View Full Version : question for the devs ( concerning end game )

11-25-2010, 05:30 AM
I have been level 50 for about 5 days.

for the first day, i was unable to get into any 'victory lap' parties. i made a post here, and then started to host my own.

the days 2-4, i saw many pink items drop, and i didnt get any that are worth mentioning.

on day 5, i got mirage robe of the cosmos, keeper staff, and cosmos helmet.

so..now, what do i keep playing for ?

here are my questions :

1) having gained the end game 'gear' for my class, what incentive is there for me to keep playing my current class ?

2) with no rewards for pvp, why should i pay for the pvp campaigns or CTF, if all it seems to be at this moment, is empty maps, as there is nothing to help improve my char with from there ?

3) what are the future plans for PL in terms of end game content. Its great that you're adding more areas and quests for lower lvl players, which essentially has led to lvl 50 players swamping these regions and swamping the CS with the pinks. But what will there actually be, to try and encourage ppl to keep playing after level 50 ?

4) Will a rewards system be introduced for pvp ?

5) Are there plans for a guild system ?

6) Are there plans for a crafting system ?

Thank you for your time.


11-25-2010, 06:13 AM
addition question:

7) with no rewards for playing pocket legends, why should i pay for it?

11-25-2010, 06:20 AM
addition question:

7) with no rewards for playing pocket legends, why should i pay for it?

Lol the reward is fun. Like any game I only spend on how much fun it gives me :)


Get rich. Gold is the only thing worth investing as of now sadly. Unless you want those leader board spots :p

11-25-2010, 06:35 AM
Hmm.. interesting questions :) quite interested to hear the responde from the Devs ... hopefully soon ;)

11-25-2010, 07:11 AM
Get rich. Gold is the only thing worth investing as of now sadly. Unless you want those leader board spots :p

This is something i have read a few times on these forums.

However...why do i want 1,000,000,000 gold ?

If today i log in and i find i have 10 billion gold, what would i buy ?

got all the gear i need now, as its only 3 or 4 pieces.

so..mana pots ? health pots ?

why the hell do i want money ? to buy what exactely ? no need to buy gear...so....what good does 10 billion gold give me ?



11-25-2010, 07:13 AM
~pasted from suggestions board, which it seems not many ppl read~

Suggestion 1

End Game Customisation

There HAS to be more options for end game players.

The first could be the introductions of a second end game gear set for each class. At present we have Rift, Void and Cosmos. Introduce a second set for each class. Now each set should have a different bonus. Whether that is stat driven ( ie more m/s, more h/s, more +dmg etc etc ) or not is a matter of choice for devs. But I would suggest, add an extra combo, depending on which gear set is used.

Eg – Enchantress Set options
Basic combo’s = 2
Set 1 ( Cosmos set ? ) = allows special combo 1 – group heal ?
Set 2 ( Messiyah set ? ) = allows special combo 2 – Self Resurect ?

Archer Set options
Basic combo’s = 2
Set 1 ( Void set ? ) = allows special combo 1 – AOE mass dmg ?
Set 2 ( Robin Hood set ? ) = allows special combo 2 – activate shield ?

Warrior options
Basic combo’s = 2
Set 1 ( Rift set ? ) = allows special combo 1 – magnetic AOE pull ?
Set 2 ( Terminator set ? ) = allows special combo 2 – activate increased h/s ?

You get the idea. Players have to choose what set of gear to go for, depending on what combo they would want at end game.

Its stupid to have everyone running around looking the same, with the same 3 or 4 items at end game. MIX IT UP a little !!!

Suggestion 2

Social housing

For Platinum or A LOT of ingame Gold ( important to make sure non plat payers can still achieve this), players are allowed to rent houses or flats in which your characters can display all kinds of furniture, and rares.

These houses should be in a town, where people can go to and see the houses from outside.

Furniture can include Stash, and decorative things. Its great for players who want to show off there hard work. Again, it is aimed at end game players, although there should be an option to RENT rooms in houses to other players, so that ppl can get additional Stash in houses.

Furniture can be purchased from an ingame merchant NPC…or crafted ( see next suggestion ).

