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View Full Version : Grawries' Ultimate Guide to AL on PC: Full-Screen with Gamepad Control of Mouse/KB!

01-11-2014, 08:35 PM
Hi All...

My girlfriend started playing Arcane Legends on her iPhone, and when I found out there was a Chrome version I decided to give it a try.

Here is my complete guide to setting up Arcane Legends to play amazingly well on PC:

1. Download Chrome:


Download Chrome from Google. Trust me, use Chrome, not any other browser. AL is a Chrome application, playing it in any other browser will not work as well, I promise. I also tried Chrome Canary (beta-ish Chrome) but I found AL runs better in plain Chrome:


Then head over to http://www.arcanelegendsgame.com/ and use the "Available on the Chrome Web Store" link in the top left corner to install the Chrome version of the game.

2. Make AL look amazing in full-screen:


It's fairly easy to get Chrome into full-screen mode, just hit the F11 key. However, an annoying popup appears whenever you mouse near the top of the screen. To get rid of this, run Chrome in Kiosk mode:

- Open your Start Menu and right-click-drag Chrome to your desktop, choosing "Create shortcuts here" from the menu that appears.

- Right click the "Google Chrome" icon you just made on your desktop and choose Properties.

- Change the text in the Target field to the following (note that you may need to edit this if Chrome isn't installed to this path):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -kiosk http://account.spacetimestudios.com/arcanelegends

- Click the General tab near the top of the window and change the text in the box to Arcane Legends. Click OK.

- Note that you need to close out of Chrome completely before using this icon to start Chrome in Kiosk mode. Once it's open, you can still open new tabs with Ctrl-T, but note that AL tends to log you out if you're away from its tab for too long. I think leaving your Options open prevents this.

- Kiosk mode is great, but we want to play at maximum resolution too. So, right-click the Arcane Legends icon on your desktop again and change the Target to:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -kiosk http://account.spacetimestudios.com/arcanelegends/?w=1920&h=1080

- Again note that you may have Chrome somewhere else, eg. just "Program Files" if you are on 32-bit Windows. Also note that you want to set "w=" and "h=" to your monitor's resolution. Find out the resolution by right-clicking your desktop and selecting "Screen Resolution". For example, mine is 1920 x 1080 so my w=1920 and my h=1080. I suggest setting your resolution to the maximum it supports to make AL look as amazing as possible.

- That's all! Just use this icon to start AL and it will open in a beautiful max-res full-screen window!

3. Buy a gamepad:


Using a gamepad for AL is much more finger friendly versus the keyboard controls. I am not aware of a way to remap key bindings for AL, so you're stuck trying to do things like holding down a number key to charge a skill *while* you try to hit W+D to move at an angle. My hands seriously get sore.

Xbox360 controllers are available at a low cost and can be made to work very well with PC. Here is a link to a decent cheap Xbox controller that works well on PC (I'm in Canada and the controller cost me $18 on sale):


4. Make the gamepad work with AL using Xpadder:


Making most gamepads work with AL requires a program called Xpadder. Here is a link to a free version that I got to work with Win7 x64:


- In order to make it work, double click the exe to extract the program, I'd recommend putting "C:\Program Files (x86)\" as the location as this is the normal place Windows keeps applications like this.

- Once you have extracted Xpadder, go to the folder it installed to ("C:\Program Files (x86)\xpadder_gamepad_profiler" if you followed the above step).

- Right-click on Xpadder.exe and choose "Properties".

- Click the "Compatibility" tab near the top of the window.

- Click the checkbox beside "Run this program in compatibility mode for:".

- Select "Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)" from the dropdown menu and click OK.

- Right-click Xpadder.exe and choose "Create Shortcut". Drag "Xpadder.exe - Shortcut" to your desktop.

- Now that Xpadder is installed, time to configure your gamepad:

- Double click the new shortcut on your desktop to start Xpadder.

- Click the small button with a picture of a gamepad and choose "New".

- Click the "Image" tab, then click the Open button, then double-click on the "controllerimages" folder.

- In the top right corner of the Open window, click the "Change Your View" button until you see thumbnails for the different files.

- Double-click the file that most closely resembles your controller. For the controller I linked above, I used "GameStop_Xbox_360.Scorpwanna.USA.bmp".

