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View Full Version : Whim IS seriously glitched!

01-15-2014, 09:08 PM
Hello, Developers,

Now I know that y'all have stated that it is not, but I have done some testing on video, and the fact is that it is.

Below, I will highlight the issues of the arcane ability. Also, I will upload a video on youtube to further show this. As you can see, the problems listed are present in the video. *

Arcane Ability Problems:
• It does not reduce the armor it claims to reduce. I verified this by having a player have his stat window open. No changes were visible.

• When it pulls, there is NO arcane damage or NO smash unless the whim is already literally right next to the player. What is the point of having an arcane ability that pulls and states it damages if it does not damage unless the whim is already within melee range? This entirely defeats the purpose of the arcane ability.

• The pull does not pull in hard enough for the smash/arcane ability damage to commence. The only time it does is when the player is on the very outskirts of the whim's arcane ability pull range. Basically, as stated in bullet point #2, unless the whim is standing next to the player, the arcane ability will NOT give any damage. If a player is even slightly within range, the whim will hardly move the player more than a few inches. In other games like PL, it should be a tight pull that actually brings the opponent in range - not something feeble and weak as that does not show an arcane pet's nature.

PLEASE, do not ignore this issue as y'all have done in the past. It may work well on your servers, but it is certainly not working well in the actual game. If you remember, the same issue was present with the Elite Wraith Heart. Everything was fine and dandy on your servers, but in game, we were experiencing issues.

Video Link

* video will be up shortly

01-15-2014, 09:29 PM
Please fix

01-16-2014, 02:53 AM
I hope and wish.

01-16-2014, 03:29 AM
Zeus, your channel is Parth Kapur right? I am asking so that I will be able to watch more of such videos. Thanks for making this video:)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

01-16-2014, 03:34 AM
Out of topic question -
Zeus whats your avg ping and speed of connection?

01-16-2014, 03:38 AM
I am not so sure you are right about the no damage at 25 seconds as there is a critical damage done for 349. Then you say no damage. So I am not saying this doesn't happen. But at this time frame it seems like some damage was done. You can rewind the video to 24 seconds and click on play/pause rapidly and see each frame. Whether it was from the pull or just normal pet attack I don't know. But seems like something happened there. Also the second test at 1:13 also shows a hit for 204. At any rate if its not doing damage then they should fix it. Also your pet is level 36 from the video so it should do damage so this is not the issue here. And just full disclosure I own this pet as well.

Also some recommendations when you do these tests you should be alone with the opposite player and have the opposite player dismiss their pet. Because its hard to know where the damage is coming from sometimes. Because in both of these cases I had to look very carefully at each frame to see that the damage wasn't coming from Samael. And it didn't seem like he was engaged at this point.

01-16-2014, 03:44 AM
Here is the pics from the time frame I am talking about:



01-16-2014, 04:18 AM
Here is the pics from the time frame I am talking about:



Yeah, Falmear, if you want to test, I can show you in game. That was a rough video, but...

For the first one with Hax & the 204 damage, if you notice, that is the passive attack. Why? The timing between the next attack is roughly the same.

When you use whim and the arcane does hit, it shows two hits, one which is from the pull and the other is from the passive. The same is the case in regards to Alhuntrazeck as the following attack is again a slight pause and then attack.

I've figured out that the armor reduction does work as stated - it just doesn't show on the stats menu. So, that is only a visual issue from this point.

01-16-2014, 05:06 AM
I recorded a new, more detailed video that should highlight the arcane ability's issues.


Key points:
• Some of the higher critical hits you will see are actually passive hits. The reason why they're hitting so high is that the armor reducing part of the whim's arcane does work & it's in effect during the pull just before the attack. So, when whim brothers crit and that debuff is in effect, you see damage upwards of 300+
• The double hit actually one of the hits being a passive attack and one of the hits being arcane ability damage. I should also mention that the arcane ability damage is literally the same as the passive damage if none of the armor debuffs are taken into account - this is something that needs to be looked at as well.

01-16-2014, 05:15 AM
Out of topic question -
Zeus whats your avg ping and speed of connection?

