And str...I saw a mage the other day that had 251 str and 7 int..what's the point of this?

11-22-2010, 10:14 PM
Wow...my phone used the wrong word several times. Sorry if it causes any confusion.

11-23-2010, 01:30 AM
Hi! Its fine your post is still understandable.

From what I've noticed with the latest rebalance, Int is the way to go for mages. (At least end game, level 50).

Dex used to be able to add more crit, dodge, base/skill damage for mages. But now with the rebalance, dex barely does anything for us.

Also, with the higher health pool we all have, higher int would mean a higher heal which would make us more useful.

I'd definitely suggest pure int for a mage, because even with pure int at level 50, assuming you have level 50 gear, you still get over 100% hit.

And that mage you saw with str instead of dex/int is called a Pally (paladin). Its a mage but build around str to be able to use the str armors for higher HP, armour, and defense. They act more like tanks than damage dealers.

Run Noel, Run!
11-25-2010, 04:51 AM
Pure int sounds pretty good.
Butt does the dex still play a factor after the balance.

11-25-2010, 05:34 AM
Nice name...

11-25-2010, 07:08 AM
for stats,
int increases hit, crit, mana and mana regen
dex increases hit, crit, dodge and armor
however both will increase your base damage and dps, but dex still has more impact than int or str

in my opinion
dex still does a lot for mage especially if you wish to have more damage
I've tested both stats with full int and int/dex (without equipping gears and weapon)
to be honest, I just see slightly differences between int and int/dex
that says, weapons and gears still have most impact than your stats, which I think rebalance still not completed
that's why people are still looking for top gears

for you, as a low level mage
I will say it doesn't matter you do with pure int or int/dex because system might change when you reach level cap
unless you want to play pvp

str mage, I wouldn't do that if I were you just my opinion

11-25-2010, 05:08 PM
Pure int sounds pretty good.
Butt does the dex still play a factor after the balance.

I also prefer pure Int, but you can factor in some Dex for that extra Hit %.

11-25-2010, 06:06 PM
Paladins arent that bad...much better survival and you still can use the same skills as an int Mage, just slightly less effective. I still can hit over 600 with lightening.

11-25-2010, 06:10 PM
Agree. I'm a pally now, and I say its much better than pure int. If pure int was able to one combo most mobs easily, maybe I'd consider. But right now, pally is just able to survive longer making it easier to kill.

11-25-2010, 06:21 PM
An experienced pally can do much more for a team than an int Mage. And if I had a dollar for every time I've revved a pure Mage in full cosmos...

11-25-2010, 06:27 PM
An experienced pally can do much more for a team than an int Mage. And if I had a dollar for every time I've revved a pure Mage in full cosmos...

It can actually out dps a pure mage if solo too. A pure mage can do one combo and run around while trying to get heals and skills in. A pally can full on take a mob and do combos. :)

11-25-2010, 06:35 PM
thats why I said weapons and gears still have most impact than your stats, which I think rebalance is not completed yet

doesn't matter what stats you have, it only has slightly effect without top gears

and str mage, I personally don't like it so I said its just my opinion

also they increased the base health and mana for all the characters,

even you are just lv1, you have same health and mana as lv50 (without gear and weapon)

again, once level cap increase to 70 or 80

mage still will die by one hit with that level mob or boss just like before rebalance update

11-25-2010, 07:08 PM
Dex not neccesary for mage since all elemental attacks/skills always hit. Pure int is THE way to go and nuke the mobs.

11-25-2010, 07:45 PM
Pure int mages are just too squishy. 60 extra armour with basically the same damage....the only advantage is the ability to attack from a distance, which is no use in mobs or when fighting bosses.

11-25-2010, 08:22 PM
Dex not neccesary for mage since all elemental attacks/skills always hit. Pure int is THE way to go and nuke the mobs.

My spells miss whether pure int or dex/int. Idk if it's just mob dodge or spells really do miss.

11-25-2010, 08:50 PM
My spells miss whether pure int or dex/int. Idk if it's just mob dodge or spells really do miss.

Then, in either case, it is still more efficient to go pure Int because of the mana pool increase.

11-25-2010, 08:54 PM
Then, in either case, it is still more efficient to go pure Int because of the mana pool increase.

Of course it is. Higher int also means higher heal and spell damage. I haven't seen any new calculations with the stats if dex increased spell damage more than int (via base damage), but until then I'm sure int increases it as much.

Pally beats a pure int Mage in almost every way though after trying it out. I didn't like pallys much at first until I tried it.