View Full Version : Dancce's L20 Rhino Guide (Updated)

01-14-2014, 06:10 AM
Dancce's L20 Rhino Guide
Celebrating 1k Kills- Dancce
Most people think L20 Rhinos are easy to play. However, in most matchup cases, they differ for choices. Such as when you have a guy like Reincarnating, slapping you with his Holy Tempest silly, and your health is getting eaten bit to chunks to the whole bar. You must know your timing, your charges, and your health + mana conditions.
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Builds- The most important part of the guild is the build. If you have no build, you're going to school without your eyeballs, actually. The build can be translated into your eyes. Without your eyes, you can't see. Without your build, you can't see where you're going in. You'll be like "Hehehehe. I'm just auto-ing this guy named Reincarnating, or Nkf, or Nae, or whatever pro you consider."

Tank- 6 Vital 5 Guardian 1 Charge 1 Redemption 6 Heal
Tank (Dancce's old secret build)- 5 vital 6 Guardian 1 a Charge 1 Redmemption 6 Heal (Note- Pro Damage and Nuke Rhinos will blow you down like a match in a cold storm if you're in this build.)
Damage (Nae's Recommendation)- 5 Vital 5 Guardian 1 Charge 1 Redemption 4 Heal 3 HolyTemp
Nuke-Blown- 6 Vital 1 Charge 1 Redemption 6 Heal 5 Holy Temp
Nuke-Blown- 6 Vital 1 Charge 1 Redemption 5 Heal 6 Holy Temp (Note- You're extremely squishy using this one, so make sure you take the time to run back and heal yourself.) Also, bears can run you over if you're not careful. (Suggested by: Fear)
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Gear- "Why are you running into the battlefield with no armor?!" I yell. "Huh. Idk" you respond. Gear is gear. You won't survive anything if you don't have it. Lemme suggest some gear for you, as along for gear sets that you may save as your switch tabs.

Suggested Gear---> 1) Rhino 3-Pack- No 1 Used 20 Rhino Gear as well as used among Tank 20/22/Common PvP Low Lvl/ Bears and Tank Mages.
2) Bear 4-Pack- No 2 Used 20 Rhino Gear. Common for Tank Bears and Tank Mages. (Note- Will Kill All Your Mana, so double check when you fight that you have your Sorcerers 5 Armor wrapped snugly around you.
3) Rhino 4-Pack- Not much of these, but still decent stuff.
4) Hammer Drops- Not much... They're just drops... Not very Overpowered at all

Kits/Sets Combined

1) for tanks/ Guru Set subtract helm + Bear 4-Pack Helm (Note- suggested to switch to full Guru Set when running low on mana. At least you'll have 3 mana regen.) Get a Ring too! (Suggests Crit/Armor or Crit/Damage
2) for Damage Builds1+2 /Guru Set Full + Crit/Armor Ring or Crit/Damage Ring
3) for Nuke Builds/ Same As Above, Damage Build Gear Set

Hmm... Disagree with me? If so, you can customize your own gear that will give yourself a good taste in what you like.
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*Don't fight mages without regen gear up and ready for you to switch. (I learned that the hard way. I calculated for about 500 deaths have mages caused me because I was poor and I didn't have regen gear.)
*You got to feel the battle spirit within yourself, and smash buttons. If you're not confident that you'll win, you've just jinxed it.
*Speak to the pros. Add me if you want help, or any other rhino. (I suggest- Naetheanimal, Nkf, Sparewheel, Codfishrhino, Reincarnating, and others that you think can help you.) IGN- Dancce, Phaqrqh (Developing A 20/22 Tank Bear). Also, pls don't ask me if I can help you level, because I don't have a main because I am cheap.
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The Skill Points (Reminded by: Trenton)
Skill Points- 65 Str, Rest Int
67 Str, Rest Int
It's customizable, so have fun with your skill points, although I do recommend to don't screw up and put 60 Str (All Gear Str, 62 Str).
So.. I guess that's it. I had loads of fun showing you guys the L20 Rhino, so I wish you a safe time on your rhino, become a master at rhinos, and don't forget to ask unanswered questions on this thread. See ya, Dancce.
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01-14-2014, 06:47 AM
Good job, I've never played rhino but I might try it now :)

01-14-2014, 01:30 PM
Well done.

