View Full Version : Why we didn't make a new expansion for Pocket Legends in 2013

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01-28-2014, 02:46 AM
I think people stopped playing is because of the lack of new content. Everything is being reused, and the new characters were a disappointment as you can tell, the more popular classes are still the Mage and Archer.
I just wish STS would do something about the elixirs, like for the 7000 gold 1.5x combo for 5mins. I wish you can buy more and extend the time.. Who likes repurchasing something every 5 mins when the game is in SUPER HI-PACED mode. I also wish we would stop getting 1.25x experience 24hr elixirs for of 76's.
How about coming out with more SETS, like for the Mage, make a L75/76 Fire/Ice/Lightning set. OR even relic set, where it's very hard to obtain it (special dungeon where we farm Relic money to trade/purchase special relics for your character.)
-I hope to see improvements in the near future!

Yeah mages, as in Pallys, and BEars and dex bears, and some dex birds, in dat order ;)

01-28-2014, 02:56 AM
How about at least add new gear for us to farm...dagger....xbow...dual swords..a spear maybe? With tons of damage...idk give us something

01-28-2014, 03:13 AM
How about at least add new gear for us to farm...dagger....xbow...dual swords..a spear maybe? With tons of damage...idk give us something

That would be fine, new int set would be great -_-

01-28-2014, 08:38 AM
How about at least add new gear for us to farm...dagger....xbow...dual swords..a spear maybe? With tons of damage...idk give us something

That would be fine, new int set would be great -_-
A savage jigsaw.

01-28-2014, 09:31 AM
A savage jigsaw.

I savaged your mum


01-28-2014, 09:38 AM
A savage jigsaw.

I savaged your mum

Wonder how a savage jigsaw would look like
Or chainsaw

01-28-2014, 01:44 PM
I would like to see a chance for upgrade in quest elite weapons l.71 from dragonet quest from previous map "Fire Forest" to level 75 that they will can do set with l.75 crafted armors and helms for all characters. And of course new level cap. And please don't end this game.
Best Regards and thank You Sam for thread. Greetings for everyone.

Btw. The game is not dead:


just because you show pictures of friends doesnt mean its not dead. LOL you're obviously new.

Suentous PO
01-28-2014, 01:53 PM
just because you show pictures of friends doesnt mean its not dead. LOL you're obviously new.

Fail, Gibols not new.

01-28-2014, 02:29 PM
just because you show pictures of friends doesnt mean its not dead. LOL you're obviously new.

Just by saying that proves how new YOU are

01-28-2014, 03:28 PM

01-28-2014, 04:09 PM
Come out with a version for kindle fire with all ur games not just PL and i would be happy i been wantimg to try ur other games but i cant get them on kimdle fire

Lol @ this kid....

You are now crying on that website, where all kindle users download their STG games.
BTW who even buys kindle fires? No Play store? Laggy? Bad screen?

Best tablets ATM are googles nexus tablets, and Samsung note tablets. In windows world best tablets are surface pro 2 and Nokia Lumia 2520.

Kindle fire is near DENVER and DIEL. Basically crap

01-28-2014, 04:46 PM
Sadly, it looks like PL has met the end of its path :(. BUT that DOES NOT mean we should give up on STS! I know this may be a bit tough on some of you....but if a family member of yours passed ( again, i apologize ) then should you spend the rest of your life crying for them? No. Do something for them! Make them proud! One way too do this is give Pocket Legends' siblings a chance ( AL, SL, DL, and many more too come ). Think about it. Heck, maybe if we, as a community continue to grow, and get more people into AL, maybe they will give PL a chance? :D You never know. I'm not saying to give up on PL completely, but too give STS' new games a try. Thank you sam, this post really did change my view at STS. :D

01-28-2014, 10:40 PM
Be positive guys! I sometimes cry about Pl not getting updates at night :( but I shall always keep in touch with the game. But crying also make me relieved

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-29-2014, 03:31 PM
Hey gang,

So, we've been having a bit of discussion about Pocket Legends in this thread: What if they could sell Pocket Legends? (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?132674-What-if-they-could-sell-Pocket-Legends). The idea is, if Spacetime won't create a new expansion or serious, large scale development of Pocket Legends, could they sell the game and someone else would? The short answer to that question is no. Check out that thread if you're interested.

I wanted to give some background as to why in 2013 we didn't put out an expansion to Pocket Legends.

Preface: We Care
First, I want to preface this that everyone at Spacetime cares a lot about all of our games. This comes top down from our CEO Gary Gattis, who, for those who might not know, is JustG (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/member.php?2-Justg) on these forums. Some good background about his sentiments can be found at: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?119363-In-your-opinion-what-would-it-take-to-get-PL-back-to-it-s-glory-days&p=1293272&viewfull=1#post1293272

I care a lot too. Check my forum registration date: Feb 2010. I've been here since the start of Pocket Legends and I care a lot about it and Spacetime too. That's why I'm taking time out of my busy Sunday looking after my 2 and 3 year old kids (my wife works on weekends) to write this.

About Spacetime:
Spacetime is a small company. We're apx 35 people (that's all told, everyone: Customer Support, HR, QA, Design, Art, Tech, Operations, Production). We're not fat cat executives sitting in ivory towers. Far from it. We're middle class dudes and gals trying to follow our zen and make games we love. If you want to learn more about Spacetime's history check out this video done by local TV station KLRU about Spacetime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePaOAey2AA


For perspective, that video was done just a bit before Arcane Legends launched, so the "coming soon" game referenced at the end is AL.

Rewind to Winter 2012
If we roll back to Q4 (Oct,Nov,Dec) of 2012. We put together the "Rediscover Alterra" plan to re-energize Pocket Legends. 2 new classes (Fox and Rhino) and did a big PR push to try and get new users. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?79083-Rediscover-Pocket-Legends-Two-New-Classes-New-Content-Winterfest-and-More

http://www.spacetimestudios.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21598&d=1355421183 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?79083-Rediscover-Pocket-Legends-Two-New-Classes-New-Content-Winterfest-and-More!)

Unfortunately, it didn't work. We saw pretty small pickup from a lot of work. Why? Well, I chalk it up to PL being dated and probably the time of year. People get really excited about new things, you know? Despite how much shine we put on Pocket Legends, it isn't new anymore. Over the past 4 years we've tried a lot to grow Pocket Legends: TV commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjbEhtFOI4), hardware promotions (remember the Xperia Play (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?29754-Spacetime-Studios-Pocket-Legends-Xperia-PLAY)?), PR outreach, expansions, features and lots more. We have a pretty good sense of what Pocket Legends will do. It is a testament to the game that after all this time it has a vibrant community with thousands of people playing daily still.

Ok, back to winter of 2012. At the same time that we were trying to re-energize Pocket Legends, we launched Arcane Legends. Arcane is the spiritual successor to Pocket Legends. When we considered trying to re-vamp Pocket (new graphics engine, fix balance issues, etc.) you just realize that it's easier to build a whole new game rather than change up an existing game. That's basically what we did (along with everything we learned from Star Legends and Dark Legends).

Arcane Legends was a huge hit and remains our biggest game yet. Over the course of 2013 it made the most sense to feed that beast. We have aggressively developed Arcane to maintain it's momentum. It is a testament to Arcane that it has received critical acclaim (Best Mobile MMO Awards for 2012) and continues (Best Mobile MMO Award for 2013). I know that some Pocket Legends fans might get tired of hearing about Arcane Legends, but it's the truth.

Servicing your Fans
In the earlier thread forum poster Oldcoot wrote:

To that point, we are servicing the majority of our fans, because that majority are playing Arcane (and to a lesser extent our newer Battle Games). On any given day there are 100,000's of players playing Arcane and the Battle Games (compared to thousands playing Pocket).