Suggestion 3


Why not allow players to make pots, elixirs, weapons, gear etc. YES it’s a HUGE project. But could lead to one of the most rewarding elements of this game.

Ingredients for crafting, are purchased for ingame merchant NPC, and some are drops from mobs.

Surely, these 3 options will make this game so much more interesting for the end game players, as well as new ones.

If I cant spend ages in AO3, then I can craft my way to money and gear. The benefits are unreal if these were introduced.

Spacetime have to remember that the end game players have spent the most time, most money and most effort in this game. They should not be discarded. New custom is always welcome, but make sure that the game doesn’t end up stale.


11-25-2010, 07:16 AM
I save up for the future. If you wanna enjoy new gear when new content comes out, they go for a crazy price. Also when new content comes out I wanna be able to level quickly and do bosses quick too.

11-25-2010, 07:34 AM
I agree with Messaiyah. I've had three lvl 50 chars for some time now, got all of them equipped in the best gear, plus have some extra cash so I don't have to worry about buying pots, etc. But I haven't been playing much these last few days bc I don't see the point. I don't need millions. And I don't need to be the first to have the new loot when it comes out. If I simply buy it right when it comes out, what will I have to work towards in the next map? I'll be in the same position, only bored Before I even begin. In life or in games, I don't need to be the first person to have things -- I won't stand on line all day for an item that I could buy in a few weeks without the line. Or without the crazy price tag.

Since gold only buy equipment and pots in this game, I really don't see the point or the lure of hoarding millions. We definitely need otherthings to do, and spend our gold on.

11-25-2010, 07:43 AM
I'm saying right now that's the only thing you can do. Not what I'd rather do.

It's cool that you don't need the new stuff. Thats how you play. We differ.

11-25-2010, 07:47 AM
Also, since they Nerfed the ao3 bosses, I just don't get the same thrill from beating them. Keeper used to scare the bejeezus outta me, now he's a little lapdog. All the ao3 bosses are just so easy now, that the challenge is gone.

11-25-2010, 08:04 AM
To answer one of your questions, yes, they are adding support for a true guild system.

11-25-2010, 08:08 AM
i like the Social housing idea, tibia's house system are nice too
i like edron, venore houses, hope pl have such houses
also the guild hall at outside..etc

11-25-2010, 10:11 AM
I want a caddy with a big PL shield on the doors! JustG, make it happen.

11-25-2010, 11:03 AM
What I do is simple: create many characters and freeze each at a particular level. I do this as a two-step process. First I pick the items I want it to use and then I pick the class based on the campaign the item comes from. Then, once I level it to, say, 35, and I can put on the Dreamer's Witch Toad Tiara, etc., I disable XP gain for that character. I have one each at 14th, 19th, 25th, 30th, and 35th. My level 30 is one of the more interesting ones, a polar bear, as is my level 19.

I did that after leveling three characters to 45 (the level cap at the time). It took me all of the time between that event and the release of AO3 to get these characters to their personal level caps and twink them out completely. In fact, I am still missing a few items.

It is especially challenging to use these XP frozen characters in level appropriate adventures. For instance, try to beat Vyxnaar with a party of level 25 characters. This is made especially difficult by all the level 50 players who want to "farm" for Vyxnaar's Helms, but JustG tells me that the Crypt is supposed to be do-able by 5 level 25s.

Similarly, my level 19 character is playing in the new open world material near Balefort.

I don't play for other peoples' rewards. They don't really know what I want, anyways. I create my own goals and then try to attain them.

11-25-2010, 11:10 AM
My bird has been 50 for about a week and im already tired of doing victory lap or any ao3. I think random map generator would keep things fresh.

Let us drop items so at least we can play treasure hunt with our gold.

11-25-2010, 11:12 AM
I have another one for you. Become a dual-class.

You have the Cosmos Set, now get another set. Then respec Int and the other stat to at least 126, use two level 40 items with Egyptian God names plus two level 45 items with god names to temporarily boost one of the stats to 158 and save it as a loadout, then put on the Void/Rift/Cosmos gear and save that as a loadout. The third loadout is the god-named gear for the other class to get to 158, and then save the other Void/Rift/Cosmos gear as the fourth loadout.