01-14-2014, 04:04 PM
not flamin but put a gap between eacch build i can barely read other than tht good guide

01-14-2014, 06:16 PM
not flamin but put a gap between eacch build i can barely read other than tht good guide

Oops.. Sorry, was writing in the middle of the morning (2 AM), and I was in a quite of a rush. :) Thx for the comment. :)

01-14-2014, 06:17 PM
Well done.

Thx :)

01-14-2014, 06:18 PM
Good job, I've never played rhino but I might try it now :)

I wish a good helpings for you :D

01-14-2014, 06:44 PM
Nice job.
I remember using a 4 skill build because Nae told me too..

01-14-2014, 07:58 PM
Thx, for you guys' support. <3

01-14-2014, 08:04 PM
Those nuke ones up there is meh vs bears just a warning

01-14-2014, 08:09 PM
Those nuke ones up there is meh vs bears just a warning

Oh yea, huh... Thx for reminding me, I'll edit it

01-14-2014, 08:09 PM
Why are you so consistent on having at least 5 Guardian? That's pretty funny. Pretty good guide, I'd say for you to add which ring to use, plus how much str/int/dex to use.

01-14-2014, 08:12 PM
Ahh, right... Dam... I forget everything ---> Dancce

01-14-2014, 08:17 PM
Nvm secret

01-14-2014, 08:27 PM
You guys, I wuv u guys for making this guide a ill moar popular. Thx - Dancce. Peace out

01-14-2014, 09:08 PM
100k per like/thanks

01-15-2014, 01:13 AM
Good dedication and build

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

01-15-2014, 08:20 AM
Actually, Nk's build and Nae's aren't much different. They are different only in the sense that one does not use tempest, which is useless tbh. Gaurdian should be saved as an extra "cleansing" skill, and you should always save heal for an instant health boost + regen . Depending on the situation of course.

I've found that Guardian is amazing to use against bears hs if you have good timing. The order should look like this:

Buff >Charge > Heal if necessary > wait for charge again ( use guardian and heal as necessary ) and hit em with the nuke ( charge + redemption ). If you're using the plat pack hammer, you should get decent enough damage from auto-ing and this should work perfectly.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you do NOT always need to hit the combo. I know many noob rhnios that lose battles because they're waiting for charge to cooldown, instead of hitting redemption. When it gets down to the wire, USE IT. The health bonus will help you survive long fights.

Also: A paw against a mage is usually the only way to go unless you nuke them outright. Your damage output is amazing. Same with scythe against bears/foxes.

^^^^^ All stuff I think should be added. If you would like, we could collaborate and make one huge guide for l20 rhinos, because they are so fun. :D pm me~

01-15-2014, 05:20 PM
How is HT not needed? Sounds cocky, and I know I'm obviously not the best considering I'm never on it, but I use HT and I've never lost to a rhino that doesn't use it (except Nae, never even fought him before) I don't really wanna say what I use, as its an auto "Omg u nub u sUCK" type of build, but imo a HT build is the best that anyone can use.

01-15-2014, 07:29 PM
In my opinion plat pack rhino fights wire down to who conserved more mana and got some charge+red combo in. Also, it's all about the person's play style that keeps a build usable. I didn't use anyone's build and just made my own.

01-16-2014, 02:03 AM
In my opinion plat pack rhino fights wire down to who conserved more mana and got some charge+red combo in. Also, it's all about the person's play style that keeps a build usable. I didn't use anyone's build and just made my own.

Correct. If your build is aggressive, it suggests that you're an aggressive player, unless you're testing out builds. If you're using tank build, it suggests that you're the main tank, rolling in and taking the bullets.