We do continue to support Pocket Legends. Check out DocDoBig's Timeline: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?99436-PL-s-Timeline Sure, it isn't the expansion some of you want, but we're not doing "nothing."

Running a Business
As I'm sure Oldcoot can attest, running a business is not easy. For anyone who's evaluated a Profit/Loss statement or been involved in the running of an actual business with employees, overhead, facility, insurance, taxes, payroll, etc. I'm sure you can agree. If we don't run Spacetime well, then yeah, we could go the way of many other companies that can't continue making a go of it and fold up shop. That means we need to make some hard decisions.

The cost of a full on 5 level expansion, 5 new zones, 5 new bosses, new minions, all new items, new class skills, etc. Pocket Legends expansion is the same (if not more because we haven't done one in a while) as an Arcane Legends expansion. Now, if you can do something for 100 people (just making up numbers for the sake of discussion) or do something for that costs the same for 10,000 people, which do you think will pay back better? The 10,000 audience option. That, in a nutshell, is why we haven't done an expansion for Pocket Legends (or that sort of expansion for Star Legends or Dark Legends, even though we did expand those two games level caps in 2013).

Why don't you just hire more people?
Another argument I hear is, well just hire more people to make stuff for Pocket (or Star or Dark). This goes back to running a smart business. You have to make the tough choices that keep your business running. You can't play loose and free with other people's livelyhood and drive your business into the red and force you to close up shop. The short answer is that it won't pay back. Again, we know how these games perform. We have run them for years. As free to play games, the vast majority of our players download the game for free to their device, have some fun with it and never spend anything. It's just how they work out. We really appreciate those who value the games enough that do go on to make a purchase and support us.

If we were to hire more people just to make a Pocket Legends expansion and then have the $$ made from that expansion not pay back enough to allow us to keep those people, should we do it? No. Simple enough.

What we can do
2014 is an exciting time. We have the next thing cooking for Arcane and the Battle games. We have a good line up of events for all games coming (if Double XP or the like isn't your thing, ok fine, but for some people it is a lot of fun, so please don't rain on their parade). Yes, we will also continue to develop new games. For those who hate on us making new games - come on, don't you like new games? We know now that making a great new game is the best way for us to "raise the water" of our company. Honestly, if we hadn't made Arcane Legends, Spacetime very likely wouldn't be around (at least in its current incarnation). We want Spacetime to grow. Exciting new games is the way to do that.

For Pocket Legends specifically, JustG wants us to do more so we'll find a way. That won't be a full on expansion, but we can take swings as we have done before: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?114961-PL-Balance-after-the-Great-Nerf-of-2013

Thanks. Seriously. If you care enough about Pocket Legends to have read all of the above, then I want to hear from you. This ended up a bit longer than what I had in mind. :D If yer a hater that is just gonna hate because I haven't committed to a level cap raise and expansion well /sigh, ok. :sulkiness: But if you have some constructive input about Pocket Legends, then please reply.

In the first place I want to thank you, this was really clarifying. Well im a very loyal player of PL (From 2011 and 5 capped). I really understand what you mean, your company is most important. So you tried to invest in PL to make it hot again. What you did is that you added 2 classes. This investment failed and youre giving PL the fault of this. Well think again. I think most people agree with me, when i say Rhino and Fox sucks. Those classes didnt really add up to the game. They arent as cool as Mage, Bird or Bear. After this you say that you tried to make PL hot again, but you just tried 1 thing... Maybe a new cap wouldnt be as smart to add, because it wouldnt attract new players. But im sure youre smart enough to make up something. You say you love PL, then howcome you tried one thing and then neglect it?!

01-29-2014, 04:37 PM
Hey Tauafe,

The new classes are not the only thing we've ever done with Pocket Legends. Far from it. We've taken the game from what, 25 levels at the start of it to 76, lots of contests, events PR pushes and more. We have a pretty darn good idea about what the game will do.

We know you guys want stuff for your favorite game - everyone does. We will keep trying to do right by as many of our customers that we can.

My apologies for not being more active to replies in this thread - we're pretty slammin' here at Spacetime with the AL expansion and next client for Battle Command!

01-29-2014, 04:46 PM
Hey Sam,

Thank you for posting this thread, I'm sure we all appreciate it, I know AL has 10x the population of what we have in PL and you must keep going on updating it. AL is making much more money for the company I noticed, I just want to say thank you for PL, I have met tons of good friend in here, maybe they will all quit soon, but I will always know and remember them. I have met people here IRL tell them stories. I know your main focus is AL atm, but please promise us update us in the future, it would be very great as all we do is probably PvPing..

Thank you

01-29-2014, 04:48 PM
Working on introducing our new Community Manager and putting together more about what's coming for 2014. Don't worry, you guys are still very much on my mind.

Did I miss the introduction? Or are we still waiting? Any news would be great!

01-29-2014, 04:52 PM
Did I miss the introduction? Or are we still waiting? Any news would be great!

Hey shiloo,


01-29-2014, 05:07 PM
Hey Tauafe,

The new classes are not the only thing we've ever done with Pocket Legends. Far from it. We've taken the game from what, 25 levels at the start of it to 76, lots of contests, events PR pushes and more. We have a pretty darn good idea about what the game will do.

We know you guys want stuff for your favorite game - everyone does. We will keep trying to do right by as many of our customers that we can.

My apologies for not being more active to replies in this thread - we're pretty slammin' here at Spacetime with the AL expansion and next client for Battle Command!

Thank you for your quick reply. Maybe I was wrong about saying that you guys didnt do your best on working on PL, as you are very active on the PLforum haha. I understand that you focus on the bigprofit games like AL. Youre running a company! That's OK. But I and many other people hope that you people of STS make a new cap. It dont has to be soon, we can wait! Maybe reserve one hour working on PL after the whole day AL (-;. You can take your time. But if you already know that this aint gonna happen, that there will be no new cap for PL, can you please tell us? That way i can make my choice what to do in the future.

(Offtopic: I read on the forum about a new 3year veteran shield for PL. Is it for real?)

01-29-2014, 06:16 PM
Thank you for your quick reply. Maybe I was wrong about saying that you guys didnt do your best on working on PL, as you are very active on the PLforum haha. I understand that you focus on the bigprofit games like AL. Youre running a company! That's OK. But I and many other people hope that you people of STS make a new cap. It dont has to be soon, we can wait! Maybe reserve one hour working on PL after the whole day AL (-;. You can take your time. But if you already know that this aint gonna happen, that there will be no new cap for PL, can you please tell us? That way i can make my choice what to do in the future.

(Offtopic: I read on the forum about a new 3year veteran shield for PL. Is it for real?)

The future is a misty place of many possibilities. I won't say never to a level cap raise for PL - just being upfront that we're not making one currently.

As for the 3 year veteran shield, yeah I could hack one in myself, but it wouldn't look as cool as it should. I'm holding out some time for our Art team to have some time to make it as awesome as it should be.

01-29-2014, 06:25 PM
Sadly, it looks like PL has met the end of its path :(. BUT that DOES NOT mean we should give up on STS! I know this may be a bit tough on some of you....but if a family member of yours passed ( again, i apologize ) then should you spend the rest of your life crying for them? No. Do something for them! Make them proud! One way too do this is give Pocket Legends' siblings a chance ( AL, SL, DL, and many more too come ). Think about it. Heck, maybe if we, as a community continue to grow, and get more people into AL, maybe they will give PL a chance? :D You never know. I'm not saying to give up on PL completely, but too give STS' new games a try. Thank you sam, this post really did change my view at STS. :D
Then just wait for that game to die when sts makes a new one :)

01-29-2014, 06:52 PM
The future is a misty place of many possibilities. I won't say never to a level cap raise for PL - just being upfront that we're not making one currently.

As for the 3 year veteran shield, yeah I could hack one in myself, but it wouldn't look as cool as it should. I'm holding out some time for our Art team to have some time to make it as awesome as it should be.

