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01-17-2014, 01:35 PM
Hey guys I was the guild master of the guild federation a player told me to type /guilddie "WARNING DO BOT TYPE THIS" as it deletes the guild dualsplicer is the one who said this because has a sook about me please don't fall for this like I have now have to get all my members back spread word and ino don't mention names on forum but he deserves it seriously

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

01-17-2014, 01:46 PM
Lol. Well, at least you have learned a new /command now. Not sure how this is anyone elses fault though; you are the one who disbanded the guild.

*also, you should edit your sig.

01-17-2014, 01:52 PM
I know Dualspicer and however he isn't my closest friend, it bothers me how you blame him here. Even if he really told you to type that, either by silly joke or because there is hate between both of you, It was your choice to do that or not. It's no reason to compromite him on public thread!

01-17-2014, 02:13 PM
What did you think it would do? It said guild die

for the lulz
01-17-2014, 02:25 PM
Hi im dualsplicer :) for any complaints regarding players in game or on forums please contact support http://support.spacetimestudios.com/

ps: y u do dis domi ;( i cry everytime

01-17-2014, 05:56 PM
Just be more careful in the future, please.

01-17-2014, 06:05 PM
Bahaha "must read".

U used a command to delete ur guild and u r trying to blame someone else for it?

01-17-2014, 06:27 PM
I don't know why all of you are mocking him. While I agree that this thread isn't going to solve anything, he isn't necessarily 100% at fault. He was clueless about the command and clearly he was "deceived".

A guild chart is not just an item you buy, its something that takes time to build. Since it was something he was proud of, and as master, worked hard for, it clearly upset him.

Guilddie can be mistaken as "Guildie". Add that to the fact that the deceiver said something like, "type that and you get blah blah blah", and I believe he was cheated to this evil prank, if that's what it should be called.

You can't simply laugh at a person that was used/taken advantage of.

This is the reason why the developers cant take this forum community serious anymore, everyone (well, mostly) believes they are better than anyone else, contain high egos, and lose all sights of staying humble towards others.

Good luck rebuilding domi, I had a great friend that got the same deed done to her, it's not funny at all. Email support and maybe they can restore your guild.

01-17-2014, 07:38 PM
I don't know why all of you are mocking him. While I agree that this thread isn't going to solve anything, he isn't necessarily 100% at fault. He was clueless about the command and clearly he was "deceived".

A guild chart is not just an item you buy, its something that takes time to build. Since it was something he was proud of, and as master, worked hard for, it clearly upset him.

Guilddie can be mistaken as "Guildie". Add that to the fact that the deceiver said something like, "type that and you get blah blah blah", and I believe he was cheated to this evil prank, if that's what it should be called.

You can't simply laugh at a person that was used/taken advantage of.

This is the reason why the developers cant take this forum community serious anymore, everyone (well, mostly) believes they are better than anyone else, contain high egos, and lose all sights of staying humble towards others.

Good luck rebuilding domi, I had a great friend that got the same deed done to her, it's not funny at all. Email support and maybe they can restore your guild.


01-17-2014, 08:24 PM
You were clueless about the command, and you typed it. After someone you don't like told you to.


01-17-2014, 08:35 PM
I don't know why all of you are mocking him. While I agree that this thread isn't going to solve anything, he isn't necessarily 100% at fault. He was clueless about the command and clearly he was "deceived".

A guild chart is not just an item you buy, its something that takes time to build. Since it was something he was proud of, and as master, worked hard for, it clearly upset him.

Guilddie can be mistaken as "Guildie". Add that to the fact that the deceiver said something like, "type that and you get blah blah blah", and I believe he was cheated to this evil prank, if that's what it should be called.

You can't simply laugh at a person that was used/taken advantage of.

This is the reason why the developers cant take this forum community serious anymore, everyone (well, mostly) believes they are better than anyone else, contain high egos, and lose all sights of staying humble towards others.

Good luck rebuilding domi, I had a great friend that got the same deed done to her, it's not funny at all. Email support and maybe they can restore your guild.

Thank you atleast u see how I do and meh I only played pl for my guild so I no longer play :)

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

01-17-2014, 08:37 PM
You were clueless about the command, and you typed it. After someone you don't like told you to.


He didn't tell me on he's main he targeted me on he's alt which I didn't know seemed like on of the other friends I was talking to

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

01-17-2014, 08:38 PM
He didn't tell me on he's main he targeted me on he's alt which I didn't know seemed like on of the other friends I was talking to

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

Oh so you listened to someone you didn't know. That's better.

Edit: not trying to sound rude. Sorry for your loss.... Of your guild. But c'mon now.

01-17-2014, 08:45 PM
Oh so you listened to someone you didn't know. That's better.

Edit: not trying to sound rude. Sorry for your loss.... Of your guild. But c'mon now.

