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View Full Version : Breezaga update please

01-08-2014, 11:53 PM
I feel breezaga needs a update as he is much to weak( for mage at least).
Why u might ask

1. His ability is terrible he gets " massive regen". I dont know about you but when i think of massive its alot bigger than the ability actually does. I tested this and for a 3 k health mage it heals 5% of my health by the time its done( this is right after combat btw). Now thats not massive at all. I imagine
This is even worse for warriors.

2. Now lets talk about the passive mana gain. Breezaga autoattacks and you gain mana for every attack he hits( this does not stack with multi target attack still only acts as one target is hit). So once again i tested this max mana i regain was 20. This isnt even very effective mana regain for warriors and rogues. Say a warrior has 500 mana thats 2% mana back each hit which he takes about 5 seconds to hit again. Thats 4% mana back in 10 seconds. That sucks.

3.Now on to his passive: absolutely love the passive tornado at lvl 30 great idea for pushback. Only thing i think is needed for this is gurranteed pushback. This wouldnt be overpowered because in pvp wouldnt help in a fight unless running away. also the pushback is small but still cool idea.

4: his stat boosts im not sure about this but i feel like there bad for being legendary pet only plus 20 int and 8 mana regen and 200 mana.

5: lastly his visuals are bad compared to other elemental pets( glacian Slag).Im not talking appearence just his attack animations. He literally throws a green ball.
When i heard tronado i was expecrting his to actually like send a mini tornado or wind effects ball not green blobs.

Improvements: please give feedback
His ability. I feel since he is supposed to be the mana pet his abiltiy should be a 25% return in mana cooldown of 20 secs( to long to short?)

passive mana regain: his mana regain should be a statistic not a base amount like 20. I feel a fare statistic would be 5% mana regain per autoattack

Padsive attack: one improvement pushback is gurranteed

Stat boosts:Keep 200 mana maybe add plus 10% damage really dont know about this one

Visual upgrades: couple ideas
1. Breezaga seds out a tornado the size of him pushing enemys back in the direction they were facing the tornado
2. Breezaga creates a tornado around himself and charges into enemys
3. Breezaga sends gusts of winds pushing enemys back

01-09-2014, 12:04 AM
Breezaga is a fashion pet. I don't think there's anything else to add on to that.

01-09-2014, 12:19 AM
Breeze is what I like to call a "vanity pet" he was really only released for looks. I do like the tornado suggestion though. I feel that while this pet is "rare", it should not have sold for the price it did. Atleast that protects the rarity though.

01-09-2014, 12:30 AM
It's only a legendary pet. Its only worth alot for it rarity not its usefulness.

01-09-2014, 12:43 AM
With his release, developers said his multi hits return mana with each.
Is he not working properly then?

01-09-2014, 01:43 AM
Vanity pet. At the prices he's going at, you're better off saving up for a mythic or Arcane pet!

01-09-2014, 01:52 AM
Vanity pet. At the prices he's going at, you're better off saving up for a mythic or Arcane pet!

I was saving up for breezaga till friends told me he just wasn't that good of a pet. Spent my gold on the Xmas tree vanity to complete my collection instead.