Sam, you know those PL shield pictures on the facebook page?
Can't you just photoshop them onto the already existing PL shield, but replace color?

off topic, but i'd wish there was a 3yr pl shield with animated fire on it (like with that lvl76 vanity eye shield) and in the middle has the PL logo..

Wishful thinking...

01-29-2014, 06:56 PM
Sam, thanks for the excellent thread, on how you are helping your customers. Now, as a I go on, please just look as this is sort of an explanation, for why all this is going on. As I read on forums, I see loads of threads on how people complain, or nag about the cap isn't here, or why won't they. It is quite sad that Sam has to post this just to calm us down with a explanation, which is ridiculous. Sam, I applaud you trying to calm down the stress level of these players. However, I also noticed all the things they STS, has done to make what we love and charish better for us in the thread, http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...t-Nerf-of-2013 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?114961-PL-Balance-after-the-Great-Nerf-of-2013), where I saw some of the tries to make us players happy. But this is unacceptable, acting as children, I understand we are customers, but jeez they are working for us, there is no need for all of this madness. By the way, I think it is just a repeat of the years before, I think it has happened more than once I do recall, we playing PL during the winter time, and things start to intense up, and I swear this happens every winter I played, people have begged for a cap lol, I will edit this as I research for dates, to back this up. But in all seriousness, all we can do is have patience, and push through this.:adoration::adoration: :banana:

01-29-2014, 07:11 PM
Sam, thanks for the excellent thread, on how you are helping your customers. Now, as a I go on, please just look as this is sort of an explanation, for why all this is going on. As I read on forums, I see loads of threads on how people complain, or nag about the cap isn't here, or why won't they. It is quite sad that Sam has to post this just to calm us down with a explanation, which is ridiculous. Sam, I applaud you trying to calm down the stress level of these players. However, I also noticed all the things they STS, has done to make what we love and charish better for us in the thread, http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...t-Nerf-of-2013 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?114961-PL-Balance-after-the-Great-Nerf-of-2013), where I saw some of the tries to make us players happy. But this is unacceptable, acting as children, I understand we are customers, but jeez they are working for us, there is no need for all of this madness. By the way, I think it is just a repeat of the years before, I think it has happened more than once I do recall, we playing PL during the winter time, and things start to intense up, and I swear this happens every winter I played, people have begged for a cap lol, I will edit this as I research for dates, to back this up. But in all seriousness, all we can do is have patience, and push through this.:adoration::adoration: :banana:

But have we ever gone a year and a half without an expansion?

01-29-2014, 07:48 PM
Hey Sam,
So will there be any pvp balances/new sets/new features if there isn't gonna be a new cap soon?

01-29-2014, 07:54 PM
But have we ever gone a year and a half without an expansion? I'm sorry, but if you cannot simply wait, and you do not like decisions STS are making, be my guest and leave. As stated by Sam, they are working on changing things to make things better for the whole of the community, so please stressing things does not make this any better. Lighten Up.

01-29-2014, 08:37 PM
I'm sorry, but if you cannot simply wait, and you do not like decisions STS are making, be my guest and leave. As stated by Sam, they are working on changing things to make things better for the whole of the community, so please stressing things does not make this any better. Lighten Up.

That's basically what I did.

01-29-2014, 11:03 PM
Hey Tauafe,

The new classes are not the only thing we've ever done with Pocket Legends. Far from it. We've taken the game from what, 25 levels at the start of it to 76, lots of contests, events PR pushes and more. We have a pretty darn good idea about what the game will do.

We know you guys want stuff for your favorite game - everyone does. We will keep trying to do right by as many of our customers that we can.

My apologies for not being more active to replies in this thread - we're pretty slammin' here at Spacetime with the AL expansion and next client for Battle Command!

Please keep responding to posts. Several old ones have been over looked.

01-29-2014, 11:04 PM
All I can say is well done Sam and you made great choices, hope to see a great future in PL and AL and all your games.. I'll always be here to play them all :-)

01-31-2014, 01:25 PM
Pl to Al is hard. These are the reasons I don't like Al (cuz I'm a pl player) 1. there are no combo, it feels so slow to level up (becuz being used to Pl). That's probably why u guys make more money ... (people need to buy elixers) 2. Jow come u can't rotate camera in Al ??? It's just wierd :S

01-31-2014, 08:51 PM
not bad idea though

01-31-2014, 08:56 PM
And I spend more than 1000 euro...

01-31-2014, 09:19 PM
Sam, thanks so much for the post, as a former business owner I understand the decisions that need to be made to keep the business alive. Just to let you know I love playing PL. I did try AL today, found it a little busy, did like the whirling knives-thingy weapon, and the pets. But, there's just something about PL that is more fun. I hope in these 15 pages of comments you find some good ideas.

01-31-2014, 09:39 PM
Sam, thanks so much for the post, as a former business owner I understand the decisions that need to be made to keep the business alive. Just to let you know I love playing PL. I did try AL today, found it a little busy, did like the whirling knives-thingy weapon, and the pets. But, there's just something about PL that is more fun. I hope in these 15 pages of comments you find some good ideas.

PL is more but why do you think more people play AL.

PL is fun but ends to quick, meaning it needs a lot more contents which is what they're having problems with.

02-03-2014, 11:53 PM

02-04-2014, 01:46 AM


02-04-2014, 07:44 AM
I guess most of us here just do not want Pocket Legends to die out to a newer game. Because Pocket Legends was the birth game of STS where all of us began. And also because some of us spent quite a lot of money on this game. But, from Sam's point of view, I kinda agree because if you had two choices to make

1) Trying to revive a game where many people are going to another game = making less money ( PL )


2) Work on a game that has more people coming into = making more money ( AL )

I'm sure you would choose the one that makes more profit for you, am I right? But hey, I'm sure some of you might disagree with me because you might be talking crap and the fact that I'm only 16, lol. Maybe when they have the time, they'll eventually work on PL again. Like what Sam said, it was their birth game and I'm pretty sure the Devs will never ever let any game die because each one is their hardwork. It's just that some had more attention than others. That's bout' it I guess, don't hate mehhh, just trying to point out my view :c
Thanks! :)

- iTanke

02-05-2014, 07:00 AM
I guess most of us here just do not want Pocket Legends to die out to a newer game. Because Pocket Legends was the birth game of STS where all of us began. And also because some of us spent quite a lot of money on this game. But, from Sam's point of view, I kinda agree because if you had two choices to make

1) Trying to revive a game where many people are going to another game = making less money ( PL )


2) Work on a game that has more people coming into = making more money ( AL )

I'm sure you would choose the one that makes more profit for you, am I right? But hey, I'm sure some of you might disagree with me because you might be talking crap and the fact that I'm only 16, lol. Maybe when they have the time, they'll eventually work on PL again. Like what Sam said, it was their birth game and I'm pretty sure the Devs will never ever let any game die because each one is their hardwork. It's just that some had more attention than others. That's bout' it I guess, don't hate mehhh, just trying to point out my view :c
Thanks! :)

- iTanke

Don't forget that if AL wasn't made then your lucky your still playing PL old boy. So thank them for their choices,

02-05-2014, 08:52 AM
Don't forget that if AL wasn't made then your lucky your still playing PL old boy. So thank them for their choices,

Not true. Do you think PL had a really bad income at one point, so STS was forced to make a new game? Of course not, SL was released when PLs income was at its best.

If they wouldn't go with the "make a new game and abandon all others" technique they'd be forced to update PL regularly.

Besides, I still think that PL has enough income to cover for its server cost if not more.

02-05-2014, 10:57 AM
Not true. Do you think PL had a really bad income at one point, so STS was forced to make a new game? Of course not, SL was released when PLs income was at its best.

