View Full Version : glitch on skills map

mala salerosa
01-15-2014, 04:09 PM
Hello developers. I am writing to bring your attention to a possible glitch in the skills map in the corner. The first one blanks out completely periodically. The remedy is to open and close main menu+options. Then the first skill is restored. I want to emphasize that it is not the temporary lack of mana/recharge type of going blank. This is with full mana. Skill circle appears as though no skill is assigned to it. It creates a problem during battle and has gotten me killed employing the remedy. The first time, I opened skills to confirm that I had not accidentally unassigned the skill slot. But alas, the slot was indeed assigned and full mana. This problem has only been occurring in the last few months. Thank you in advance to your attention to this problem.

01-15-2014, 07:59 PM
Yes, occassionally this happens. But pay attention, the skill only *appears* to be unusable. If you try it, you will see that it's fully deployable and works perfectly. This is a plain visual bug that occurs because due to lag or tap/clicks overlaps.

Additionally, blacking out is just like freezing the sprite of the slowly reloading skill. For the actual skill to be rendered useless, it'd have to be removed and thus leave no sign of outer circle around the skill icon --not plain black.

A fun way to make this happen is one of the little bugs I've found. Press and hold down any skill until it's charged, then shortcut to any of the menu tabs. Going back to the game should now have you with that skill locked down and charged, but its icon will be missing.


mala salerosa
01-15-2014, 09:47 PM
Thank you for your input madnex. Unfortunately, I disagree on the point that u said the skill is still useable. At least in my case, the button spot does not respond at all, with neither charged nor normal attacks. It appears and responds as
though nothing is assigned to the spot.

01-15-2014, 11:34 PM
It happens to me too during boss fights. It happens if i charge a skill when facing only boss. I think it's because of graphics in boss fight

01-16-2014, 09:53 AM
I think I know what you're referring to. But, f the skill button is still there, you can use it.

The confusion here is probably the outcome of the fact that you can't see your skill charging, leading you to think it's unusable. Next time try to hold down that skill a bit more before firing it and tell me if that works. ;)

01-16-2014, 01:29 PM
Madnex is correct. While it appears that the skill is gone, it is actually still there and still able to be used.

The method to create this scenario is reproducible, and though it may be an annoyance, it certainly isn't a hindrance, as long as you know which skill is lurking there. This particular "bug" has been around for a very long time, and with everything else that STS is working on, I would doubt that they will take the time to fix it.

01-16-2014, 01:39 PM
It is a hinderance when you can't tell if the skill is off cooldown or not. But, that's the only time it is.

01-16-2014, 02:03 PM
Doesn't affect me....I'm just a button mashing noob!

mala salerosa
01-20-2014, 03:32 AM
No folks. This is NOT a skill recharge/mana level issue as I stated in the original post, and I assure you that I know what a charging skill looks like. The skill goes blank as though there is nothing assigned to it. It then never reappears until I employ the remedy (again, the only way that I have found to restore the skill is to open and close the options menu.) If it were simply a skill recharge issue, the use of the skill would become available again after a recharge period. Odd, I realize... That is why I forward the notion that it may be a programming glitch. Hello developers. Are you reviewing this? Do I submit a case to initiate resolution from tech support?

01-20-2014, 02:56 PM
Um, maybe I should lay it down with pictures for you.

How it looks when it's glitched but still usable:

Which mean you can still charge it:

How it looks when it's unusable:

01-28-2014, 03:01 PM
Hello developers. I am writing to bring your attention to a possible glitch in the skills map in the corner. The first one blanks out completely periodically.

Yes, I agree this happens at times. Apparently it looks as though it is on a permanent cooldown but it is usable. It hinders quick action as we have to blindly press the skill, unsure of whether its still on cooldown or not. Seeing a skill cool down and rise up to be usable again helps acting quick on reflexes when fighting, and that is why this needs to be fixed in the future.