Ta da! dual-classed! You can then switch between the two classes in a matter of seconds. My main is a dual-classed Dex/Str Bird. I use the Dex gear on hallway mobs but switch to Str for boss fights.

I want to eventually have one of each race as a dual-classed level 50.

Just remember this: Horus/Void, Osiris/Rift, Thoth/Cosmos.

Remember, boredom is a choice.

11-25-2010, 11:24 AM
I save up for the future. If you wanna enjoy new gear when new content comes out, they go for a crazy price. Also when new content comes out I wanna be able to level quickly and do bosses quick too.

I don't getthe whole gold hoarding thing. This poster is saying when they reached the cap, all they enjoyed doing was farming their gear, and now they're bored. So you are telling them to hoard gold to deprive themselves of that need in the future :confused:

11-25-2010, 11:32 AM
Firstly: you have a higher chance (approx 10%) of getting your question answered if you mail support. Secondly this game is NOT Alterra complete. Therefore endgame content right now is actually 2/3rds content. Until Alterra complete you can't complain about endgame content which doesn't in fact exist ATM. They did spend some effort on providing things to do for maxed out players, but they don't appear to be concentrating on providing endgame content for a game that isnt 'ended' right now.

11-25-2010, 11:42 AM
While I agree with you that more endgame content is always good. I feel you are expecting a little too much from a portable based game. Being a long time mmo/rpg gamer i'm very impressed by the content they currently offer.

11-25-2010, 12:06 PM
I think if there were more things available for gold, it would give us more of a reason to keep playing and make gold.

For instance, perhaps some Magic Mirror faces that could be bought with gold (make it at least 500k so you don't have every single person running around in it, but rather it would be something to work up for, if you don't want to buy the platinum faces.) It should be different from the plat versions, so they could still make their money off of those.
Perhaps a few vanity helms as well. Not the same one's that can be bought with platinum, but something to offer those who put in a lot of gametime and want something to use their gold on!

That's my only idea right now. But I do think gold needs to be able to buy more than just equipment, so those of us with our equipment can have some other things to work for. It would also make me feel better about all the crazy plat prices if they gave some other options. I know plat is their way of making money, but I personally will not use real money to buy avatar customizations in a game.

11-25-2010, 02:04 PM
Ya i dont want it to end and idt it will. Im on pl everyday. When i get bored farming i pvp. When im sik of that ill qst. Then twink pvp. Meet new peeps. Scan auctions. And new content comming all the time. For a portable game device legands pwns all. Just imo

11-25-2010, 02:21 PM
as i said sts, make cities larger, make rewards for pvp, and make boss minigames, crafting, and allow dangerous pvp(where you lose the gear you are wearing)

11-25-2010, 04:11 PM
I don't getthe whole gold hoarding thing. This poster is saying when they reached the cap, all they enjoyed doing was farming their gear, and now they're bored. So you are telling them to hoard gold to deprive themselves of that need in the future :confused:

Why not? If i could deal with gold problems now to avoid them in the future, I would. I'm pretty sure with how constantly they update this game, something will come up that will be worth spending for.

It's not like theres a set amount of gold in the game anyway and I'm planning to take most of it, when I play I just like making money thats all.

11-26-2010, 05:12 AM
Ok guys don't u think it's a bit selfish of you to b even requesting this!!!
It's not like the game has Ben around for awhile now I mean come on
Constant new maps coming out... About 1 every 2 to three months ( not bad at all for wat time is spent making them )
Better than any other rpg out ther. For response time and quality these guys bust ther *** and for wat so u can complain WTF
They have and are putting ALOT of time into this
Just look at wat has come out in the past two months
Pact 1.5
Fixed all glitches and problems
Pvp cpf
New belfort
Any probably a lot more than I can list
I mean come on this stuff isn't just think of the idea and it pops into a fully working program lol it takes tuns of time and skillful work
B real guys
For wat it is b glad u have it or go play a push button rpg on the phone ( they suck )