On campus, lately, it has been intermittent with an increasing college population. Fortunately, it's usually only like this for a week or two before the technicians get the campus wide WiFi network to handle the load.

At home, I'm usually hovering at 100 ping or so. On campus, if the WiFi is working as it should, I get around the same ping.

01-16-2014, 11:18 AM
In which city are leaving and what is the name of service provider? I guess Parth Kapoor means you are from India. I got BSNL broadband and my ping is inbetween 300-1000.

01-16-2014, 11:26 AM
In which city are leaving and what is the name of service provider? I guess Parth Kapoor means you are from India. I got BSNL broadband and my ping is inbetween 300-1000.

I live in Oceanside/San Bernardino/San Diego. The reason why I said all 3 is because I am constantly moving between all 3 locations throughout the week.

My internet provider is Cox Communications. For the college internet, I am not sure what they use other than the global WiFi called eduroam.

What is your upload/download speeds? In AL, consistent ping has a lot to do with bandwidth and a stable consistent connection.

01-16-2014, 11:56 AM
Thanks for taking the time to post this feedback. We'll dig into it.

01-16-2014, 11:59 AM
Thanks for taking the time to post this feedback. We'll dig into it.

Thanks! Grats on the promotion to dev? Haha! :p

01-17-2014, 11:32 AM
The team is looking at a few changes to the Brothers Whim, including:

Arcane Legends: Brother's Whim ability adjustments
- Changing Whim's Activated Ability to be not dodgeable
- Reduced range of Activated Ability from 14 to 9
- Changing the pull of Activated Ability so that Whim will pull anything within 9 range so that it ends up 1 range away from them.

These changes are still in testing and subject to further refinements. They won't make today's patch on 1/17, so maybe sometime next week (if they end up being good to go).

01-17-2014, 11:36 AM
The team is looking at a few changes to the Brothers Whim, including:

Arcane Legends: Brother's Whim ability adjustments
- Changing Whim's Activated Ability to be not dodgeable
- Reduced range of Activated Ability from 14 to 9
- Changing the pull of Activated Ability so that Whim will pull anything within 9 range so that it ends up 1 range away from them.

These changes are still in testing and subject to further refinements. They won't make today's patch on 1/17, so maybe sometime next week (if they end up being good to go).

Are they considering adding mana regen as well? Thanks for the update.

01-17-2014, 12:14 PM
aw, why reduce range..

01-17-2014, 05:04 PM
aw, why reduce range..

Yeah, the 14 range was great. Now we have to be much much closer which basically defeats the purpose of the pull, no?

I have to say though, Sam, thanks for the update!

01-17-2014, 05:06 PM
Yeah, the 14 range was great. Now we have to be much much closer which basically defeats the purpose of the pull, no?

I have to say though, Sam, thanks for the update!

Once we dug into it and got the ability working properly, 14 seemed massive for the range. It's effectively the entire screen, so as a result of how well it functions now the range has been reduced a little bit to where we feel it is comfortable. Naturally after QA testing this may change again, but we feel the change is appropriate given the rest of the changes and their implications.

01-17-2014, 05:14 PM
Once we dug into it and got the ability working properly, 14 seemed massive for the range. It's effectively the entire screen, so as a result of how well it functions now the range has been reduced a little bit to where we feel it is comfortable. Naturally after QA testing this may change again, but we feel the change is appropriate given the rest of the changes and their implications.

Well, I'm not going to complain about that! :p Thanks for the update, Carapace, I highly appreciate that it was finally looked into. :)

Now, will Frosteye's ability be changed accordingly as well? It's also 14mm, right?

01-17-2014, 08:06 PM
Well, I'm not going to complain about that! :p Thanks for the update, Carapace, I highly appreciate that it was finally looked into. :)

Now, will Frosteye's ability be changed accordingly as well? It's also 14mm, right?

Frosteye is much less,i think around 7, but hes attack is ranged so he doesnt stay so close like whim. Thats why can notice pull every time on frosteye aa.

