View Full Version : Ctf- flag style

01-17-2014, 05:33 PM
Flagging takes for ever and having the barrier stopping you until full, then capturing 2-5 each game having to share with others...

can we have a capture limit?

Ctf game modes-

Start at Original- what is currently in progress

Reach 1000 flags and unlock Flag beginner (10score limit)
Reach 3000 flags and unlock Flag semi pro (15score limit)
Reach 6000 flags and unlock Flag professional. (20score limit)
Reach 8500 flags and unlock Flag master (30score limit)

This will help people flag faster without hassle also it will be more competitive due to playing with more hardcore ctf players as you go up and this will give 'noobs' an easier chance as the 'better geared' people will be in a different stage if they choose.

P.s all of these stages are available to anyone!
What I mean is even if you have 9k flags u can still do beginner but you will flag slower :)

01-18-2014, 03:25 AM
No one interested lol?