11-26-2010, 06:19 AM
Ok guys don't u think it's a bit selfish of you to b even requesting this!!!
It's not like the game has Ben around for awhile now I mean come on
Constant new maps coming out... About 1 every 2 to three months ( not bad at all for wat time is spent making them )
Better than any other rpg out ther. For response time and quality these guys bust ther *** and for wat so u can complain WTF
They have and are putting ALOT of time into this
Just look at wat has come out in the past two months
Pact 1.5
Fixed all glitches and problems
Pvp cpf
New belfort
Any probably a lot more than I can list
I mean come on this stuff isn't just think of the idea and it pops into a fully working program lol it takes tuns of time and skillful work
B real guys
For wat it is b glad u have it or go play a push button rpg on the phone ( they suck )

People are complaining because there's not enogh to do. That's a good thing. Means people like the game and want to continue. Since people have invested real money into it, I think its ok to" complain". Unfortunate for pl we've been acustomed to pc quality gaming where this is far from. Still fun but far from. People just want there efforts to mean something,something to work towards, and it not be a dead end till next update. I see nothing wrong with this.

11-26-2010, 06:46 AM
No matter wat they come out with u can always max out a game U create this much of a game ________________________. Ain't gona b diff from this much _________________________ of the game no matter what u are still gona have people who have maxed something out . Period..... Ther is no way around that... That is why they created the leader boards, pvp, and ctf... To allow time for them to create more... U think just because u put money into something u deserve more..... WTF ur not the only people who have done so....
B patient and wait it's not ther fault u fell In love with the game and consumed ur life with it.... ( all tho it's wat they want )
I've Ben on the game for two months and maxed out too. But look at the forum pull up. The update and patch page. Omg. Look at all that
I wana see you guys do that much in that short amount of time..
I'm waiting....... Like I thought u cant do any better....
So quit being impatient and wait.
If u wana help
They have a category for that
Reply to ther threads asking for help and ideas...
Other than that nobody can do anything

Think os the playstation. Nobody wrights to them screaming that more games aren't. Out.....
Sowhy disrespect them in rushing wat ther doing.. Which is amazing considering the timespan in which they have done soo.....
I'm done I quit u guys are pissing me off

11-26-2010, 08:20 AM
No matter wat they come out with u can always max out a game U create this much of a game ________________________. Ain't gona b diff from this much _________________________ of the game no matter what u are still gona have people who have maxed something out . Period..... Ther is no way around that... That is why they created the leader boards, pvp, and ctf... To allow time for them to create more... U think just because u put money into something u deserve more..... WTF ur not the only people who have done so....
B patient and wait it's not ther fault u fell In love with the game and consumed ur life with it.... ( all tho it's wat they want )
I've Ben on the game for two months and maxed out too. But look at the forum pull up. The update and patch page. Omg. Look at all that
I wana see you guys do that much in that short amount of time..
I'm waiting....... Like I thought u cant do any better....
So quit being impatient and wait.
If u wana help
They have a category for that
Reply to ther threads asking for help and ideas...
Other than that nobody can do anything

Think os the playstation. Nobody wrights to them screaming that more games aren't. Out.....
Sowhy disrespect them in rushing wat ther doing.. Which is amazing considering the timespan in which they have done soo.....
I'm done I quit u guys are pissing me off

Lol, I get the feeling every thing pisses you off.

11-26-2010, 08:32 AM
firenash..first of all, relax...

secondly, i agree PL is a good game, but with the potential it has, it could be great with just a few extra additions.

Have you played Seven Swords ? iPhone game, with IMMENSE depth. over 100 different characteristics on each end game player, mean that pretty much no 2 ppl are the same. PL is a smoother and better package imo, which is why i am supporting it, and asking the devs to improve it.

There is so much one can add to this game, to make it interesting for end gamers.

thats all


11-26-2010, 10:10 AM
Nonsense. There is no endgame. Having one character maxed out is nothing. That is not the end. I thought I made that clear.

Look, there are many games. Life does not revolve around one game. If you only play one game, you won't just bore yourself, you will bore other people!

I think this is the whiniest thread I have ever seen here. Sorry, but it's true.