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View Full Version : don't poke them!

11-24-2010, 08:02 AM
After reading the latest suggestions about environement interactions, and new boss, i had this idea:

adding non-attacking-unless-you-hit-it big creatures , they have to be all L50 or more.

so, when you first pass in front of him, if a noob try to hit it, it wakes up and it's hell on earth 'till everybody die, lol (fun no?)
Then you swear to be back someday, as soon as you turn at least 50 and kick him

it's kinda like the plants in Mario 64, lol got the idea?

here's some creatures suggestions:

Giant carnivore plant.
Sleeping elemental of water
Ice trapped lil Ol' Yeti
Lazy Croc'
Drunk Princess. (longshot for this one, lol)
Peaceful Berserker.
Good Mojo..

Drop your ideas too!

11-24-2010, 08:16 AM
Aren't the prisoners in Ao3 like that?

11-24-2010, 04:04 PM
Yes, they are! I forgot to mention it, lol It was pretty cool right? So why not adding this feature to other levels?

('bout the prisonners, to bad they don't drop special loots. at least to me, lol)

11-24-2010, 11:33 PM
niiiice idea... original i think too. if the area between townes, or around townes in general were to be expanded, we could have whole fields of benevolent demon-cows grazing until a stray arrow sparks them ALL to jump you lol... this also adds a sense of replayability to each map, if you make it so that they drop special loot; demon-cow horny talon (for when you REALLY want to show them something)

on a separate note, Balonia your thread is killing me...

11-25-2010, 07:36 PM
Amazing idea!