If they wouldn't go with the "make a new game and abandon all others" technique they'd be forced to update PL regularly.

Besides, I still think that PL has enough income to cover for its server cost if not more.

exactly. it's not a question of not making money or not making money. It's whether STG has decided they can make MORE money updating AL over PL, which would still make them money if they updated. So the decision is to chase MORE profits over addressing the loyal customers in PL. While in money terms, it might make sense, but in terms of customer satisfaction, it's a dangerous strategy. Once those PL players are turned off STG for good, they wont come back, and once other newer players see how the company abandons games when they think they can make a little more profit in another newer game (i.e. Battle Dragons), they will be wary about committing more funds to support the company. Once you lost the confidence of your customers, it brings about bad bad results.

02-06-2014, 09:20 AM
I think they didnt abandon PL. I dont play PL, but from what I say they couldnt revive it even with 2 brand new classes came. AL only has 3 classes all the time, not even new skills or upgrades added, and we "basically" can only use 4 skills with 5 upgrades each.

02-07-2014, 05:28 PM
Not true. Do you think PL had a really bad income at one point, so STS was forced to make a new game? Of course not, SL was released when PLs income was at its best.

If they wouldn't go with the "make a new game and abandon all others" technique they'd be forced to update PL regularly.

Besides, I still think that PL has enough income to cover for its server cost if not more.

I read Sam's posts, I know what I read and from what he says, he said them words.. So don't argue with me.. Just a game mate get on with it now

02-08-2014, 02:51 AM
I read Sam's posts, I know what I read and from what he says, he said them words.. So don't argue with me.. Just a game mate get on with it now

Sam is working (or was) in public relations, which is another word for propaganda (I'm not making this up). Edward Bernays (Sigmund Freud's nephew) coined the term "public relations" in the 20s after WW1, for it to sound less mean than the word "propaganda", because people associated this term with war and therefore bad things in general. Bernays also defined Capitalism as it is today.

Their main job is to manipulate people and nothing they say can be trusted. Guess why they never release real numbers (like the PLs income over time). Make them post that, then we can talk.

02-08-2014, 04:25 AM
Sam is working (or was) in public relations, which is another word for propaganda (I'm not making this up). Edward Byrnes (Sigmund Freud's nephew) coined the term "public relations" in the 20s after WW1, for it to sound less mean than the word "propaganda", because people associated this term with war and therefore bad things in general. Bernays also defined Capitalism as it is today.

Their main job is to manipulate people and nothing they say can be trusted. Guess why they never release real numbers (like the PLs income over time). Make them post that, then we can talk.

Okay then, we are now talking about something else, I am only saying what Sam said. I am not saying this could of been his only choice, I agree with you, the company's can lie and trick their way around, would they rather be tiny and stay with pl? Maybe they could get a little bigger with pl but not as much as compared to what they're doing/or going to do now.

But then again, you yourself have no proof on what they are doing so you can only point out theories.

02-08-2014, 04:35 AM
Okay then, we are now talking about something else, I am only saying what Sam said. I am not saying this could of been his only choice, I agree with you, the company's can lie and trick their way around, would they rather be tiny and stay with pl? Maybe they could get a little bigger with pl but not as much as compared to what they're doing/or going to do now.

But then again, you yourself have no proof on what they are doing so you can only point out theories.

I think we can all agree on that. STS would never be where it is today, if it wouldn't make other games.

All we are asking for is not to forget about us, since we deserve their attention and at least some kind of expansion, to say the least. Customer disloyalty might stab them in their back someday.

02-08-2014, 04:56 AM
I think we can all agree on that. STS would never be where it is today, if it wouldn't make other games.

All we are asking for is not to forget about us, since we deserve their attention and at least some kind of expansion, to say the least. Customer disloyalty might stab them in their back someday.

They haven't shown any given up on PL yet! There are all sorts of possibilities in what can happen for pl :) just need some patience cause it may be a while or whenever who knows.. It's there choices

02-11-2014, 12:00 AM
Why we didn't make a new expansion for Pocket Legends in 2014

02-16-2014, 03:27 PM
Are thy working in a pvp update or anything?

02-17-2014, 01:00 AM
Probably not but we can be hopeful for 1 good update for the next year! :P Idk I'll be happy to come back if something new is implemented and many more will too :).

02-17-2014, 01:31 AM
Just want a new cap lvl to 81.. With a new item to make my bird a 2piece at least... Doesn't have to be big anymore... Al is where it's at

02-17-2014, 02:52 AM

02-18-2014, 08:43 AM
@samhayne - nothing I can say which hasn't already been said but just wanted to add my voice anyway as a "PL loyal" for the last 3+ years. To say thank you for taking the time to explain the situation so frankly, but also thank you and your colleagues for creating such a great game that has certainly captivated my friends and I, and offered a beautiful place to escape the daily grind and meet a great mix of people. It makes me feel broken hearted seeing it laid to rest - but as one of the older folk on PL, I understand the business needs - but I still have hope that somehow, someone at STS will pick it back up and find a cost-effective way to keep it alive. Maybe the answer will lay in out-of-the-box thinking like crowdsourcing to establish a new cap fund or taking up some of these volunteer developers on thier offers - maybe not. But I know that I will continue to visit the PL world for as long as it's there to greet me.

03-10-2014, 04:37 PM
Create daily and weekly leaderboards with rewards based on boss kills to earn plat? Also what about an impossible quest - 1 billion kills of the hardest boss not using elixers with an elite reward (not item) I mean a title or something. That should keep people busy for a while.. ;-)

03-10-2014, 05:28 PM
Create daily and weekly leaderboards with rewards based on boss kills to earn plat? Also what about an impossible quest - 1 billion kills of the hardest boss not using elixers with an elite reward (not item) I mean a title or something. That should keep people busy for a while.. ;-)

Daily and weekly leaderboards would be really fun, I'm too lazy to get 300k kills to be on overall leaderboard but I could do some daily ones... And there should be some records such as most kills as lvl 76 in one day without mega maze etc

03-10-2014, 06:40 PM
At least create events like forgotten events? more often?

03-14-2014, 10:38 PM
No hate. But if there are say 1000 members that aren't paying say as much as 100 members then i think you kinda see the point. Also two new classes really didn't spark the excitement in older vets to the game, But if you were to add a new cap to the game I'm 90% sure they would come back and at least buy platinum to cap on the game (Sure they may Quit again after they cap,But if they bought plat they are still paying a fund towards the expansion) If you do end up seeing this and reading this Sam, Thank you.

03-15-2014, 01:51 AM
Thank you for adding veteran Shields and a nice new luck hat. When i get back I'll be online to show them off!

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

03-22-2014, 12:44 PM
I really appreciate what you guys have done for PL and am thankful it is still there.

As much as any other player, I'd like to see some new stuff to freshen up the game even if it's just something minor, like new sounds (farts are funny, but they're getting old, know what I mean ;) or new weapons.

I think it's possible to make some changes and not spend a whole lot of time and money doing it. It would keep the game interesting.

What do you think, Sam?

03-22-2014, 04:39 PM
They should remove the "in 2013" part in the title of the thread

03-23-2014, 01:18 AM
I really appreciate what you guys have done for PL and am thankful it is still there.

As much as any other player, I'd like to see some new stuff to freshen up the game even if it's just something minor, like new sounds (farts are funny, but they're getting old, know what I mean ;) or new weapons.

I think it's possible to make some changes and not spend a whole lot of time and money doing it. It would keep the game interesting.

What do you think, Sam?

I'm sure this has been said 9999 times already and are gonna or yet already have discussed about this.. It's about the waiting game now..

