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01-19-2014, 01:38 PM
Hi! I'm gonna be one of those newb players in Arcane legends who I finally coming over from pocket legends! I'm a founder of pocket legends, but all the drama and lack of content isn't making it very fun at the moment. I saw some threads on the cool things in AL, so I said hey, ill give it a shot. I'm not sure what my IGN will be yet, but any tips or things I should do? I made a character right when the game came out, but other than that I'm a complete noob! Any help is greatly appreciated! (I do love pvp, it was always fun to do in PL until this recent cap.)

01-19-2014, 01:46 PM
Welcome! What class is your character going to be?

Do the daily bard quests for story tokens that can be used to buy char,inv,and auction slots. Rotate a few pets around rather than feeding them. Level in Watcher's Tomb L4 until l23 near traveler's outpost when you unlock there.

I have a 33,19,and 8 if you want to add me ig

01-19-2014, 02:03 PM
Welcome on the boat of Al steven what can i say...
Since you played PL you already fairly know how things work on stg games.

Level your toon asap to Cap level so you can properly prepare for the new season thats coming febraury.

What else....just leave alone the myths and arcanes or "making money farming" for now.
Myt/Arc are a risky market due to new expansion.

As for farmimg it is just a waist of time right now cause the drop aren't worth the stress.

When you are capping always make sure you use the cheapest legendaries every 5-6 level they don't cost much 500gold (1k if its too much). xD

Remember to always pick up your elixir from Shazbot and klaas if the elixir is a "reroll elixir" go to backenridge and farm for locked grand crates of the watch they worth 12k as of now (money for pots).

What else...The first and most importamt goal after capping is to buy a leprechaun amulet it gives 15% reroll So you can start farming for lockeds and pile up enough money for a decent gear and pet.

After the lep i recommend you to go for a good pet malison is the best and cheapest as of now.

What else... Why leveling you will learn lot more about the game, merching, pvp ecc.

Watch out for scammers!

Goodluck and have a nice gameplay :)

PS: I would have personally helped you ig but right now i can't play :(

01-19-2014, 02:34 PM
Good luck Steven! The game is fun

01-19-2014, 03:46 PM
Hi Steve :D glad to see someone gonna play AL is gonna more fun, when u join AL pm me on Anafaoete I will help u about the game :) and I will be ur first friend in Arcane

Sent from my BlackBerry 9360 using Tapatalk

01-19-2014, 09:31 PM
About time bro :-)

01-19-2014, 10:30 PM
I would suggest warrior class for an easy class to play, but leveling will be slow and killing is also pretty slow.

I would suggest rogue class for a crazy class to play. I say this because they are super fast, die easily, but kill quickly, and are a great class that everyone wants on their team.

I would suggest sorcerer for the best class to play, Imo. You have "skill" with a support class, and mage is all around the best class to play ;) It can heal, deal massive amounts of damage, best AoE/DoT class, because it has 4 or 5 (can't remember) skills that are AoE and/or DoT, and you'd have the most fun with a sorcerer ;) Gear is the cheapest for this class (other than arcane staff) and it can destroy mobs in PvE, by far the bes PvE class. In PvP, it does struggle a bit, but if you're skilled, (like me ofc----jk) you can be just as good as any other mythic player. I'm obviously going on about this class more because I'm a sorcerer and its my favorite class, so why wouldn't I? xD

Definitely try to level to endgame asap if you wanna get into this game.

Once you hit at least 26 or so, I'd say if you're bored of leveling, you could chill out and farm a bit.

Best place to farm for being in the L20's is Brackenridge and you can farm Locked Crates. DO NOT OPEN THE LOCKED CRATES.

Locked crates do not get you anywhere, and pretty much drain your platinum, if you have any. I got lucky and got a mythic pendant out of opening 5, but some people spend thousands of plat getting nothing.

Try to get 70 plat for a Plat Pack, it contains a weapon, armor, and helm of your level, 25k gold, (for potions) 25 inv slots, and 10 auction slots.

The weapon armor and helm are good because they're nice starting gear.

Some of the 25k gold should be used for potions

Then save about 5k for auction slots.

Once you farm up a few Locked Crates (in Brackenridge) go to the auction (consignment store/cs for PL folk) and sell them for about 100 gold less than the current price of them, they sell very fast.

Do Daily Bard quests, they give tokens and if you do them everyday for awhile, you can eventually buy more cs slots, inv slots, characters, or even pets which sell for a decent amount of gold.

I'm sure I'll think of more tips, just pm me if you have any questions.

IGN: Trigonometry (L36 Sorcerer)

01-19-2014, 11:07 PM
For pve - choose a mage

For pvp - choose a rogue

For crate farming - choose a warrior (oh I almost can hear your grumbles from afar :smile:)

Try all of them and choose wisely.

01-19-2014, 11:27 PM
Welcome to AL.