View Full Version : Mobs damage glitching at Elite Arcanum Castle and Tower of Mardrom

01-17-2014, 04:42 AM
I have been on a couple of runs recently helping guildies for the elite Glob AP, and after noticing this issue, I checked and it is happening at Mardrom tower too.

I'm a fully geared mythic rogue and have soloed every elite in the game. The mobs at elite arcanum castle (not just the big uglies, but the little piggies too) are by far the most difficult to be found anywhere in the game. This has got to be either a glitch or an oversight, because when a single small piglet can hit me for 1800 damage, taking 45% of my health in one hit, that's bizarre.

The only other elite mobs that come close are the giants of shuyal and the large glacian mobs of Nordr. For a junior elite, this kind of damage makes no sense. This is supposed to be lower than Shuyal, Nordr and Kraken in difficulty, but the mobs do far far more damage than any in higher zones.

01-17-2014, 04:47 AM
Yes noticed too the piggies does most damage! I'm running Top Legendary Gears in MY Sorc I got 3K HP 906Armour and the Piggie kill me in 2 bites I can solo all the mobs there but the piggy can't kill it 1vs1! I didnt got the glob ap yet!

01-17-2014, 05:46 AM
I think its fine, you need a sorcerer in you party to freeze, root or stun them. The wolves and the snaggletooth mobs in nordr also do insane damage. Elite maps should not be rogue solo playground.

01-17-2014, 06:17 AM
That's not the point though. Why are dead city mobs 3 times harder than shuyal ones? I'm not saying the map is too hard or can't be done, the mob damage is just out of proportion with the other elites.

I agree elites should be hard. If they wanted to boost all other elites to have damage enough to make this in proportion, that would be fine, (although messy lb wise this late in the season) but low level elite mobs should not hit harder than those in the current expansion map. These mobs hit way harder than the piggies in Oltgar. I have tested both.

01-17-2014, 12:14 PM
Mostly what Hal said. Also, since you were helping guild mates, I assume you did most of the front lines. A party of 4 makes every mob in the map gets around +30% stat boost on everything (including attack, HP, etc), per player.

That would make a single mob's attack at least 120% higher than solo. Wrathjaw mobs also tend to come in packs of 2-5, making them a formidable enemy. Let's see how good they are comparing to similar type mobs in shuyal and nordr.

First, wrathjaws have more HP/raw attack power comparing to shuyal dark wolves because they don't possess any kind of debuff or special attack (wolves throw crit, armor, damage stackable debuff, not to mention they can damage buff themselves when attacking in packs [2+]).

Secondly, snaggletooths in nordr. Although they appear to be the same with wrathjaws, they have slightly lower HP/armor. But, that's because they have an extra aoe freezing attack. If you notice any mobs attacking movements, you'll see they consist of a pattern. Three normal attacks followed by a greater one or a special (in this case, the AoE ice blast stun attack). Instead of the ice blast, the wrathjaws have a single target red sparks stun attack, which deals the exact same damage, therefore their HP/armor is a little higher to balance the AoE-single target difference.

PvE is where you need those squishy sorcs after all.

01-17-2014, 04:48 PM
That's very nice and everything, but does not change the facts that the little pink piggies hit harder than they should. This thread is not about strategy, and I know how to work around the problem. That is Not. The. Point.

01-17-2014, 10:17 PM
The point is there but maybe I should try to explain better.

Elite maps difficulty doesn't scale normally. Mardrom's tower, Nordr and Shuyal consist of enemy mobs of the same threat level. Now if you don't know what threat level is, that's understandable; don't go say my explanation missed the point because the point is strategy, you just lack the means to perceive how it affects the subject you brought up as flawed.

I hope that clears up things.

01-18-2014, 10:25 AM
I cant make this zone see the ss how much damage he pup does..600in normal and 2000dmg in Crit!!!!

01-18-2014, 02:36 PM
I'd never think this would be an issue for two sorcerers.. If you time your skills you can keep the mobs stunned/rooted/frozen forever. If you really can't do this, add Omnisorc and I'll help you out.

You're also wearing Lep, which makes things harder by itself. Yes they deal three fast bites for 15% of your HP each before the jumping one which takes away 45% and slows you down. Again, that's why we play ranged; they can't touch you if you do it correctly. A good strategy for any mob is: FB, Gale, approach and Time Shift. Then you can spam your skills keeping a distance and when you see your TS on 80% reload, prepare to throw FB and repeat.