Was similar name to a close friend plus he was saying that when he type command invalid and if I could try to see what it did little did I know bam t3 guild all my hard work and hours and hours of sorting gone I'm not doing this thread to target dual I'm doing this to warn others so they don't loose what they love as well. If it wasn't for the guild I would have quit ages ago but I liked being gm have me a challenge made me want to try help people and show a example for pl not trick a enemy into deleting he's guild or scamming others

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

01-17-2014, 08:47 PM
Was similar name to a close friend plus he was saying that when he type command invalid and if I could try to see what it did little did I know bam t3 guild all my hard work and hours and hours of sorting gone I'm not doing this thread to target dual I'm doing this to warn others so they don't loose what they love as well. If it wasn't for the guild I would have quit ages ago but I liked being gm have me a challenge made me want to try help people and show a example for pl not trick a enemy into deleting he's guild or scamming others

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

If it wasn't meant to target dual, then you shouldn't have posted his name at all.

01-17-2014, 10:33 PM
If it wasn't meant to target dual, then you shouldn't have posted his name at all.

Can you stop trying to be Mr So Perfect? If someone made you lose a good guild that you really loved, worked hard on you'd be pretty sad too. And you aren't helping. Nor is the majority of the people who posted on this thread.
Occultformula pretty much nailed everything I would have said. If Domi said he didn't target Dual then he didn't target Dual.
From my own experiences, Dual can be a bit of a troll, and make people fall into big traps. But Dual is only a kid, and obviously doesn't think about consequences.

Anyway, Domi, if you start a new guild I'll help you rebuild it, okay? ^^

01-17-2014, 10:35 PM
Formula: If you are friend with Domi, then you probably read his post from different view than rest of us. For me (and most of others as you can see) his post seemd more like dumb crying on his foolish mistake. Everyone clicked on !!!Must Read!!! Thread with some expectations perhaps and have found this... Divine post blaming someone to do something, containg some kind of warning... Well I'm really not surprised of our reaction on it. I also disagree that this post shows the bad state of forum community. I bet that if Domi has chosen some better words and made his post in smarter way, he'd be thanked in stead. However I already believe him and his purposes, the way of expression was unfortunate.

01-18-2014, 12:02 AM
There will be karma and soon those who play a prank on someone else that will cause suffer and inconveniences will get it too one way or the other.

Domimation there is a great lesson to be learn here and you found out the hard way and there is still alot to be learn, I understand your frustration and anger, start by Email Support First and Posting here in forum just tell your experience what happen to you without mentioning any names and by this you will let everyone knows and made aware of the Problems.

01-18-2014, 12:17 AM
Curiosity killed the cat.

01-18-2014, 01:19 AM
Formula: If you are friend with Domi, then you probably read his post from different view than rest of us. For me (and most of others as you can see) his post seemd more like dumb crying on his foolish mistake. Everyone clicked on !!!Must Read!!! Thread with some expectations perhaps and have found this... Divine post blaming someone to do something, containg some kind of warning... Well I'm really not surprised of our reaction on it. I also disagree that this post shows the bad state of forum community. I bet that if Domi has chosen some better words and made his post in smarter way, he'd be thanked in stead. However I already believe him and his purposes, the way of expression was unfortunate.

I don't know Domi and i just know it here i even don't know if its a he or a she, Calling him dumb crying shows your side of a bad community, most of people here are from different country, some can and cannot write english very well, some are grown ups and some still a kid, not everyone can put in better words like you do and not everyone is as smart as you do, his trying to express his problems and his struggling to get help, if your smart enough to write all those mean words you will be smart enough to write and make it more in a manner that we care and be gentle in pointing out his mistakes, I'm not that smart and I'm not that good In english but I do have a heart that knows how people do feel sad. Everyone do make a mistake and we learn from those mistakes thats how we better our self so we won't make that mistake again.

01-18-2014, 05:29 AM

There is nothing to disagree on what you wrote. Especially the part about language barrier is very true. (Just saying that I'm not English speaking nation, oh and I also dont consider myself smarter that anyone, who I don't know well) But you need to realize the fact I was trying to describe upwards. How did this thread look like for the first to come. Without those claryfying posts and following discussion. Now, It's much easier to understand that Domi's effort was just to warn us, but agree or not, he made his main post to seem silly. That's why I¨m trying to defend all those guys who made their negative responses. (btw as you can see, the only thing I said before was about compromiting others, which I insist on still)

Noone can expect others to think about his post 10 times, searching for hidden goodness between the lines before they form some oppinion about it. Replys here are mostly pretty spontaneous, sometimes there are really bad ones, which I do regret later, but not this time. Calling us some dark side comminuty makes me a bit sad you know. I am personally trying my best to help/answer/correct/discuss here, including negative oppinons and disagreement. I think it's better than hidding my feelings about something into pathetic posts like "why everyone do not love each other...".

