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View Full Version : 76 Bird Help

01-20-2014, 02:22 PM
Hi guys, I am a level 76 bird with a swift talon and elite bow set. I don't have a 2pc or 3pc ring(I know I do not need one to be good) and I have 80 str and the rest dex. I put the 80 str in my build because I was not dodging practically anything and could not survive long enough to pop off skills, however, it has not helped at all when it comes to dodging. What I need to know are good combos and/or a build (preferably one without heal).

My current build is 9 buffs 9 blind 9 blast 9 repulse 9 root 9 thorn 6 break 5 avian and 1 shattering scream.

My combos are as follows:
Bird- Blind, root, blast
Mage- Blast, blind, break, repulse
Bear- Blind, repulse, avian, root, thorn, shatter, blast
Fox- (See bird)
Rhino- (See bear)

I mostly play ctf now with a bow set (or talon sometimes), and I almost always get two-shotted either by: beckon/stomp, root/blast, or ice/fire (or drain). This happens to be really annoying because I can not deal out any damage fast enough to kill something before I die.

Please post any suggestions about what combos, build, or tactics I should use.

01-20-2014, 02:43 PM
i d help but i really suck at bird :)

01-20-2014, 04:57 PM
Build is good, break should be 9 and wall should be 6. You should do 8 blind and 1 heal IMO because it's better, but its your choice.

01-20-2014, 05:40 PM
Get 2 other birdy friends, team a bear/pally and tell him/her how bad they are as an op class!

But on a real note. You forgot to say your pally combo, which is muchhh different then vs int.
What I like to do is root, blind, wall, break, shatter blast, repulse. Blast being situational according to their mana shield. Oh, and always use bow vs pallies.

01-20-2014, 06:58 PM
My combos as a 75 bird who can kill:

Go full dex, 80 str will give you less dmg, and I do fine full dex. Also take 1 out if blind and put into break.
Dex Bird (bow): Break root blast , blind repulse if not dead.
Dex bird (talon, use talon too): Break root shatter blast repulse.

Warbird (use talon..works better for me): Blind double roots avian (get out of their roots) shatter/break blast repulse.

Str bear (use bow against these): Blind both roots break blast repulse, avian when stunned. If you CAN without dieing, go into 8m range for shatter blast.
Dex bear (talon and bow against these both work): Break root blast repulse. Be more cautios against 1337 bow bears, as they can kill you in a simple beckon.

Int mages (bow and talon both successful): Repulse to make them miss drain or frost (many mages expect blind first, then they Ms, I find that they always Ms after my repulse) Blast root blind repulse.
Pallies (use bow): Make them miss frost, done by staying in 14m range. Then proceed with Blind, double roots, shatter blast repulse. If blind and roots hit, you'll probably win then.
Dex mages (not exactly sure what to use against this): Don't have too much experience due to scarcity of them, but they Ms first, so break blast root repulse (not 100% will work all the time)

Dex Foxes (use bow): Break root blast blind repulse.
Str foxes (use talon): Kinda deadly, since they have 3 skills to get close to you and their dodge..Blind double roots shatter (shatter because they most likely will be close to you anyways..)blast Break Repulse.

Str rhinos (use talon): Blind both roots shatter blast repulse.
Dex rhinos (use bow..i think ._.): Not too common, Break double roots shatter blast repulse.

Thats my noob stuff.