03-23-2014, 01:53 PM
They should remove the "in 2013" part in the title of the thread

Why we didn't make a new expansion for Pocket Legends in 2014*

03-23-2014, 02:01 PM
Why we didn't make a new expansion for Pocket Legends in 2014*


03-24-2014, 05:58 AM
Tyvm Sam for these precious Infos also tks for sharing ur time with us . M happy to know that sts still do cares of PL . I've joined it on sept 2010 n couldn't believe my eyes how wonderful this game is . I've tried SL, DL n AL but PL is my fav . I realized that PL is agonizing but refuses to die after almost of 2 years without new expansion . Could it b possible that PL tries to tell us something ? Lot of my friends tell me come on Vivi move on an other game cuz so many out there ... I did try but none could give me satisfaction as PL does so far . Perhaps m stupidly sentimental but I promised to myself I'll quit PL the day that I can't find sum1 saying hello to me there . Sam Like u sed as well we r all humans n we do have a real life out there n sumtime life isn't easy . Playing " Free games " means fun n sacrifice too . Is anything really Free in our world ?
Tks again for sharing with us PL 2014
Perspective :o

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-25-2014, 06:43 PM
Thank you for the information. My friends and I all loved PL back when and hung in for a long time hoping for new content. They are all off to other games, as am I, but I kept hoping and checking in just in case. :disillusionment: I appreciate the post, so I can quit listening to rumors about the possibility of a new level. Thanks again, for the post and the fun times in the past. Good luck.

03-26-2014, 01:11 AM
Thank you for the information. My friends and I all loved PL back when and hung in for a long time hoping for new content. They are all off to other games, as am I, but I kept hoping and checking in just in case. :disillusionment: I appreciate the post, so I can quit listening to rumors about the possibility of a new level. Thanks again, for the post and the fun times in the past. Good luck.

Good luck buddy! Hope you find a fun game to play or whatever makes you happy! Know ones making you play PL, it's only those who are addicted that makes themselves think they have to! Come in maybe once a month and maybe one day "One Day" something cool will happen! But for now, nothing is a promise, so yeah.. Good luck!

03-26-2014, 06:09 AM
System plz add red high heels , Dolfins swim suit n smurf umbrella on next updates cuz I really need new closet for 2014 summer :p
Tyvm :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-27-2014, 03:52 PM
A pvp balance would be nice....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

03-28-2014, 01:00 AM
A pvp balance would be nice....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Would be lovely jovely

04-02-2014, 06:17 AM
a old thread i just see it, sam really i respect you and forum mods they are trying help to players you guys doing great job , dont missunderstand my mesage... i am just saying ton of StS fan moved.. btw i ll come to my mesage...

Allways i said there ton of great games and big community games " free + 3D + Great graphics", but sts games dont need new tech phones to play thats a good point for players.. and across server ofcourse the only reason me and alot player playing PL - AL.. just 1 thing i am upsed to StS

-- sts said new cap will come << players waited 1 year with hopes and hard works for the cap so many char, than sts didnt giwe us a cap <<< i dont think your fans deserve that, and a community could do theys promises for the not lose fans..
btw than players start to giwe you easly ideas for the everyone happly example

1= ok we waited 1 year for nothing, but cant you just do a final effort on PL ? just do samething for the make players happy, maybe new pvp system or new pvp maps or a weekly guild wars ++++++, so many idea out there from players no 1 comed out..

2= than players tryed a less deals as " ok dont do news but cant you just fix the pvp ? and make it possible to earn rings without a new cap also dont need new maps for thats <<

i dont think players deserve that.. its feels a slap of face by our trusted and loved community...

fix the pvp + posible to earn rings exaple every 100k exp 1 ring quest... -- put a npc in bs town and when a cap ppl talk it, its can giwe a quest and quest count 100k exp. than after finish it again same npc can do that.. is that hard ?

this is the easly way to keep your fans with you.. lets dont forget StS got all populerity with PL and PL players.. and i dont know why StS punished this players..

For The AL players : what if sts dont make a 41 cap and they made you wait 1 year than they create new game and giwe up to AL ?? and what if they broke pvp balance and leave it without fix ?? try to understand what PL players feel :)

Thx for read also Thx for the Forum mods, i am seeing they are trying wery hard work " only forum mods "

04-02-2014, 06:58 AM
a old thread i just see it, sam really i respect you and forum mods they are trying help to players you guys doing great job , dont missunderstand my mesage... i am just saying ton of StS fan moved.. btw i ll come to my mesage...

Allways i said there ton of great games and big community games " free + 3D + Great graphics", but sts games dont need new tech phones to play thats a good point for players.. and across server ofcourse the only reason me and alot player playing PL - AL.. just 1 thing i am upsed to StS

-- sts said new cap will come << players waited 1 year with hopes and hard works for the cap so many char, than sts didnt giwe us a cap <<< i dont think your fans deserve that, and a community could do theys promises for the not lose fans..
btw than players start to giwe you easly ideas for the everyone happly example

1= ok we waited 1 year for nothing, but cant you just do a final effort on PL ? just do samething for the make players happy, maybe new pvp system or new pvp maps or a weekly guild wars ++++++, so many idea out there from players no 1 comed out..

2= than players tryed a less deals as " ok dont do news but cant you just fix the pvp ? and make it possible to earn rings without a new cap also dont need new maps for thats <<

i dont think players deserve that.. its feels a slap of face by our trusted and loved community...

fix the pvp + posible to earn rings exaple every 100k exp 1 ring quest... -- put a npc in bs town and when a cap ppl talk it, its can giwe a quest and quest count 100k exp. than after finish it again same npc can do that.. is that hard ?

this is the easly way to keep your fans with you.. lets dont forget StS got all populerity with PL and PL players.. and i dont know why StS punished this players..

For The AL players : what if sts dont make a 41 cap and they made you wait 1 year than they create new game and giwe up to AL ?? and what if they broke pvp balance and leave it without fix ?? try to understand what PL players feel :)

Thx for read also Thx for the Forum mods, i am seeing they are trying wery hard work " only forum mods "

The damage is done

04-02-2014, 11:53 AM
a old thread i just see it, sam really i respect you and forum mods they are trying help to players you guys doing great job , dont missunderstand my mesage... i am just saying ton of StS fan moved.. btw i ll come to my mesage...

Allways i said there ton of great games and big community games " free + 3D + Great graphics", but sts games dont need new tech phones to play thats a good point for players.. and across server ofcourse the only reason me and alot player playing PL - AL.. just 1 thing i am upsed to StS

-- sts said new cap will come << players waited 1 year with hopes and hard works for the cap so many char, than sts didnt giwe us a cap <<< i dont think your fans deserve that, and a community could do theys promises for the not lose fans..
btw than players start to giwe you easly ideas for the everyone happly example

1= ok we waited 1 year for nothing, but cant you just do a final effort on PL ? just do samething for the make players happy, maybe new pvp system or new pvp maps or a weekly guild wars ++++++, so many idea out there from players no 1 comed out..

2= than players tryed a less deals as " ok dont do news but cant you just fix the pvp ? and make it possible to earn rings without a new cap also dont need new maps for thats <<

i dont think players deserve that.. its feels a slap of face by our trusted and loved community...

fix the pvp + posible to earn rings exaple every 100k exp 1 ring quest... -- put a npc in bs town and when a cap ppl talk it, its can giwe a quest and quest count 100k exp. than after finish it again same npc can do that.. is that hard ?

this is the easly way to keep your fans with you.. lets dont forget StS got all populerity with PL and PL players.. and i dont know why StS punished this players..

For The AL players : what if sts dont make a 41 cap and they made you wait 1 year than they create new game and giwe up to AL ?? and what if they broke pvp balance and leave it without fix ?? try to understand what PL players feel :)

Thx for read also Thx for the Forum mods, i am seeing they are trying wery hard work " only forum mods "

The damage is done

I keep getting the feeling that the community feels abandoned...

04-03-2014, 07:00 AM
a old thread i just see it, sam really i respect you and forum mods they are trying help to players you guys doing great job , dont missunderstand my mesage... i am just saying ton of StS fan moved.. btw i ll come to my mesage...