- Click the "Sticks" tab and make sure "Enabled" is unchecked.

- Click the "DPad" tab and make sure "Enabled" is checked.

- Click the "Triggers" tab and make sure "Enabled" is unchecked.

- Click the "Buttons" tab. Press each button you want to use in AL. A box for each will appear over the picture as you press them.

- Click the "Finish" tab, then click the "Close" button on this tab (not the X button on the window).

- Click the gamepad button again and click "Save".

- Click the button with a picture of a document on it to the right of the gamepad button and click "New".

- Press each button on your gamepad to light up the associated box. Click on each box and then press the key you want associated with that button.

- Here is my mapping (although I am considering swapping Right Bumper and A to give my finger a break). Obviously you can customize this however you prefer:

A - 1 (Skill 1)
B - 2 (Skill 2)
X - 3 (Skill 3)
Y - 4 (Skill 4)
Left Bumper - Esc (Close Window)
Right Bumper - Space (Attack/Interact)
Start Button - Q (Health Potion)
Back Button - E (Mana Potion)
Press Right Stick - 5 (Pet Ability)
Dpad Up - W (Move Up)
Dpad Down - S (Move Down)
Dpad Left - A (Move Left)
Dpad Right - D (Move Right)

- Click the Document-looking button again and click Save, name the file "Arcane Legends".

- Click the X in the top right corner of the Xpadder window and it will coninue running in your System Tray (the area with little icons by your clock in Windows).

- To shut down Xpadder, right click the icon in the System Tray and choose "Close".

- You're done! Xpadder should now control your toon in AL!

edit: You can also use PS3 controllers with PC and with Android. Here are a couple of links to help PS3 people (thanks fritzce):


5. Use your gamepad to control the mouse using Joystick 2 Mouse:


After starting to play with the gamepad, I realized that many functions in AL really require either touchpad or mouse input. So... I searched around and found this program called "Joystick 2 Mouse":


- Install the program and start it up. You may want to uncheck "Launch On Startup" if you prefer to run the program manually when you play AL.

- Make sure "Microsoft PC-joystick driver" is selected in the "Joysticks Profiles Assignments" menu.

- Click the "Profiles" tab near the top of the window. Make sure "Joystick" is "Microsoft PC-joystick driver".

- Under "The Shift Buttons", click each button in the right pane and click Remove, until the right pane is empty.

- Under "Actions Assignment", select each Button or function. For anything with an Action, change it to "<<None>>".

- For my gamepad, I set "Left Stick Pressed" to left click my mouse. To do this, I set Button 9 to Theme "Mouse" and Action "Left Mouse Button". Note this may be different for your gamepad/joystick.

- To figure out button mappings, go to Start -> Control Panel -> Devices and Printers -> Right-click your gamepad and choose "Game Controller Settings" -> Properties. This will allow you to press each joystick button/function to see what the setting is called (eg. Z-axis left/right = triggers).

- I also set my triggers to zoom in and out. To do this I set "Left Z Axis" to Theme "Mouse Wheel" and Action "Scroll Up", and "Right Z Axis" to "Scroll Down".

- Click the Apply button. Click the "Save As" button, then name the file "Mouse Only" and click the "Save" button.

- Click the "Joysticks" tab near the top, then click the "Change" button. Double-click the "Mouse Only" file you just made.

- Click "OK" at the bottom of the Window. Like Xmapper, Joystick 2 Mouse now lives in your System Tray and can be closed by right-clicking its icon in the tray.

- You should now be able to move your mouse using your left stick, left-click by pushing the left stick, and scroll with the mousewheel using the triggers.

6. Being able to type with your gamepad:


I realized with mouse control I was a lot closer to AL perfection, but I still couldn't chat or type commands. Then I realized Windows includes an on-screen keyboard.

- Open your start menu and type "keyboard" into the search box, and the first result should be "On-Screen Keyboard". I suggest right-clicking it and choosing "Pin to Start Menu" for easy opening later.

- Open On-Screen keyboard and you will see a little keyboard appear. I suggest dragging the keyboard edges until it is as small as possible and locating it in the bottom right corner of your screen as it interferes with AL the least here.

