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View Full Version : Barrels are annoying (in a way)

11-25-2010, 08:36 PM
so im in pvp,(or pve...doesnt really matter)
and i find myself my next victim (little yellow alien)
i walk up to them and fire my bow.
the next thing i realize is ive lost my buffs and have less than 100 health, which my opponent easily killes me in one quick move.

the problem? a barrel.

i know barrels are made to make pvp/pve more exciting and strategic, and i agree!
the only problem is that players should not be able to target them unless you deliberately touch the barrel and attack

solution: make barrels only go off when you purposely hit them, or set them off by a skill (blast shot, firestorm, stomp)

easy enough, let me know what you think!

11-26-2010, 06:38 PM
bumppety bump

11-26-2010, 06:41 PM
I disagree, what makes them strategic is seeing where the are, knowing when to hit them, and how to avoid hitting them. The point of them is to use them however you wish, intentional or not, suicidal or not, annoyingly killing the Mage in your party or not.;)

11-26-2010, 07:25 PM
I disagree, what makes them strategic is seeing where the are, knowing when to hit them, and how to avoid hitting them. The point of them is to use them however you wish, intentional or not, suicidal or not, annoyingly killing the Mage in your party or not.;)


11-26-2010, 08:15 PM
Since the addition of he Goblin Stronghold, I know to be more aware of my surroundings and watch out for barrels and those explosive grates. I agree with Mysticaldream. I think STS is trying to make the environment more tactical and strategic for us. I'd like to see some spikes and other traps added to some of the maps. I do think the explosives could use a bit of a nerf, tone down the damage some but keep the debuff. Enough to make us think twice and save a life.

11-26-2010, 08:22 PM
Hmm i agree wih both of u...

Kossi, ya barrels can be a pain

Myst, everything u said is soo true

11-26-2010, 08:33 PM
Since the addition of he Goblin Stronghold, I know to be more aware of my surroundings and watch out for barrels and those explosive grates. I agree with Mysticaldream. I think STS is trying to make the environment more tactical and strategic for us. I'd like to see some spikes and other traps added to some of the maps. I do think the explosives could use a bit of a nerf, tone down the damage some but keep the debuff. Enough to make us think twice and save a life.

just gave me an amazing idea.

a gauntlet level, where you have to get thru a maze, with a lot of environmental hazards, (while fightin a lot of trash mobs, like the ao3 shadow people) like a checkerboard of explosive grates, and a hall with boulders rolling at you with small hiding spots on the side, maybe a part with strong wind that pushes you every few seconds, and you have to get across a feild with a few walls to keep you from getting pused into (one hit) spikes on the other side. would definately require a lot of strategy and timing.

like it? love it? hate it?

11-26-2010, 08:37 PM
Love the idea.

11-26-2010, 08:44 PM
I disagree, what makes them strategic is seeing where the are, knowing when to hit them, and how to avoid hitting them. The point of them is to use them however you wish, intentional or not, suicidal or not, annoyingly killing the Mage in your party or not.;)

if you pvp and pve enough, you would know where the barrels are..they shouldnt be able to be auto-targeted when you are trying to have a nice, relaxing, bloodwar with your arch enemy.

11-26-2010, 09:37 PM
Another cool thing might be a square in the middle of a boss room that, if stepped on for any reason, it transports you to a room with a miniboss in it. Only way to get out is to kill or be killed (with no drops as a penalty for stepping on the square), either way transports you back to the boss room. Something like being blown back by the keeper could cause you to go to the mini boss. This would probably only work for higher level campaigns, as lower level players would most likely die all the time.

11-26-2010, 09:42 PM
I love barrels... The more the better.... Bring on the gauntlet.... GREAT IDEA

11-26-2010, 09:43 PM
I only hate barrels as a Mage with teammate who love exploding them when I'm right nearby. It's gotten to the point where I'll try to stay away from the barrels until they're exploded, since some people just can't hold back from exploding them!

11-26-2010, 09:47 PM
Hahahahahaha. Hmmmm wonder who that could be les? LMAO

11-26-2010, 09:59 PM
Lol Was it you???
You were a Mage just now so I don't think so. Usually the bears love to stomp them.

11-27-2010, 01:30 AM
if you pvp and pve enough, you would know where the barrels are..they shouldnt be able to be auto-targeted when you are trying to have a nice, relaxing, bloodwar with your arch enemy.

Then don't play in a barrel zone, I realize they're all over ao3, but they have been mostly helpful to me. In pvp, just don't play in zones with barrels. AoE attack have an area of effect, meaning everything around you in the radias of the attack gets damage, including barrels.

Solution: Give barrels a higher health pool. If you hadn't noticed, you can damage then half way, some of the zones, like Forest Manor, have barrels, if you attack then with a punch on a low level character for example, you can damage them and not blow them up.

11-27-2010, 05:22 AM
Weird... cuz if you just beckon or freeze the barrels in ao3, they explode -- even tho those skills do very little damage.