Allways i said there ton of great games and big community games " free + 3D + Great graphics", but sts games dont need new tech phones to play thats a good point for players.. and across server ofcourse the only reason me and alot player playing PL - AL.. just 1 thing i am upsed to StS

-- sts said new cap will come << players waited 1 year with hopes and hard works for the cap so many char, than sts didnt giwe us a cap <<< i dont think your fans deserve that, and a community could do theys promises for the not lose fans..
btw than players start to giwe you easly ideas for the everyone happly example

1= ok we waited 1 year for nothing, but cant you just do a final effort on PL ? just do samething for the make players happy, maybe new pvp system or new pvp maps or a weekly guild wars ++++++, so many idea out there from players no 1 comed out..

2= than players tryed a less deals as " ok dont do news but cant you just fix the pvp ? and make it possible to earn rings without a new cap also dont need new maps for thats <<

i dont think players deserve that.. its feels a slap of face by our trusted and loved community...

fix the pvp + posible to earn rings exaple every 100k exp 1 ring quest... -- put a npc in bs town and when a cap ppl talk it, its can giwe a quest and quest count 100k exp. than after finish it again same npc can do that.. is that hard ?

this is the easly way to keep your fans with you.. lets dont forget StS got all populerity with PL and PL players.. and i dont know why StS punished this players..

For The AL players : what if sts dont make a 41 cap and they made you wait 1 year than they create new game and giwe up to AL ?? and what if they broke pvp balance and leave it without fix ?? try to understand what PL players feel :)

Thx for read also Thx for the Forum mods, i am seeing they are trying wery hard work " only forum mods "

Take this as a helpful critique, work in your english, and please attend an English class, oh and it's not about what it feels like or who deserves what and this, it's about StS surviving, do you want a game to even play? Then let them do hahao they're doing right now and please besides giving the same old crappy message saying "pl players/vets don't deserve this and that, let al players suffer to feel what pl feels like" no, thats wrong man...

The helpful thing we can do now is to just keep popping in ideas, yes maybe they don't reply sometimes all all the time, but they're always obviously reading and watching, there are mods for a reason, and I know they're watching every post. So yeah.. We get it, its a pain, but these messages aren't gonna help..

We should start a fundraiser or i dunno, or you could just by more platinum ^_^ but then who knows you buy all this platinum and they may not even still be able to push something out.

04-03-2014, 01:02 PM
Take this as a helpful critique, work in your english, and please attend an English class, oh and it's not about what it feels like or who deserves what and this, it's about StS surviving, do you want a game to even play? Then let them do hahao they're doing right now and please besides giving the same old crappy message saying "pl players/vets don't deserve this and that, let al players suffer to feel what pl feels like" no, thats wrong man...

The helpful thing we can do now is to just keep popping in ideas, yes maybe they don't reply sometimes all all the time, but they're always obviously reading and watching, there are mods for a reason, and I know they're watching every post. So yeah.. We get it, its a pain, but these messages aren't gonna help..

We should start a fundraiser or i dunno, tor you could just by more platinum ^_^ but then who knows you buy all this platinum and they may not even still be able to push something out.

1= yes my english isnt well but i dont think i need a english school if no one useing that language in my country... also if you replyed me its mean you do understand my mesage...

2= yes it was about not fair/ not deserve, also yes Alot of pl players feel same as me and its wasnt start a critism.. i just said " what happened / how could be fix with easly way " thats the best question way for the get correct answer <<< its not gonna a critizm ( but you trying it )

3= i think my mesage for the giwe a helpfull mesage on point " fix pvp + posible to earn ring "

4= my mesage about AL players just for the theys imagine what PL players feel... i didnt said AL players should suffer lol.. it was only for a example for the theys imagine ( idk why you get it different way )

5= community live topic hmmm its depend and another a story but keep in your mind , communitys live with user rates - users rate if community do what they say before than sell theys things.... i am the user and users allways must get what community promise <<< thats the what i meaned from my mesage... also its not point to we talk about community strategys its not our community.. here is a forum and we are shareing infos / ideas / and giwe ideas to community...

Also i prefer to hear a reply from sts : whats the plan about fix ring problem ?

Not: i am accepting and mostly my mesages have " thx to forum mods they are doing great job ".. yes its true trust me i played games,maybe more than your age... sts forum mods really doing great...

04-03-2014, 01:18 PM
I keep getting the feeling that the community feels abandoned...

StS games really cool and there not have more cross server mmo game community.. also so much big community havent good helpfull forum mods as StS have and so much big community games have huge bugs and they are ignoreing players.. i just never understanding why not a final patch " fix balance + rings " and really asked it so many time:/

my mesage was long because i want to start my mesage with main problem / than how to fix.

04-03-2014, 03:29 PM
So this basically means Pocket Legends is no longer being worked on with no true intention of doing so in the future, right?

04-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Hey gang,

So, we've been having a bit of discussion about Pocket Legends in this thread: What if they could sell Pocket Legends? (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?132674-What-if-they-could-sell-Pocket-Legends). The idea is, if Spacetime won't create a new expansion or serious, large scale development of Pocket Legends, could they sell the game and someone else would? The short answer to that question is no. Check out that thread if you're interested.

I wanted to give some background as to why in 2013 we didn't put out an expansion to Pocket Legends.

Preface: We Care
First, I want to preface this that everyone at Spacetime cares a lot about all of our games. This comes top down from our CEO Gary Gattis, who, for those who might not know, is JustG (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/member.php?2-Justg) on these forums. Some good background about his sentiments can be found at: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?119363-In-your-opinion-what-would-it-take-to-get-PL-back-to-it-s-glory-days&p=1293272&viewfull=1#post1293272

I care a lot too. Check my forum registration date: Feb 2010. I've been here since the start of Pocket Legends and I care a lot about it and Spacetime too. That's why I'm taking time out of my busy Sunday looking after my 2 and 3 year old kids (my wife works on weekends) to write this.

About Spacetime:
Spacetime is a small company. We're apx 35 people (that's all told, everyone: Customer Support, HR, QA, Design, Art, Tech, Operations, Production). We're not fat cat executives sitting in ivory towers. Far from it. We're middle class dudes and gals trying to follow our zen and make games we love. If you want to learn more about Spacetime's history check out this video done by local TV station KLRU about Spacetime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePaOAey2AA


For perspective, that video was done just a bit before Arcane Legends launched, so the "coming soon" game referenced at the end is AL.

Rewind to Winter 2012
If we roll back to Q4 (Oct,Nov,Dec) of 2012. We put together the "Rediscover Alterra" plan to re-energize Pocket Legends. 2 new classes (Fox and Rhino) and did a big PR push to try and get new users. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?79083-Rediscover-Pocket-Legends-Two-New-Classes-New-Content-Winterfest-and-More

http://www.spacetimestudios.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21598&d=1355421183 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?79083-Rediscover-Pocket-Legends-Two-New-Classes-New-Content-Winterfest-and-More!)

Unfortunately, it didn't work. We saw pretty small pickup from a lot of work. Why? Well, I chalk it up to PL being dated and probably the time of year. People get really excited about new things, you know? Despite how much shine we put on Pocket Legends, it isn't new anymore. Over the past 4 years we've tried a lot to grow Pocket Legends: TV commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjbEhtFOI4), hardware promotions (remember the Xperia Play (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?29754-Spacetime-Studios-Pocket-Legends-Xperia-PLAY)?), PR outreach, expansions, features and lots more. We have a pretty good sense of what Pocket Legends will do. It is a testament to the game that after all this time it has a vibrant community with thousands of people playing daily still.

