View Full Version : will enchantress still able to cast their skill if using bow or sword?

05-04-2010, 01:43 PM
can enchantress class still cash their skill if they use sword or bow? does it matter if used any weapon?

05-04-2010, 01:46 PM
Yes to the first part.
No to the second.

05-04-2010, 01:49 PM

This is the third time, maybe fourth, you have asked this question. I think the answers given to you in the other threads will explain this question.

To quote a user from the other thread

No, your skills are determined by your race. Bears get bear skills, elves get enchantress spells, and chickens get chicken skills. ;) However, there doesn't seem to be any linkage between skills and gear. In other words, a bow-using bear can still "slash" and stomp. A sword-swinging chicken can still use Blast Shot.

Race determines:

skills (very important!)
starting attributes (not-so-important after the first few levels)

Current attributes determine:

which gear you can use (very important)
"secondary" attributes, such as dodge, crit %, health & mana regen, etcetera (also influenced by gear)

Clear enough?

I guess I wasn't clear enough.... ;)

Bears use warrior skills. Avians use archer skills. Elves use Enchantress "spells" (which are really skills). These skills are not determined by your attributes or equipment, only by your race. The only way to change which skills you can use is to delete your character and start over with another race.

Any class may use any equipment, as long as they have the right attributes for it. An avian with high Strength can use swords & axes, and he can also wear chain/plate armour. A bear with high Dexterity can use bows, crossbows, daggers, and talon spikes. Using equipment depends entirely on your attributes, not your class. Since your attributes can be reassigned at will (through buying "respecs" in the Platinum store), you can change your equipment around easily.

SO ... a bear can use a crossbow if he has enough Dexterity to meet the necessary requirements. However, he will be limited to warrior skills only. (Don't ask me how you "slash" with a crossbow....) The only way for a bear to use archer skills is to delete and re-create as an avian.

05-04-2010, 02:00 PM
thank you for all your help! I'm new to this game. But how can an enchantress cast their skill without equip the staff?

05-04-2010, 02:24 PM
thank you for all your help! I'm new to this game. But how can an enchantress cast their skill without equip the staff?

If a person is magical they don't need any equipment to use it.. I hate to go all nerdy on y'all, but look at Star Wars for an example. They can do all this Jedi mind stuff, and do they use staffs or wands? They use their hands..

05-04-2010, 03:40 PM