- On-Screen Keyboard has semi-working "always on top" functionality, meaning it should stay on top of your Chrome window while you are playing AL. To make it look nicer, download and install "Peek Through":


- Run Peek Through, switch to On-Screen Keyboard, and press Windows Key + A. This should make the window transparent... looks way nicer, doesn't it?

- I'm experimenting with mapping Right Trigger to "Alt-Tab" in Joystick 2 Mouse so that I can hide On-Screen Keyboard when I'm not using it, but I haven't worked the kinks out yet. I had to go to the Actions tab in Joystick 2 Mouse and create a new Action that did Hold-Alt + Hit-Tab. As I said, just sort of experimental so I'm not really going into much more detail here.

- You may also want to click the Options button on the keyboard and uncheck "Use click sound".

- That's it! You should now have a snazzy semi-opaque keyboard in the bottom right of your AL window while playing. Pretty sweet.

7. Use your TV:


If you have a decent TV and haven't bothered hooking your computer up to it, this is a good chance to try it out. I am posting this guide in early January so check for post-holiday deals, 40-something inch TV's are pretty cheap these days.

Here is a link to a LifeHacker article that will teach you how to connect your PC/Apple to your TV:


Well, that's my guide! I hope this helps people enjoy AL on PC to the maximum level. Many of the techniques in this guide can also be applied to other games as well.

Note that I run up-to-date ESET Antivirus and no threats were detected downloading or using any of these programs. That being said, use these programs at your own risk!

Also, I wrote the guide on a Windows 7 Pro x64 desktop PC and the PDP gamepad I mentioned above. Your experience may differ and stuff.

Thanks to the following authors/threads for providing information/images used in this guide, as well as any others I may have forgotten to mention:


01-12-2014, 12:50 AM
Thank God i have my chinese tablet.

Good job though your guide is op.

Prahasit Prahi
01-12-2014, 12:57 AM
Dude u simply rock

Upto now I don't know that i can play with joystick on pc,after this guide I gotta throw my phone aside if it works start using PC thanks a lottt :)

Awesome it worked on Win 7

thanks a lot from today I don't need to charge my phone those many times xD

01-12-2014, 02:05 AM
This is actually a comprehensive guide! Good job

01-12-2014, 02:30 AM
Thanks for the positive feedback all!

01-12-2014, 03:07 AM
This was a great guide ! Really helpful and detailing explanation , good job.

01-12-2014, 03:23 AM
Mother of guide

Send using my cellphone.. yes my cellphone

01-12-2014, 08:47 AM
Original PS3 controllers can also be used as a gamepad, no need to buy new one, just dl "Sixaxis" program for desktop then follow the rest on this thread

01-12-2014, 10:24 AM
Pro guide. I didn't realize AL is playable with gamepad. Thanks.

01-12-2014, 10:52 AM
Good job!
I'm gonna order a gamepad on Amazon now.

01-12-2014, 12:10 PM
Simply amazing! Damn what a guide. Best guide ive ever seen!! :D Thx you very much!

01-12-2014, 12:18 PM
Have you tried using your joystick to pvp?
do you mind giving me any feedbacks if you have?

01-12-2014, 01:11 PM
Holy directions and pictures. Well put out. Nice job.

01-12-2014, 01:31 PM
Nice Job - You good effort and time to make this guide :) Move to the guide section plz

01-12-2014, 03:03 PM
EliteFamily: I'm still pretty new to AL and the couple times I decided to try PvP there were no players. I figure I'm going to explore PvP a lot more at level cap, where I imagine there are a lot more active games. I can tell you from doing PvE that the gamepad is much better than keyboard/mouse for heavy combat situations. The gamepad is less great for mouse/touchpad intensive activities, like listing stuff in the CS for example. Mouse control with the stick works, but is definitely slower than a real mouse or touch interface. For heavy mousing, I just walk over to my computer and do it the old fashioned way.

