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View Full Version : Getting rich

01-09-2014, 09:50 AM
So I've recently came back to this game and I'm wondering how ppl make money in this game. It is totally unlike PL where ppl would spam words all day. Do ppl here just buy crates over and over? Just curious.

01-09-2014, 10:30 AM
So I've recently came back to this game and I'm wondering how ppl make money in this game. It is totally unlike PL where ppl would spam words all day. Do ppl here just buy crates over and over? Just curious.

with farm you cant get rich in AL. but you can get enougt money for good legendarys.. or farm months for 1-2 mytic ( still cant be rich ).. or buy - sell items ( soo boring for me i dont do it ) but its have better money than farm..

01-09-2014, 10:35 AM
farm crates, open with plat, loot expensive drops, repeat.
like venomschaos says, it's very difficult to make a ton of gold in this game by farming only. if you are a good merchant then you can do it but farming only is really hard unless u want to spend 5 plus hours a day doing it. right now is not a good time to farm since prices have crashed so hard.

01-09-2014, 10:49 AM
Also if you havent a lepre, your first step is farm locked in bracken or km3 when you get reroll bless, in 30 min reroll mostly you can find 2-3 locked, but dont forget its just lucky, more time i get nothing on 1 hour combo and 30 min reroll times 0 locked .. repeat it till you get a lepre ( without lepre like imposible find locked on farms ). after buy a lepre you can farm lockeds and eggs ( brackenridge + km3 good for locked farm )...

or open locked crates with plat and you will rich without farm :)

01-09-2014, 10:56 AM
or open locked crates with plat and you will rich without farm :)

Or open hundreds of crates and get crap that ain't worth much

01-09-2014, 10:57 AM
Same question am confused how to make money to afford stuff

01-09-2014, 11:23 AM
Or open hundreds of crates and get crap that ain't worth much

ahaha or farm hundreds elite warchest and open for a mytic hope and get nothing :) or get reroll / combo and start farm with locked + egg hope and after waste 1-2 hour you get nothing :)
( yes sametimes its happening 1-2-3 hour 0 locked can be happen. also farm elites days and nothing drop for you its happening to )

01-09-2014, 11:29 AM
AL was designed to make plat buyers rich with locked crates while free players struggle with almost impossible Merching with high listing fee and the hard farming, u basically lose money farming by using up so much pots and getting crap drops

01-09-2014, 12:45 PM
AL was designed to make plat buyers rich with locked crates while free players struggle with almost impossible Merching with high listing fee and the hard farming, u basically lose money farming by using up so much pots and getting crap drops

Hahahaha I haven't bought a single plat and I have around 20mill...
My friend has 42mill and has never bought a single plat!
And many more with 10+mill

Just because your a spender and not willing to put time into this game...

01-09-2014, 12:59 PM
AL was designed to make plat buyers rich with locked crates while free players struggle with almost impossible Merching with high listing fee and the hard farming, u basically lose money farming by using up so much pots and getting crap drops

Hahahaha I haven't bought a single plat and I have around 20mill...
My friend has 42mill and has never bought a single plat!
And many more with 10+mill

Just because your a spender and not willing to put time into this game...

I'm saying this in a different perspective. I'm not a spender and I spent countless hours farming and I only make enough to buy decent gear for my alts and pots. Not everyone has same luck when farming or Merching like you or ur friend

01-09-2014, 01:18 PM
One big problem is folks just spend their gold on items with minimal/limited improvements over what they currently have and by the time they try and resell the gear it is worthless...

I have spent very little real money in the game and have never looted a Mythic or Arcane item. But I save gold and pick up every drop. This adds up over time. I currently have Mythic Armor, Helm, and Pendant as well as the Best Legendary Bow and A Troll Necromatic Ring which was listed way below Market value (aka I got lucky). I also have about 5M gold plus a few items of value. Thanks to the Gem system I needed backup gear during upgrades.

I don't consider myself rich but I have more than many in the game have. Thats because when leveling I don't constantly upgrade to the next best item. For example when the next cap comes out I won't purchase better gear until I am at level cap again. I will keep gear that improves my stats as long as it isn't worth a lot of money which in that case I will sell.

Also pay attention to forums. When the next cap is announced that is the time to sell all your current cap gear and settle for second level stuff for the next cap. This way you can get the most gold for current gear. If you just hold on to current max level gear through the next cap it will be worthless. By the next cap current Mythic Rings and Pendants will no longer be the best in game so selling them while they still hold value may be prudent.

Also play the markets, don't sell good event loot at the end of the event, that is when it is cheapest. Sell it early if you get it or wait a couple months after the event and you will get a better price. Also save Lockeds for events, expand that inventory and hold them. You will get 50%-100% more for them during Mythic events.

