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View Full Version : Spacetime Studios Website/Forums (Urgency I Beg)

11-23-2010, 01:28 AM
So I am a newly-addicted player, making my Droid 2 work overtime to keep up with my mad slashin'! Thing is, I am totally interested in using the forums more, but seem to be having many issues. I am confused as to why a company that has made such gargantuan strides in the field of MMMORPGs (mobile massive multiplayer roleplaying games ... phew) it seems that you would also be capable of a more mobile friendly website ... OR and here is the suggestion part ... an Android forums application. My fingers are just able to play the game, but when it comes to navigating the forums, they are unforgiving in their ignorance of maneuverability. Please, I humbly beg, tell me that this is something already being looked into.

Thanks so much,
Ruffs the Avian Button-masher

11-23-2010, 03:21 AM
I am confused as to why a company that has made such gargantuan strides in the field of MMMORPGs (mobile massive multiplayer roleplaying games ... phew) it seems that you would also be capable of a more mobile friendly website ...

There's a mobile skin for the forum. Learn more here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?4973-On-a-Low-Bandwidth-Phone-Connection-Try-Out-the-New-Mobile-Version!

11-23-2010, 07:56 AM
The mobile skin is trash. I prefer the normal one any day.

Make a nice one and in-game forum ftw!