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View Full Version : Key to Locked Grand Crate of the Watch

01-10-2014, 11:07 AM
Hi,i have suggestion to make arena such (Dimensional Gladiator Arena). That arena will consists from 3 bosses.What will that arena submit:
1.From this arena we may lootted key.(What will that key submit read in subparagraph 4 )
2.From fist boss we can lotted copper key;
3.From second=> silver;
3.From third=> golden key;
4.Key: its the rare item which can be looted from that bosses. With that key we can open Locked free...
Now i tell you about diferent keys.
You can open locked only with golden key(wich you can craft in crafting table,or looted from boss)
To craft golden key you mast to craft together 2 silver key and the use a piece of magic which you can buy in store(purchase will cost 10k gold).
Craft will be 8 hours,and after that you can open locked with key without no plat(You can finished your craft with plat too).
To craft silver key you need to do same procedure but you need 3 copper key and magic which will cost (5k).
BUT!!! With that key you can open only ((locked which lotted such a normal locked but he will be PURPLE RATHER THEN YELLOW and with a small hole for the key))
That locked can be looted in all maps of Arlor such a normal locked.
You can add one slot in crafting table only for keys.
Bosses in arena(can name it Keys Arena): Captain Hately[Elite],Grimnr[Elite],and Warlord Inan'hesh[Elite].
You may ask why this is necessary? I can answer to you: 1.Not all can open locked with plat,and that give's them more inspiration to play and open lolcked free.2 .You will encourage people to game,because something will be not for real money..
So,if you like it,please write here ^_^

01-10-2014, 11:24 AM
i like this idea, but, it will never happen. sts will make a lot less money. a LOT less.

01-10-2014, 11:24 AM
Good idea, but they already have a free version of the locked crates called Elite Golden Puzzlebox.

The developers do say that the rates between the locked and the elite golden are discernible/neglectible. The only thing that is not included in elite golden are the locked crate legendaries and arcane eggs.

01-10-2014, 11:28 AM
Yes sir i like this.

A little correction to not waste devs time would be putting the keys among the new expansion hardest boss loot when it comes out instead of creating a New arena.

01-10-2014, 11:28 AM
Hi,i have suggestion to make arena such (Dimensional Gladiator Arena). That arena will consists from 3 bosses.What will that arena submit:
1.From this arena we may lootted key.(What will that key submit read in subparagraph 4 )
2.From fist boss we can lotted copper key;
3.From second=> silver;
3.From third=> golden key;
4.Key: its the rare item which can be looted from that bosses. With that key we can open Locked free...
Now i tell you about diferent keys.
You can open locked only with golden key(wich you can craft in crafting table,or looted from boss)
To craft golden key you mast to craft together 2 silver key and the use a piece of magic which you can buy in store(purchase will cost 10k gold).
Craft will be 8 hours,and after that you can open locked with key without no plat(You can finished your craft with plat too).
To craft silver key you need to do same procedure but you need 3 copper key and magic which will cost (5k).
BUT!!! With that key you can open only ((locked which lotted such a normal locked but he will be PURPLE RATHER THEN YELLOW and with a small hole for the key))
That locked can be looted in all maps of Arlor such a normal locked.
You can add one slot in crafting table only for keys.
Bosses in arena(can name it Keys Arena): Captain Hately[Elite],Grimnr[Elite],and Warlord Inan'hesh[Elite].
You may ask why this is necessary? I can answer to you: 1.Not all can open locked with plat,and that give's them more inspiration to play and open lolcked free.2 .You will encourage people to game,because something will be not for real money..
So,if you like it,please write here ^_^

It's a good idea but keys should work on a different type of chest, locked crates is what giving devs the money, if opening locks were free, devs wouldn't make as much money so I don't think this idea would be implemented

01-10-2014, 01:42 PM
ahhhahaha Nice idea, but STS also need money. :D

01-11-2014, 04:38 AM
Yeah,they cant do that,they only need money:/

01-11-2014, 09:53 AM
Everybody needs money, not just STS. Unfortunately we all have to eat, buy clothing, pay rent/mortgage, car payment, etc. Nobody works for free.

01-11-2014, 11:27 AM
How come locked are getting so cheap this days?

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01-11-2014, 03:17 PM
How come locked are getting so cheap this days?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

For lockeds value to rise up you need different special "ingredients":

1) A update (any one that doubles loot from crate or adds something new or special to crate loot table)
2) Limited time (Less the update last higher the value of lockeds goes).
3) Suprise ( the lesser time dev gives from the official announcement of the updates to the real time of update the higher crates goes)

None of this ingredients right now is in the "Magic pot of locked crates" hence locked prize drops.

01-11-2014, 11:52 PM
if its all about money than sts shud consider adding some in game adds.......that wont hurt but can give the non plat user something to fight for

01-11-2014, 11:52 PM
or we can have an event in which locked crates can be opened for like 15k gold or something