As for Farming the best item I ever got was a Troll Necro ring from Krunch 2. At the time I sold it for 1.5m. Eggs are also good. Sometimes when I get a Reroll elixer instead of hunting crates I will Solo Elite Forest looking for Kettle eggs. At one point I looted 5 Kettle eggs over 2 days. Kettle doesn't bring in big money but it's better than Locked and is immediately sellable.

My 2 Cents,


01-09-2014, 01:53 PM
Hahahaha I haven't bought a single plat and I have around 20mill...
My friend has 42mill and has never bought a single plat!
And many more with 10+mill

Just because your a spender and not willing to put time into this game...

sure and u have no life bcus all the time u play AL ;) some people have life, family, friends and work. not the same time we have only 2-3 hours to play and its impossible to be rich with ''farming'' ;)

the merch is destroyed for casual players.

01-09-2014, 02:17 PM
hmmm after read last replys i ll change my first reply...

you can be rich if you farm 8-10-15 hour per day maybe 5 - 10++ month later you can be rich... or buy sell and farm 5-10 ++ month with waste your every days in game.. or just use plat :) ok now its better info than my first reply... but its imposible with 2-3 hour play.. play 2 hour every day if you are super luckly you will be rich year later :) but who know maybe 1 year later game will died ? everything have a end nothing going to forever...

for my opinion AL not a farmable form game, if you want be rich you should open lockeds ( 100-200-500 whatewer)

in the right hand = if you have per day 8-10+ hour for game and farming hard for become rich << just work 2-3 week in irl and buy plat with that money..

in the left hand = you need to waste year for get same statu gears..

Or the other choice = farm little when you have time, awarage 1-2 hour in day maybe.. you cant get rich with it but you dont have to rich for play AL, you can enjoy elite maps with your friends with legendary items ( elite shuyal to )... legendary cap set i can tell you a cheaper good set for mage if you are mage

architech brutal ( 150 k lvl 35 )

winter ring lvl 35 ( better than lvl 36 ), or buy a lvl 36 int winter ring 39 int, cheaper than lvl 35.

tarlok emulat lvl 35 cheaper, and only 1 defance less than lvl 36.

architech security armor and helmet enought for elites.

a malison / orion could be good to..

so all this items enought ( not best ) and cost you like 300 k..

pvp with legendary items different topic :)

01-09-2014, 05:15 PM
AL was designed to make plat buyers rich with locked crates while free players struggle with almost impossible Merching with high listing fee and the hard farming, u basically lose money farming by using up so much pots and getting crap drops
Agreed with one addition/correction Al was designed to make sts rich not the users.

01-09-2014, 05:29 PM
AL was designed to make plat buyers rich with locked crates while free players struggle with almost impossible Merching with high listing fee and the hard farming, u basically lose money farming by using up so much pots and getting crap drops
Agreed with one addition/correction Al was designed to make sts rich not the users.

Sorry for the grammar meant rich as in gold for the players xD

01-09-2014, 05:53 PM
buy 500k gold over and over with plat

01-09-2014, 05:57 PM
Sorry for the grammar meant rich as in gold for the players xD
I knew what u meant :) i was just adding a dose of the real world to this thread
:)As always Have a nice day(:

01-09-2014, 06:11 PM
I have to say that you cant get rich exlusively with farming... I tried it myself and needed 2 months just for one mythic helm. Imo you need a lucky hand in this game. I would suggest you farm as many lockeds as you can and then sell it while an event for example mythic weekend or something. The right combination between farming and merching is the key to make money without becoming bored while shouting buy this sell that in pier, if you know what i mean ;) but honestly Im not that into this game anymore since im fully mytjic geared. Theres nothing more to do except chatting and helping. Well good luck with farming/merching :)

01-09-2014, 06:26 PM
I have to say that you cant get rich exlusively with farming... I tried it myself and needed 2 months just for one mythic helm. Imo you need a lucky hand in this game. I would suggest you farm as many lockeds as you can and then sell it while an event for example mythic weekend or something. The right combination between farming and merching is the key to make money without becoming bored while shouting buy this sell that in pier, if you know what i mean ;) but honestly Im not that into this game anymore since im fully mytjic geared. Theres nothing more to do except chatting and helping. Well good luck with farming/merching :)

Are you in pocket legends now? if not someone has your name there lol

01-09-2014, 06:36 PM
I made just about all my gold by farming locked crates with a leprechaun amulet and the occasional elixir from klaas/shazbot. From my experience farming elite maps just doesn't make as much gold overall as farming easy maps for locked. Yeah when you get a good drop in elites it's great but the thousands you lose in potions and the amount of times played before you get that drop doesn't work well.

Farming locked on easy stages is something I can do without concentrating so I can do it while out with friends or while at work(luckily my day job doesn't care that I play while there) plus I make gold while farming even if I don't get any locked.

