View Full Version : Hai there :)

11-26-2010, 12:49 AM
Hello! My name is Wysee and i just got the game yesterday :) So far it seems pretty damn fun to be honest ^^ And i'm from Sweden, so any swedes in here feel free to add me!

Ah, and one thing i needed help with as well, i'm on Forest Haven Chapter 14, but i need to talk to some guy named Drake to get a quest (At least the hint says so -.-) so does anyone know where he is? Been looking all over the place xD

11-26-2010, 12:52 AM
Welcome! :)

Drake, when you go to your quest list and click your current quest, does it say "Go to"? If so clicking that should lead you to the map where Drake is.

If not, I suggest doing the latest map of Forest Haven again to see where you could have missed him. If that was the last Forest Haven map, its probably time to move on to Dark Forest, the next campaign. :)

11-26-2010, 01:45 AM
Drake is the NPC in the map right? If you are on the last quest he should be on the last level of Forest Haven.

11-26-2010, 04:53 AM
Indeed he is Pharcyde, although he was on a lower level, think it was 5 or something :P