View Full Version : <Lords of War>

01-10-2014, 12:14 PM
Lords of War​

<pic>Fiery image of gods battling, above a battlefield littered with the fallen. A small group of worth Warriors, Rogues and Mages stand triumphant and proud in the mid distance!</pic>
<alt>yeah I can't do gfx</alt>

Lords of War is an open and friendly guild. We have no achievement point requirement, no level requirement and are more than happy to help new players find there way in the game. We have players from all over the world but we do ask that guild chat is in english as I am rubbish with google translate. We have a good compliment of max level players that are more than happy to lend a hand or an axe wherever it is needed. There are often Elite runs for AP, Farming or fun but the emphasis is on the fun :) We are actively recruiting new players and old.

We have a strong set of officers, to name a few:

Fieralefay (co-chief)
Nehul - AKA neHULK
Jade - the flighty
Foe - me - GM

So sorry to anyone I have missed here :p I still love you all!

Now the boring stuff...

The Lords of War have a set of rules designed to guide players and the guild in a positive direction these are as follows:


You are responsible for the guilds name so act appropriately with all player not just those in guild.
No begging or spamming in guild chat.
No racism, sexism, homophobia will be tolerated.
Officers word is final. it is not up for debate.
If you are seen to help others, people will be more likely to help you. ( This does not constitute a guarantee :p )

Promotion to Recruiter
Being a recruiter is an important position as the people we have in the guild define the guild and we treat it as such. You will have to know the game well and have been with us for some time. This is not to say that our members are not appreciated you are the life and soul of the guild and your efforts are noted.

Recruiter - Level 25 +

Recruiters are the heart of the guild. They govern where the guild will be in the future and there are more expectations that come with this rank:

Keep up with this forum so you know the type of person that we want to recruit.
Try to answer people in guild even if its just to say your busy and cant help.
Know all of the rules and let your recruits know them before you recruit them.
Find out a bit about your recruits do they speak english, how old are they, what are they after in a guild.

Promotion to Officer
Promotion to officer will not be easy, it comes with a lot of power and is only held by a few at any one time. You will need to have proven yourself time and time again. You will need to be Helpful, knowledgeable, active, mature, friendly, patient and a general standout player to be considered. You will also have to be sponsored by an existing officer. This ensures that you have 1 vote form an officer to start the process.

Officer - Level 35 + (alts are the exception)

Officers are the mind of the guild, they are what guides the guild and are its moral compass. You have no room to make mistakes:

See problems and fix them before they get out of hand.
Exemplify what the guild stands for both inside and out of the guild.
Be level headed and fair in all your actions.
Get to know your other officers, NEVER argue with other officers in a public forum or guild chat.
Use common sense as to when to warn and when to kick, give a brief statement in guild chat and leave it at that.
Any abuse of power will lead to demote.

Selling in /g

Selling in guild chat is encouraged if you follow these simple rules

Do not spam, post once every 15mins or so at most.
Check CS before you post.
Guild price should be +10% less than lowest CS price.
I do check.