Merching to me is not much different from opening locked crates. It's a gamble and you may end up losing a lot of gold/plat this way or strike it rich.

This is just from my experience but I've managed to get a pretty extensive collection of pets and Mage gear just by doing this.

Prahasit Prahi
01-09-2014, 09:00 PM
I still remember the day when i started at 0,... three four months back when leprechaun was launched I used to have around 189k gold and I can't even afford that at starting leprechaun prices are 250k above but someone sold me a leprechaun for 188k,on that day I started to farm locks got the spent 189k in 1 day from crates later one of my friend said about mearching started to mearch with leprechauns and crates made a decent amount of 1m in a week i thought that's huge amount lol :)

Everyone in game have a different kind of style of earning money in game some mearch,some farm,some scam,some convert plat to gold!!

Farming elites for hard 15min and getting crappy drops makes us irritate I know but U can farm at sometimes like when u get luck elixir try farming elites that 30min u may get a better loot,just 2 days back one of my friend got 2 warefares in 30min in 3 runs using 30min elixir it's purely luck

Mearching it's fun until u enjoy I mean in the sense if u r ready to face anything either loss or gain then u might find mearching interesting or else if ur frightened about that u may get loss u can't enjoy mearching and u stop

Scamming it's not allowed but some stupid b**** scam in game and make some people quit I really feel sad about the people who got scammed

And lastly if ur rich enough convert plat to gold u may not do directly but u can buy vanities and sell them during events

This is my experience!!

01-09-2014, 10:42 PM
I still remember the day when i started at 0,... three four months back when leprechaun was launched I used to have around 189k gold and I can't even afford that at starting leprechaun prices are 250k above but someone sold me a leprechaun for 188k,on that day I started to farm locks got the spent 189k in 1 day from crates later one of my friend said about mearching started to mearch with leprechauns and crates made a decent amount of 1m in a week i thought that's huge amount lol :)

Everyone in game have a different kind of style of earning money in game some mearch,some farm,some scam,some convert plat to gold!!

Farming elites for hard 15min and getting crappy drops makes us irritate I know but U can farm at sometimes like when u get luck elixir try farming elites that 30min u may get a better loot,just 2 days back one of my friend got 2 warefares in 30min in 3 runs using 30min elixir it's purely luck

Mearching it's fun until u enjoy I mean in the sense if u r ready to face anything either loss or gain then u might find mearching interesting or else if ur frightened about that u may get loss u can't enjoy mearching and u stop

Scamming it's not allowed but some stupid b**** scam in game and make some people quit I really feel sad about the people who got scammed

And lastly if ur rich enough convert plat to gold u may not do directly but u can buy vanities and sell them during events

This is my experience!!

2 entombed hammer of warfare in 30 mins? how he find bael so fast? umm farming destroy when theys put bael only with '' killing boss'' i remembe 3-5 month ago with 30 mins elixir u farm 6-7 locked minimum 4. and now theys down the drop and u can go for 3 hours and get only 1 or 2.

theys destroy the game for non-money players make it so many hard why? to make this people buy platinum too..

6-7 month ago the game very balance. sorcerer decent dmg and kill good. now theys sucks. rogue now are the best character.

after shuyal expansion farming/merch destroy if u farm items u can't sell bcus anyone wanna buy it. if u put in auction never selll..

before devourer items come all people buying entombed and lv 31 weapons bcus are the best before mytic. now all people get a devourer items and fight with that a 15k item or 5k lol

01-10-2014, 01:10 AM
I've recently read in a thread that farming doesn't give much money anymore. I'd like to say that I'm a decent merchant in PL, but how exactly do u merch in AL? I don't see anybody spamming. The only thing I see ATM worth it is hoarding which I think I've done well at. Also, do ppl here sell on cs? Listing high prices costs so much... D:

01-10-2014, 01:20 AM
2.merching agent (middleman.take comm)

Other than opening crates.

01-10-2014, 01:35 AM
Are you in pocket legends now? if not someone has your name there lol

Lol if I find this guy i will first hug him and then shoot him xD I tried PL once but wasnt my game haha and yea was really wondering that this name has been taken already

01-10-2014, 01:54 AM
for me,after i investigate it,it was easy..just spend ur real money to this game and u will get wht u want..but i didnt do tht,i find money from the game..so,its ur choice to choose : spend ur real money or try to collect money in game XD

Prahasit Prahi
01-10-2014, 05:55 AM
2 entombed hammer of warfare in 30 mins? how he find bael so fast? umm farming destroy when theys put bael only with '' killing boss'' i remembe 3-5 month ago with 30 mins elixir u farm 6-7 locked minimum 4. and now theys down the drop and u can go for 3 hours and get only 1 or 2.

theys destroy the game for non-money players make it so many hard why? to make this people buy platinum too..