01-12-2014, 04:14 PM
Is it just me, or has the guide gone walkabout? O.o

01-12-2014, 04:36 PM
Lol.. Guide gone MIA. ;)

01-12-2014, 04:49 PM
EliteFamily: I'm still pretty new to AL and the couple times I decided to try PvP there were no players. I figure I'm going to explore PvP a lot more at level cap, where I imagine there are a lot more active games. I can tell you from doing PvE that the gamepad is much better than keyboard/mouse for heavy combat situations. The gamepad is less great for mouse/touchpad intensive activities, like listing stuff in the CS for example. Mouse control with the stick works, but is definitely slower than a real mouse or touch interface. For heavy mousing, I just walk over to my computer and do it the old fashioned way.

I see, i must try this.

01-12-2014, 06:09 PM
I cant see the original post with the actual guide lol.

when I hit F11 i still have non-game stuff around the border??

01-13-2014, 02:04 AM
Not sure why the guide disappeared... I edited it and I think possibly it needed to be approved by a moderator again?

Can everyone see the post again alright?

01-13-2014, 02:09 AM
stackz: you want to create a shortcut from your desktop that looks something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -kiosk http://account.spacetimestudios.com/...?w=1920&h=1080

The "w=####&h=####" part sets AL to the full resolution of your monitor (mine is 1920x1080). The kiosk part makes it perma-fullscreen without the pop-up at the top of the screen.

01-13-2014, 02:09 AM
i can see it o_o

01-13-2014, 03:14 AM
Hello there, im a bit concerned.. u said your new to AL yet use Greencrows screen who is an old player. Did he give you permission to steal from his how to play al fullscreen guide.

01-13-2014, 04:47 AM
Hello there, im a bit concerned.. u said your new to AL yet use Greencrows screen who is an old player. Did he give you permission to steal from his how to play al fullscreen guide.

Don't troll dude.

01-13-2014, 11:28 AM
Very good guide!

01-13-2014, 08:08 PM
StopDrop'N'Troll: Your name says enough.

Greencrows: Thank you for the use of your photo. Please contact me if you would like your image removed from my post.

01-13-2014, 08:50 PM
stackz: you want to create a shortcut from your desktop that looks something like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -kiosk http://account.spacetimestudios.com/...?w=1920&h=1080

The "w=####&h=####" part sets AL to the full resolution of your monitor (mine is 1920x1080). The kiosk part makes it perma-fullscreen without the pop-up at the top of the screen.

I think I will try this tomorrow when I havent been drinking...did I mention I'm a chrome noob? lol. I normally play on my kindle or phone. the keyboard on the pc has me utterly kerflobbabled...or something like that.

so I should cut/past what you posted to my desktop and it'll magically work?

01-13-2014, 09:56 PM
stackz: It depends on your computer. Do you happen to know if your Windows is 64-bit? You can find out by clicking the Start button, then right-clicking Computer and choosing Properties. After "System Type" it should say 32-bit or 64-bit. If it's 64 then you can use the format I posted. If 32-bit, you have to change "Program Files (x86)" to "Program Files". Assuming you installed Chrome with its default path, that should do it.

01-14-2014, 05:08 AM
Wait, is it possible to walk with the left joystick? or do you have to use DPad?

01-14-2014, 08:41 AM
Awesome Guide , mate !! :
Save lots of ma tine

01-18-2014, 01:05 PM
Gesaffelstein: Although you can use Joystick 2 Mouse to set up walking from the left stick, this would replace mouse control. It doesn't seem like the axes that right stick maps to are set up in Joystick 2 Mouse, as the program was apparently created for the Sidewinder gamepad. Moving with the D-pad isn't really too bad, and although I agree the stick feels nicer for movement, I feel like having mouse control is more important overall.

On a different note, does anyone know how I report this guide to have it moved to the Guides section? Thanks in advance.

01-18-2014, 01:36 PM
I have a very similar set up to this! Loving it! Playing on the phone or using keyboard hurts my hands.

01-20-2014, 01:46 AM
Gesaffelstein: Although you can use Joystick 2 Mouse to set up walking from the left stick, this would replace mouse control. It doesn't seem like the axes that right stick maps to are set up in Joystick 2 Mouse, as the program was apparently created for the Sidewinder gamepad. Moving with the D-pad isn't really too bad, and although I agree the stick feels nicer for movement, I feel like having mouse control is more important overall.

On a different note, does anyone know how I report this guide to have it moved to the Guides section? Thanks in advance.

Pm a mod I believe. Excellent guide.