01-18-2014, 04:57 AM
I personally dont like Frosteye ability in PvE. Frosteye is range pet so her arcane pulls chuck of enemies from lured/trapped mobs. I think - on otherside whim is melee pet so whim pulling ability is way more reliable than frosteye.

01-18-2014, 08:34 AM
I personally dont like Frosteye ability in PvE. Frosteye is range pet so her arcane pulls chuck of enemies from lured/trapped mobs. I think - on otherside whim is melee pet so whim pulling ability is way more reliable than frosteye.

Since Whim is already next to the opponent, many times it wont pull. Maybe this and a few other reasons is why theyre looking into it. I have both that are 36 and that is my experience.

01-18-2014, 05:20 PM
Thank you STS for looking at this problem at last. Really looking forward to seeing the end result.

P.s please make the devastate better :p

01-20-2014, 07:37 AM
Thnx for fixing this =] maybe now people will give more respect to whim ey!

I hope the fixes will make whim a very handy pet in pvp and thnx zeus for making this thread with so much detail

01-20-2014, 11:14 PM
Now let's make a video on ker'shal staff =D
Mines been broken for a while now =p

01-21-2014, 04:32 PM
The thing with the whim pull being reduced is, unlike Samael, the whims follow very very closely behind your avatar... so... to have a 9mm pull is pretty small. If y'all could buff it up to at least 10-12, that would be highly appreciated.

01-21-2014, 04:42 PM
Thanks again for all of your feedback, guys. The Brothers Whim have now been updated in the latest patch with the changes the Samhayne mentioned last week. Check out the Content Update thread for more: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?134626-2014-01-21-Content-Update-(138401).

01-21-2014, 05:15 PM
Thanks again for all of your feedback, guys. The Brothers Whim have now been updated in the latest patch with the changes the Samhayne mentioned last week. Check out the Content Update thread for more: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?134626-2014-01-21-Content-Update-(138401).

I will post a video later on this thread, but I have determined that with this reduced pull range, by the time they are able to pull opponents, they can already auto attack.

May I ask what is the point of the pull if you have to get them close enough to auto attack range...?

Please, please, please... change it back to the 14mm pull & keep the other upgrades. It was already a weak arcane... right now, developers fixed the issues with it (which I am grateful for) and created another issue by fixing what wasn't broken.

01-21-2014, 05:21 PM


Here's a new video of the reduced range... Can y'all change it back to the 14mm pull? Arrows are listed at 14mm, yet they aren't considered OP....

Regardless, it's an arcane pet - like developers have stated many times - holding an arcane should make you a "bad mamajama". The 14mm pull was justified. Now? It's pointless having the pull when they can already auto attack.

01-22-2014, 05:33 PM
Its worse than before....

Please fix back to 14mm, or just simply reverse the "fix".

01-23-2014, 10:04 AM
The range is a flat out joke now. They pull mobs that are already right on top of them only. It seems as if it pulls a limited number of mobs as well. I can see that perhaps the range was to big before. But its now way to small.

Also the pull often does not last long enough to allow the time to do the attack damage and armor reduction. In other words, the mobs often run back out of range immediately after the pull, and don't get hit by the subsequent smash. A good example is archers, as their AI tells them to, back away! Back away! The smash oftentimes misses one or two of them.

Please at the very least adjust the range. If you feel 14 is to much.. try 11-12. My personal opinion is that 14 wasn't to big. The pet is supposed to have the best stats, and abilities, of any pet in-game outside of its fellow arcane rarity friends.

Also, if I'm not just hallucinating, and it isn't just a result of the extremely limited range, and there is a limited number of mobs it can pull in, it should work in such a way to pull in mobs farthest from whom before those closest... That's common sense to me. Why would you want the closest mobs to move an inch and ignore those farthest away?

As it is, the arcane ability is not inline with the fact the pet is of arcane rarity, its just plain weak. Devs, please fix this.

01-23-2014, 10:38 AM
I agree. Range is terrible.

08-25-2016, 01:34 PM
how much armor does whim reduces on AA? also it would be ok to add at least a slow after pull on whim AA since whim is now back on game.