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View Full Version : Detailed Analysis of Platinum Weapons( for low levels)

01-13-2014, 11:10 PM
Glacial Sabers

Status : Not available

Bio: A weapon that's not hard to get (depending on your luck, but relatively easier than others). This weapon focuses more on your health and defense, lowering your attack. In return, it puts your health to its maximum, adding a little to defense while maintaining an acceptable amount of damage.

Abilities: none

How to use best: This weapon is best used in counter attacking due to its high health boost. You will be able to land more critical hits than your enemy, out lasting them. Using for defense is your best game plan.

Recommendation: Definitely considered the best weapon in Dark Legends (for low level players levels 5-25).

Icy Talons

Status: Available and unlimited

Bio: Having a more diverse and unique look, this weapon is very, very hard to get unlike glacials. It focuses mainly on your defense while taking away 20% of your hp, keeping your damage similar to glacials.

Abilities: The more frequently you use it to attack (not powers), the more it will stun your opponent and prevent him from charging or moving.

How to use best: This weapon can't be used like glacials due to the difference in health. It's best used for attacking first due to its stunning abilities. If you manage to hit your enemy first, you will have a higher chance of winning by preventing him from using any powers.

Recommendation : If you don't have glacials, this weapon is highly recommended.


Status: Available and unlimited

Bio: This weapon is extremely hard to get and is much different than the above two. It's focused entirely on damage and attack while maintaining an acceptable amount of defense. Its lack of health is what drives everyone insane because it has the look of the perfect weapon.

Abilities: Drains the enemies life much faster due to its high damage with the possibility of stunning an enemy (if your lucky).

How to use best: This weapon is best used when charging at the enemy guns blazing due to its low health. In order to use this weapon to its full potential, you have to charge at the enemy first and fast before he counter attacks. If you're going to play the safe game, this weapon isn't for you.

Recommendation : If you're into attacking like a mad man, this weapon is your bread and butter.


Status: Available and unlimited

Bio: This weapon has a nice, unique design and is not that hard to get. Its focus is on attack while depleting all your other attributes: defense, health, DPS(damage per second) and damage.

Abilities: None

How to use best: Similar to the firebrand, without its more damaging effects of course, this weapon's focus is on attack. You will have to attack first without waiting to see what your opponent will do due to your low health.

Recommendation: More suited for PVE, this weapon is not recommended for PVP.


Note: Not a platinum weapon but included here as it's in the same section with them.

Status: Available and unlimited

Bio: Getting this weapon depends entirely on your luck, hard at one time and easier at another. It is similar to icy talons though a weaker version. It focuses slightly on defense and gives a small boost to attack while lowering your damage, DPS(damage per second) and health. It's an attractive weapon with a nice design.

Abilities: Same abilities as icy talons: it has a high chance of stunning opponents the more you attack them. This makes it a fierce weapon in itself.

How to use best: Being similar to icy talons, you should follow same game plan and attack first to stun the enemy. Use more caution with this weapon due to lower defense, damage, DPS(damage per second) and health.

Recommendation: This weapon is one of the strongest among the non-plat weapons. If you can't get plat weapons you should give this one a try.


Status: Available and unlimited

Bio: This weapon is well known for its unique design and can be considered a more powerful version of immortalius. It can be either hard or easy to get, depending solely on the buyers luck.

Abilities: None known at the moment

How to use best: The same plan used with immortalius can be applied here, however you can keep your mind at rest knowing you have more health and damage to gamble with

Recommendation: If you are interested something different and unique, get this one.

One-handed Blades/Hammers

These one-handed weapons all have the same effects and the same techniques would be applied while using them. Therefore these three weapons will be explained only briefly.

Frost Bite

Flame Blade

Electric Headsman

The attributes of these weapons are the same and damage, health and attack/defense are significantly increased. These cannot be recommended for PVP due to their low DPS(damage per second) which results in low accuracy.

now remember this is only based on my knowledge and experience in low level , so this is to help some folks who want to level down or new players ^_^ if anyone has more info that i missed let me know, thanks.

01-13-2014, 11:45 PM
ahhh you forgot the old harg axes the electric one.. bravo post though

01-14-2014, 02:43 AM
ahhh you forgot the old harg axes the electric one.. bravo post though

i never had the harg axes but the electric one is down at the end with all the one handed weapons ^_^

01-14-2014, 02:50 AM
the harg axes are electric o.o not the one the harg drops lol there called harg axes lol

01-14-2014, 03:05 AM
the harg axes are electric o.o not the one the harg drops lol there called harg axes lol

awww yeah that one will i didn't know weather to list it or not because technically its not a plat weapon so i didn't include it

01-14-2014, 03:06 AM
xD thats true lol

03-03-2014, 01:30 PM
icy talons?? how much plats it wants bro?

03-04-2014, 04:28 PM
I got glacial sabres

03-06-2014, 05:22 AM
ive just got 234 plat from free offer and bought a new character slot eplitic gem nostrfue outfit and have 40 left over for biomorph so pretty happy

03-06-2014, 05:23 AM
with the relic axex are there two types because there are the ones with the vines on and then there is the serrated wing ones

04-05-2014, 10:32 PM
awesome deadly free plat is the way to go .

04-07-2014, 03:40 AM
haha yep mez

04-08-2014, 11:41 AM
um can you add an analysis on the plat gems? o.O im just wondering how they work