01-20-2014, 03:02 AM
Great guide , planning to give pc a whirl and this will definitely help.

01-26-2014, 11:01 AM
Hi all,

I'd love to get my guide moved to the Guides forum, but from what I've seen we are supposed to PM a Moderator to have the guide moved. Problem is, it looks like Private Messaging is disabled on these forums now. When I go to my Private Messages page, all I get is:

Grawries, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Can anyone advise me on what I'm doing wrong, or what the correct process is to request having this post moved to the Guides section?


- Grawries

01-26-2014, 01:54 PM
Very nice guide grawl! Playing full screen on TV is a completely different experience than playing on phone. Nice job putting this together. :)

As for your problem, I believe it should have already sorted itself. Most forum boards have certain mechanisms to prevent unwanted spamming from both bots and people. Therefore a limit of posts must be reached before being given permission to PM a moderator.

That limit should be close to what you already have, 10-15 posts. If the problem persists after 15 post count, let us know and someone can PM the mod for you.

Good luck. :)

01-26-2014, 01:56 PM
Looks much better thank you.

01-26-2014, 05:25 PM
Thanks Madnex!

01-28-2014, 05:13 AM
those who have original ps3 controllers can use them as a gamepad instead of buying a new one. lol

01-28-2014, 07:24 AM
You can use an xbox controller on a computer?!?!?! does this work on an iMac?? I want to use my xbox controller!! what type of cord is that!

01-28-2014, 09:57 AM
I hope this gets moved over with the guides:) great guide!

01-28-2014, 10:08 AM
Good guide. I must give this a go. Playing on tablet hurts my fingers when playing for long time and playing with keyboard is slow for me.

Again thank you for this guide :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-28-2014, 07:25 PM
Moved to guides and stickied for now. May unsticky it later.

01-29-2014, 03:45 AM
Congrats on the sticky:)

01-30-2014, 12:32 AM
Thanks H2N! Thanks Tehh!

01-30-2014, 02:00 AM
Thanks H2N! Thanks Tehh!

Graw, what type of cord is that to connect from the controller to the computer? and does it have to be windows pc? will it work on an iMac?

01-30-2014, 11:11 AM
Also you could try using the sixaxis app in play store. These guides on how to do that.

01-31-2014, 01:35 AM
Also you could try using the sixaxis app in play store. These guides on how to do that.

PS3 controller though^_^

01-31-2014, 04:26 AM
Paired over Bluetooth. With custom key mapping to fit to screen. Have to change blue Mac address though. Then every time you plug in to charge the Bluetooth host is changed back to ps3.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

01-31-2014, 01:16 PM
Jig: It's just USB... beyond that I'm not entirely sure how to get things going on an Apple computer. If you figure it out, please post it here and I'll add it to the guide!

Tizzle: Yep I added a link to a Gizmodo page that explains using SixAxis, it's at the end of the Xpadder section.

Thanks for the support all!

01-31-2014, 09:47 PM
Jig: It's just USB... beyond that I'm not entirely sure how to get things going on an Apple computer. If you figure it out, please post it here and I'll add it to the guide!

Tizzle: Yep I added a link to a Gizmodo page that explains using SixAxis, it's at the end of the Xpadder section.

Thanks for the support all!

Ah fair enough then. :) Yes if I do figure it out I will let ya know to put it here, but I doubt as I don't have the cords+Time and patience to do this :/

02-03-2014, 06:30 PM
Wow just seeing this... Definitely gonna have to try this out, getting a new PC soon :D

02-03-2014, 06:54 PM
I've done it. I could post a guide possibly

02-08-2014, 11:50 AM
Tizzle: If you want to make your own guide then I understand, but if you do want me to add an Apple section to my guide I'd be happy to (and to give you credit of course). Thanks again to all for reading my guide and for the positive feedback!

02-13-2014, 01:43 AM
You can view the page at http://forums.spacetimestudios.com/content.php?118-The-Spacetime-Game-Engine

It would actually be for android. I don't think the apps are available on iOS. But I can't take credits, credits belong to someone else :)

02-15-2014, 03:20 AM
i was planning to play on pc and voila!
thank you so much for this guide.