Ok, back to winter of 2012. At the same time that we were trying to re-energize Pocket Legends, we launched Arcane Legends. Arcane is the spiritual successor to Pocket Legends. When we considered trying to re-vamp Pocket (new graphics engine, fix balance issues, etc.) you just realize that it's easier to build a whole new game rather than change up an existing game. That's basically what we did (along with everything we learned from Star Legends and Dark Legends).

Arcane Legends was a huge hit and remains our biggest game yet. Over the course of 2013 it made the most sense to feed that beast. We have aggressively developed Arcane to maintain it's momentum. It is a testament to Arcane that it has received critical acclaim (Best Mobile MMO Awards for 2012) and continues (Best Mobile MMO Award for 2013). I know that some Pocket Legends fans might get tired of hearing about Arcane Legends, but it's the truth.

Servicing your Fans
In the earlier thread forum poster Oldcoot wrote:

To that point, we are servicing the majority of our fans, because that majority are playing Arcane (and to a lesser extent our newer Battle Games). On any given day there are 100,000's of players playing Arcane and the Battle Games (compared to thousands playing Pocket).

We do continue to support Pocket Legends. Check out DocDoBig's Timeline: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?99436-PL-s-Timeline Sure, it isn't the expansion some of you want, but we're not doing "nothing."

Running a Business
As I'm sure Oldcoot can attest, running a business is not easy. For anyone who's evaluated a Profit/Loss statement or been involved in the running of an actual business with employees, overhead, facility, insurance, taxes, payroll, etc. I'm sure you can agree. If we don't run Spacetime well, then yeah, we could go the way of many other companies that can't continue making a go of it and fold up shop. That means we need to make some hard decisions.

The cost of a full on 5 level expansion, 5 new zones, 5 new bosses, new minions, all new items, new class skills, etc. Pocket Legends expansion is the same (if not more because we haven't done one in a while) as an Arcane Legends expansion. Now, if you can do something for 100 people (just making up numbers for the sake of discussion) or do something for that costs the same for 10,000 people, which do you think will pay back better? The 10,000 audience option. That, in a nutshell, is why we haven't done an expansion for Pocket Legends (or that sort of expansion for Star Legends or Dark Legends, even though we did expand those two games level caps in 2013).

Why don't you just hire more people?
Another argument I hear is, well just hire more people to make stuff for Pocket (or Star or Dark). This goes back to running a smart business. You have to make the tough choices that keep your business running. You can't play loose and free with other people's livelyhood and drive your business into the red and force you to close up shop. The short answer is that it won't pay back. Again, we know how these games perform. We have run them for years. As free to play games, the vast majority of our players download the game for free to their device, have some fun with it and never spend anything. It's just how they work out. We really appreciate those who value the games enough that do go on to make a purchase and support us.

If we were to hire more people just to make a Pocket Legends expansion and then have the $$ made from that expansion not pay back enough to allow us to keep those people, should we do it? No. Simple enough.

What we can do
2014 is an exciting time. We have the next thing cooking for Arcane and the Battle games. We have a good line up of events for all games coming (if Double XP or the like isn't your thing, ok fine, but for some people it is a lot of fun, so please don't rain on their parade). Yes, we will also continue to develop new games. For those who hate on us making new games - come on, don't you like new games? We know now that making a great new game is the best way for us to "raise the water" of our company. Honestly, if we hadn't made Arcane Legends, Spacetime very likely wouldn't be around (at least in its current incarnation). We want Spacetime to grow. Exciting new games is the way to do that.

For Pocket Legends specifically, JustG wants us to do more so we'll find a way. That won't be a full on expansion, but we can take swings as we have done before: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?114961-PL-Balance-after-the-Great-Nerf-of-2013

Thanks. Seriously. If you care enough about Pocket Legends to have read all of the above, then I want to hear from you. This ended up a bit longer than what I had in mind. :D If yer a hater that is just gonna hate because I haven't committed to a level cap raise and expansion well /sigh, ok. :sulkiness: But if you have some constructive input about Pocket Legends, then please reply.

I am not even kidding, we can make a Star Legends invansion.
Just saying... ;)

04-04-2014, 03:22 AM
1= yes my english isnt well but i dont think i need a english school if no one useing that language in my country... also if you replyed me its mean you do understand my mesage...

2= yes it was about not fair/ not deserve, also yes Alot of pl players feel same as me and its wasnt start a critism.. i just said " what happened / how could be fix with easly way " thats the best question way for the get correct answer <<< its not gonna a critizm ( but you trying it )

3= i think my mesage for the giwe a helpfull mesage on point " fix pvp + posible to earn ring "

4= my mesage about AL players just for the theys imagine what PL players feel... i didnt said AL players should suffer lol.. it was only for a example for the theys imagine ( idk why you get it different way )

5= community live topic hmmm its depend and another a story but keep in your mind , communitys live with user rates - users rate if community do what they say before than sell theys things.... i am the user and users allways must get what community promise <<< thats the what i meaned from my mesage... also its not point to we talk about community strategys its not our community.. here is a forum and we are shareing infos / ideas / and giwe ideas to community...

Also i prefer to hear a reply from sts : whats the plan about fix ring problem ?

Not: i am accepting and mostly my mesages have " thx to forum mods they are doing great job ".. yes its true trust me i played games,maybe more than your age... sts forum mods really doing great...

Sorry I actually barely understood what you are trying to say.

For number 4, I still don't get your plan, you want THEM to risk THEIR income, THEIR company, to just show how it feels between to different player bases? you want them to go out of their way to just mess up pvp balance, have no cap for 1 year? and what will that do mate? that will destroy the game, and then it could come down to barely surviving trying to hold the company up..

@Number 3, yes if you think saying what you say is good then fine, it is only going of majority rules, meaning if they get I don't know like 85% of the community asking for fixing the Rings they would definitely do it, and also if it was really a problem and not just something people continuously cry about... But something like pvp balance Not Including Rings, through sets, they're the major problems..

04-04-2014, 07:32 AM
Sorry I actually barely understood what you are trying to say.

For number 4, I still don't get your plan, you want THEM to risk THEIR income, THEIR company, to just show how it feels between to different player bases? you want them to go out of their way to just mess up pvp balance, have no cap for 1 year? and what will that do mate? that will destroy the game, and then it could come down to barely surviving trying to hold the company up..

@Number 3, yes if you think saying what you say is good then fine, it is only going of majority rules, meaning if they get I don't know like 85% of the community asking for fixing the Rings they would definitely do it, and also if it was really a problem and not just something people continuously cry about... But something like pvp balance Not Including Rings, through sets, they're the major problems..

:) ok i giwe up to try explain anything. but again saying " if you do understand my english barely or easy so i dont need go to a school for it.. if you didnt understand my mesage you couldnt reply :) correct :) have a good day and have fun

04-07-2014, 02:51 AM
Hey gang,

So, we've been having a bit of discussion about Pocket Legends in this thread: What if they could sell Pocket Legends? (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?132674-What-if-they-could-sell-Pocket-Legends). The idea is, if Spacetime won't create a new expansion or serious, large scale development of Pocket Legends, could they sell the game and someone else would? The short answer to that question is no. Check out that thread if you're interested.

I wanted to give some background as to why in 2013 we didn't put out an expansion to Pocket Legends.

Preface: We Care
First, I want to preface this that everyone at Spacetime cares a lot about all of our games. This comes top down from our CEO Gary Gattis, who, for those who might not know, is JustG (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/member.php?2-Justg) on these forums. Some good background about his sentiments can be found at: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?119363-In-your-opinion-what-would-it-take-to-get-PL-back-to-it-s-glory-days&p=1293272&viewfull=1#post1293272

I care a lot too. Check my forum registration date: Feb 2010. I've been here since the start of Pocket Legends and I care a lot about it and Spacetime too. That's why I'm taking time out of my busy Sunday looking after my 2 and 3 year old kids (my wife works on weekends) to write this.