Anyway, thanks for your post, I hope I turned your vision of me a little bit more positive :)

01-18-2014, 06:35 AM
It wasn't my intentions to start fight on forum or stir the pot I'm just trying to stop it from happening. I lost 180members which Iv slowly made all 50+ helped so many of them lv. I'm not asking for sympathy I'm warning all to not type this command I love pl and have played for a long time just annoying to know their a people who are sad enough to ruin someone else's game experience all because they are sad with their own. Makes me furious but Iv started my new guild and already doing great if anything I thank "mystery man" for doing this to me

1. I learnt a massive lesson

2. I now know a new command

3. Just makes me want to do it all again but this time every better :)

Thanks all xx

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com

for the lulz
01-18-2014, 07:23 AM
It wasn't my intentions to start fight on forum or stir the pot I'm just trying to stop it from happening. I lost 180members which Iv slowly made all 50+ helped so many of them lv. I'm not asking for sympathy I'm warning all to not type this command I love pl and have played for a long time just annoying to know their a people who are sad enough to ruin someone else's game experience all because they are sad with their own. Makes me furious but Iv started my new guild and already doing great if anything I thank "mystery man" for doing this to me

1. I learnt a massive lesson

2. I now know a new command

3. Just makes me want to do it all again but this time every better :)

Thanks all xx

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com
aw thanks for forgiving me man :) we best friendz again?

01-18-2014, 07:34 AM
aw thanks for forgiving me man :) we best friendz again?


01-18-2014, 08:18 AM
aw thanks for forgiving me man :) we best friendz again?


01-18-2014, 08:27 AM


01-18-2014, 12:50 PM
It wasn't my intentions to start fight on forum or stir the pot I'm just trying to stop it from happening. I lost 180members which Iv slowly made all 50+ helped so many of them lv. I'm not asking for sympathy I'm warning all to not type this command I love pl and have played for a long time just annoying to know their a people who are sad enough to ruin someone else's game experience all because they are sad with their own. Makes me furious but Iv started my new guild and already doing great if anything I thank "mystery man" for doing this to me

1. I learnt a massive lesson

2. I now know a new command

3. Just makes me want to do it all again but this time every better :)

Thanks all xx

DOMIMATION lv 76 pally master of federation friends with many Http://joinfederation.weebly.com
aw thanks for forgiving me man :) we best friendz again?

Really? You deserve to lose everything, Dual.

You're such a bad person, and you have the absolute dirtiest Karma ever. What possesed you to do this? You need to leave.

Domi is an amazing person and for you to do this to him unprovoked shows how disgusting and evil you are. From my experience with (and others') you are just terrible.

01-18-2014, 01:50 PM
Really? You deserve to lose everything, Dual.

You're such a bad person, and you have the absolute dirtiest Karma ever. What possesed you to do this? You need to leave.

Domi is an amazing person and for you to do this to him unprovoked shows how disgusting and evil you are. From my experience with (and others') you are just terrible.

So now your trashing dual? Unless you have met him in person, and even then, you do not know his intentions. On the internet, someone may be completely a completely different person that to what they seem. Dual may be 16 or he may be 56. Without actually meeting him, no one may know. Requesting lock.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

for the lulz
01-18-2014, 02:10 PM
Really? You deserve to lose everything, Dual.

You're such a bad person, and you have the absolute dirtiest Karma ever. What possesed you to do this? You need to leave.

Domi is an amazing person and for you to do this to him unprovoked shows how disgusting and evil you are. From my experience with (and others') you are just terrible.
calm down bertha , ur making me look so bad for playing a prank , im sure ur an angel .

01-18-2014, 09:05 PM

Care to read the chat in the Corning dual openly admitting he did it and teasing me I have plenty more other photos of u bragging about this.

01-18-2014, 09:14 PM

Care to read the chat in the Corning dual openly admitting he did it and teasing me I have plenty more other photos of u bragging about this.

Send all the pics with a report, Domi. Bella loves you

He'll get his.

01-18-2014, 09:30 PM
Isn't oysterra swaggron?

Wao rot is sick of being called a lowballer.

Interesting convo, hm.

01-18-2014, 10:36 PM
There will be karma and soon those who play a prank on someone else that will cause suffer and inconveniences will get it too one way or the other.

Domimation there is a great lesson to be learn here and you found out the hard way and there is still alot to be learn, I understand your frustration and anger, start by Email Support First and Posting here in forum just tell your experience what happen to you without mentioning any names and by this you will let everyone knows and made aware of the Problems.
Bglir is correct. Please send us an e-mail at support@spacetimestudios.com

Good luck in reforming your guild.