02-15-2014, 10:47 PM
Nice Info

02-19-2014, 05:39 PM
its Works

Sent from my Andromax-c using Tapatalk

02-20-2014, 03:44 PM
Cool guide! :D

02-28-2014, 02:02 PM
Extremely grateful for this guide. Time to nerd bad time now!


03-08-2014, 11:56 PM
u're rock dude :banana:

04-21-2014, 10:12 PM
can i play it using gamepades with 8 buttons?

05-19-2014, 10:27 AM
Nice guide but i would also like to know if i can play with a ps3 or a xbox 360 controller on my Xperia Z1 (android 4.4) Arcane legends. :)
Can anyone answer me please ? :)

05-19-2014, 10:05 PM
Nice guide but i would also like to know if i can play with a ps3 or a xbox 360 controller on my Xperia Z1 (android 4.4) Arcane legends. :)
Can anyone answer me please ? :)

Probably only play on the computer with an xbox controller as far as I know, dunno about ps3-ps4, surely they can too..

06-06-2014, 08:43 PM
Nice guide but i would also like to know if i can play with a ps3 or a xbox 360 controller on my Xperia Z1 (android 4.4) Arcane legends. :)
Can anyone answer me please ? :)

Sorry for the delay, I haven't been around AL much lately. Here is a link to a guide for using a controller with Android. Note that I haven't actually tried doing it.


06-08-2014, 07:29 AM
Also with Xbox controllers, I only recently found out that apparently only non wireless controllers work on computers, you NEED a wired controller, because with a Wired controller, even if you have a cable to connect to the computer, it will ONLY use it as a charger but it will always be trying to connect to an Xbox console.

Correct me if I'm wrong, or if there is some sort of special cable for it as I have no ever heard of one so...

06-17-2014, 11:14 AM
Ty ty for the guide.

10-13-2014, 12:04 PM
This post is one of the most helpfull posts i read.
whole thing work without problems; with little adjustments i think many people will find that out too.


01-11-2015, 11:04 PM

02-03-2015, 05:58 AM
thanks a lot, this guide helped me a lot..thank you!

03-22-2015, 06:41 AM
I huge thanks to this thread! I actually can play the game in my TV :D

12-21-2015, 06:45 PM
Thnx for great info

12-22-2015, 08:24 PM
no one knew about this? lol so old

05-27-2016, 05:40 PM
this right here changed the game. no pun intended :x

05-28-2016, 03:22 PM
Im first day on this forum and found many tutorials and guides!

08-06-2016, 04:09 PM
Thanks for posting this! Just bought a STEAM controller; will try all these tips out!

05-30-2017, 10:40 PM
Thank you for this useful post. Sadly I don't use chrome. It is too resource hungry.
And using it on my laptop is impractical.

10-13-2018, 07:42 AM
Out here using a n64 controller for nostalgia in late 2018 :,)
Also imma bump this perfect productive A1 thread up here

11-02-2018, 12:04 PM
Out here using a n64 controller for nostalgia in late 2018 :,)
Also imma bump this perfect productive A1 thread up here

Can you play on iPad using controller?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-07-2018, 02:18 AM
Since my Controller worked with nothing from Xpadder (its from nacon) I just tried Joy2Key out,
in the hope i can do everything with that Program - and it actually worked.
So when u have an "normal" Controller for Pc (Xbox / PS3,4 - Version) u dont need the other Program XPadder . But very nice Thread, nice structured, it helped me lot dude :)

02-17-2019, 07:57 PM
I have had a ton of requests from other players about my xpadder profiles, so I figured I would share for anyone that is interested. I use an xbox 360 controller, and have included the controller image, controller profile, and game profiles.

I have my main configuration that uses the bumpers and triggers for skills, and an alternate configuration that uses the XYAB buttons for skills. There is also a main configuration with turbo/auto weapon attack. The alternate config is set to turbo/auto attack. The "All Profiles" profile has all 3 configurations using set 1, 2, and 3.

Hope this helps or makes it easier for other players!



09-15-2020, 04:13 PM
What I was looking for. Thanks.

10-08-2020, 09:18 AM
Hmmm nice threaddd

11-24-2023, 12:16 PM

Sent from my Redmi Note 8 using Tapatalk