About Spacetime:
Spacetime is a small company. We're apx 35 people (that's all told, everyone: Customer Support, HR, QA, Design, Art, Tech, Operations, Production). We're not fat cat executives sitting in ivory towers. Far from it. We're middle class dudes and gals trying to follow our zen and make games we love. If you want to learn more about Spacetime's history check out this video done by local TV station KLRU about Spacetime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePaOAey2AA


For perspective, that video was done just a bit before Arcane Legends launched, so the "coming soon" game referenced at the end is AL.

Rewind to Winter 2012
If we roll back to Q4 (Oct,Nov,Dec) of 2012. We put together the "Rediscover Alterra" plan to re-energize Pocket Legends. 2 new classes (Fox and Rhino) and did a big PR push to try and get new users. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?79083-Rediscover-Pocket-Legends-Two-New-Classes-New-Content-Winterfest-and-More

http://www.spacetimestudios.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21598&d=1355421183 (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?79083-Rediscover-Pocket-Legends-Two-New-Classes-New-Content-Winterfest-and-More!)

Unfortunately, it didn't work. We saw pretty small pickup from a lot of work. Why? Well, I chalk it up to PL being dated and probably the time of year. People get really excited about new things, you know? Despite how much shine we put on Pocket Legends, it isn't new anymore. Over the past 4 years we've tried a lot to grow Pocket Legends: TV commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmjbEhtFOI4), hardware promotions (remember the Xperia Play (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?29754-Spacetime-Studios-Pocket-Legends-Xperia-PLAY)?), PR outreach, expansions, features and lots more. We have a pretty good sense of what Pocket Legends will do. It is a testament to the game that after all this time it has a vibrant community with thousands of people playing daily still.

Ok, back to winter of 2012. At the same time that we were trying to re-energize Pocket Legends, we launched Arcane Legends. Arcane is the spiritual successor to Pocket Legends. When we considered trying to re-vamp Pocket (new graphics engine, fix balance issues, etc.) you just realize that it's easier to build a whole new game rather than change up an existing game. That's basically what we did (along with everything we learned from Star Legends and Dark Legends).

Arcane Legends was a huge hit and remains our biggest game yet. Over the course of 2013 it made the most sense to feed that beast. We have aggressively developed Arcane to maintain it's momentum. It is a testament to Arcane that it has received critical acclaim (Best Mobile MMO Awards for 2012) and continues (Best Mobile MMO Award for 2013). I know that some Pocket Legends fans might get tired of hearing about Arcane Legends, but it's the truth.

Servicing your Fans
In the earlier thread forum poster Oldcoot wrote:

To that point, we are servicing the majority of our fans, because that majority are playing Arcane (and to a lesser extent our newer Battle Games). On any given day there are 100,000's of players playing Arcane and the Battle Games (compared to thousands playing Pocket).

We do continue to support Pocket Legends. Check out DocDoBig's Timeline: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?99436-PL-s-Timeline Sure, it isn't the expansion some of you want, but we're not doing "nothing."

Running a Business
As I'm sure Oldcoot can attest, running a business is not easy. For anyone who's evaluated a Profit/Loss statement or been involved in the running of an actual business with employees, overhead, facility, insurance, taxes, payroll, etc. I'm sure you can agree. If we don't run Spacetime well, then yeah, we could go the way of many other companies that can't continue making a go of it and fold up shop. That means we need to make some hard decisions.

The cost of a full on 5 level expansion, 5 new zones, 5 new bosses, new minions, all new items, new class skills, etc. Pocket Legends expansion is the same (if not more because we haven't done one in a while) as an Arcane Legends expansion. Now, if you can do something for 100 people (just making up numbers for the sake of discussion) or do something for that costs the same for 10,000 people, which do you think will pay back better? The 10,000 audience option. That, in a nutshell, is why we haven't done an expansion for Pocket Legends (or that sort of expansion for Star Legends or Dark Legends, even though we did expand those two games level caps in 2013).

Why don't you just hire more people?
Another argument I hear is, well just hire more people to make stuff for Pocket (or Star or Dark). This goes back to running a smart business. You have to make the tough choices that keep your business running. You can't play loose and free with other people's livelyhood and drive your business into the red and force you to close up shop. The short answer is that it won't pay back. Again, we know how these games perform. We have run them for years. As free to play games, the vast majority of our players download the game for free to their device, have some fun with it and never spend anything. It's just how they work out. We really appreciate those who value the games enough that do go on to make a purchase and support us.

If we were to hire more people just to make a Pocket Legends expansion and then have the $$ made from that expansion not pay back enough to allow us to keep those people, should we do it? No. Simple enough.

What we can do
2014 is an exciting time. We have the next thing cooking for Arcane and the Battle games. We have a good line up of events for all games coming (if Double XP or the like isn't your thing, ok fine, but for some people it is a lot of fun, so please don't rain on their parade). Yes, we will also continue to develop new games. For those who hate on us making new games - come on, don't you like new games? We know now that making a great new game is the best way for us to "raise the water" of our company. Honestly, if we hadn't made Arcane Legends, Spacetime very likely wouldn't be around (at least in its current incarnation). We want Spacetime to grow. Exciting new games is the way to do that.

For Pocket Legends specifically, JustG wants us to do more so we'll find a way. That won't be a full on expansion, but we can take swings as we have done before: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?114961-PL-Balance-after-the-Great-Nerf-of-2013

Thanks. Seriously. If you care enough about Pocket Legends to have read all of the above, then I want to hear from you. This ended up a bit longer than what I had in mind. :D If yer a hater that is just gonna hate because I haven't committed to a level cap raise and expansion well /sigh, ok. :sulkiness: But if you have some constructive input about Pocket Legends, then please reply.


Why dont you get a competition up and running you could get the fans of pocketlegends to post there ideas on the thread of a new expansion and all yous need to do is make it happen we dont mind how long it takes we just need somthing to look forward to and something else to do. And all the fans get to vote on the best.
please take this in to consideration and i am not being dis respectful. i understand yous are concentraiting on al but please just give us somthing to do! even if its like a second cap at bsm lvl 77 and you get another chance to get an egg or 2-4pc ring.

thanks please take this in to consideration xxx

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

04-07-2014, 04:36 AM

Why dont you get a competition up and running you could get the fans of pocketlegends to post there ideas on the thread of a new expansion and all yous need to do is make it happen we dont mind how long it takes we just need somthing to look forward to and something else to do. And all the fans get to vote on the best.
please take this in to consideration and i am not being dis respectful. i understand yous are concentraiting on al but please just give us somthing to do! even if its like a second cap at bsm lvl 77 and you get another chance to get an egg or 2-4pc ring.

thanks please take this in to consideration xxx

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Wot, lvl 77? Why not 81, I don't think the leveling system is a problem mate, they can make it lvl 81.

06-27-2014, 11:38 AM
Hiring more people would help because you'd have mods working on each game :)

06-27-2014, 01:24 PM
Hiring more people would help because you'd have mods working on each game :)

please read the part of the thread where it mentions this...

More people doesn't equal more money for STS, if the fan base isn't there, they really see no point pouring an equal amount of work into an SL/PL expansion as they do for AL that probably makes them 10x more plat


He's saying how would AL feel if that happened, to be in PL'a shoes to have their PvP balance broken and no expansion for 1 years

Personallu I like SL and PL more, more simple and less 1000 ping

06-27-2014, 02:59 PM
After i read this and after all i did in PL now i feel like i want to open chrome store and add AL. minor update will keep it stay alive, but alive isnot enough, we need to grow :/. stop growing will make it to be old , older,and .... . . So just keep it stay alive same as let it .. .. slowly.

06-27-2014, 08:03 PM
Hiring more people would help because you'd have mods working on each game :)

More workers more money you have to pay them, they're a small group of workers for a reason, cause they're still a small company.