6-7 month ago the game very balance. sorcerer decent dmg and kill good. now theys sucks. rogue now are the best character.

after shuyal expansion farming/merch destroy if u farm items u can't sell bcus anyone wanna buy it. if u put in auction never selll..

before devourer items come all people buying entombed and lv 31 weapons bcus are the best before mytic. now all people get a devourer items and fight with that a 15k item or 5k lol

we get entombed from Oltagr right ? so what's use of bael?

01-10-2014, 11:00 AM
sure and u have no life bcus all the time u play AL ;) some people have life, family, friends and work. not the same time we have only 2-3 hours to play and its impossible to be rich with ''farming'' ;)

the merch is destroyed for casual players.

I'm 15 I have a life too (School takes up 7hours) so nice comment I bet your the one with no life..
I spend maybe 1-2hours a day :)

And I started merching when I reached 10mill so farming will get you there.

01-10-2014, 11:08 AM
sure and u have no life bcus all the time u play AL ;) some people have life, family, friends and work. not the same time we have only 2-3 hours to play and its impossible to be rich with ''farming'' ;)

the merch is destroyed for casual players.
Why u guys spend SO much gold for playing a game where u cant be online a lot? Thats dumb and a bad reason. Sam isn't no life, if u wanna see nolife people then look to some other players. Also those people who 'Aren't Nolife cuz they have family and work' spend so much money what they cud give to their kids for a nice gift or so, but they dont, because they wanna pay $1000-$10000 for a game what they play 2 hrs a day.

01-10-2014, 11:35 AM
It all comes down to lazyness. I have 2 jobs and a son that take alot of my time up and haven't had any problems making gold with only a couple hours a day to Farm locked. People just want everything without either paying money for plat or putting the time in to farm. Thankfully this game allows you to get almost anything without spending real money (a few pets excluded). You just have to put some time in.

01-10-2014, 11:38 AM
Spam words all day in PL for making money???how??

01-10-2014, 11:55 AM
I'm 15 I have a life too (School takes up 7hours) so nice comment I bet your the one with no life..
I spend maybe 1-2hours a day :)

And I started merching when I reached 10mill so farming will get you there.
Youre just a noob with skills buddy bwahaha ;) ^^

01-10-2014, 11:57 AM
Youre just a noob with skills buddy bwahaha ;) ^^

Lol yep I'm noob, but aren't you? That is why we are friends lol
Love killing you in pvp :)

01-10-2014, 12:02 PM
Lol yep I'm noob, but aren't you? That is why we are friends lol
Love killing you in pvp :)
Its not hard to kill a noob like me in pvp though xD

01-10-2014, 05:39 PM
Lol if I find this guy i will first hug him and then shoot him xD I tried PL once but wasnt my game haha and yea was really wondering that this name has been taken already
Yea saw him in-game and I pmed him like thx for the signature sorry I couldn't use it because I started all the way over in everything but lemme pay you.... needless to say I lost 100k to a phony..

P.S. I made this one I'm using now. Can't compare to yours but I thought it was pretty good lol

01-10-2014, 06:58 PM
we get entombed from Oltagr right ? so what's use of bael?

entombed in oltgar? eh? maybe sts change drop? bcus Bael II drop entombed, daggers and staff lv 35,31.

01-10-2014, 09:59 PM
farm crates, open with plat, loot expensive drops, repeat.
like venomschaos says, it's very difficult to make a ton of gold in this game by farming only. if you are a good merchant then you can do it but farming only is really hard unless u want to spend 5 plus hours a day doing it. right now is not a good time to farm since prices have crashed so hard.

If you are trying to get rich, dont open the crates. Its a waste of platinum and it doesnt guarantee that you'll get good gear. I once opened about 50 crates once (700k gold worth and about 750 platinum in price). I got back about 500k gold, and 500 platinum in total. So i basically lost 200k gold and 250 platinum. It is VERY POSSIBLE to get rich quickly by farming alone. Ive seen it happen before. I know people who have made 300k in one hour JUST from farming. You just have to know what to farm. If you dont feel like farming, merching is a good idea. One of the richest players in the game (always seen selling expensive gear in cs) got their riches from buying low and selling high. For example, you see an item for 220k and the next one for 320k. Buying the 220k one and selling for 300k would give you a quick 80k profit. Great opportunity, though great risk from possible competition or lack of demand. Another merching opportunity would be locked crates. I sometimes see a locked crate that has a 0 off (others being 15,000 and one being 1,500) due to rush. I go for it, but someone else beats me to it.

01-10-2014, 10:36 PM
U can make some money but to gwt arcanes u have to spend real money

01-10-2014, 11:07 PM
If you choose merching, make sure you're smart with it. I just lose money xD

01-11-2014, 09:04 AM
we get entombed from Oltagr right ? so what's use of bael?
Bael drops 2-3m loot :p