View Full Version : Mages

01-23-2014, 10:47 PM
For those of you who say mages dont need a buff, I will give you some info on why they do.(looking at all aspects of the game here pvp and pve.)

1. Sure mages are the strongest in pve and rogues might be the strongest in pvp with wars a little bit behind rogues. But heres the thing mages are weakest class in pvp by far. So doesnt that mean rogues should be weakest in pve by far to and wars in middle. But the truth is rogues and wars are right behind mages in pve. But mages are way behind rogues and wars in pvp.

2.Survivability: You say rogues and mages are almost equal in the survivability stand point as far as getting one shotted. But heres the thing rogues have dodge and more armor then the mage. With dodge you are getting hit about 1/2 the amount mages are if your dodge is at 50% for say and then you also have more armour then mages, WTF to that. Not to mention your heal is alot better then mages( will go over heal in later section). So now rogues are getting hit half the amount mages are and being hit with less damage then mages when they are hit.
And then being able to heal that amount of damage they were hit with.

3. Heal: rogues and warriors heal are pretty equal but the mages arent. The mages heal has 3 completely useless upgrades and rogue and warrior heals have 5 helpful upgrades. Most mages dont even use heal because there are much better options. And before anyone says mages are the support class and your a noob mage if u dont have heal with mana upgrade, Mages are not your mana slave.

4: Damage: Alot of people say that classes are equal because of damage each class has. Mages dont even have highest damage, Rogues do. And even if we did have highest damage it wouldnt matter because rogues have crits and dps. Making them the highest damage outputters there is. ( which is what they shoud be, Just trying to show why mages and rogues damages arent equal). But then look at warriors 500 damage with arcane maul and 450 with glaive WTF. I know arcane maul should be a very good item as its warriors best weapon. But a mage with arcane staff gets about 600 damage. So now warriors will have double the mages health and armour and only 100 damage lower. Both classes being full myth with arcane weapon and samael btw.

Thats all I have to share any feedback/comments welcome.

01-23-2014, 11:41 PM
I will agree that mages r underpowered in pvp. But what I hate is that maul and now glaive have ruined the normal warriors that cant afford those. The normal geared warriors r underpowered imo vs other normal geared classes

01-23-2014, 11:42 PM
It just seems that on the forums every warrior has a glaive or maul so every warrior is overpowered.

01-23-2014, 11:59 PM
It just seems that on the forums every warrior has a glaive or maul so every warrior is overpowered.

any warrior is OP. but sure mage need buff a little not much. but i think sts should remove from rogue and warrior the heal skill and put more slot and put 2-3 skill to heal in sorcerer bcus sorcerer is the healer not the rogue or warrior.

warrior shoul heal himself and remove heal skill from rogue. sorcerer should be the healer the support and should do dps too. good dmg balance with good heal.

warrior are a tank should have 1-2 skill to heal himself but not all hp. but need have good dmg too.

rogue are a Powerfull in pve/pvp theys have big dmg (die fast too vs another rogue) but warrior vs rogue haven't oportunity rogue wins (full mytic warrior vs full mytic rogue) mage vs rogue die mage, warrior vs mage, die mage. sts should balance it. but not op the sorc.

01-24-2014, 12:40 AM
hmm an arcane legend world full of only rogues looks interesting ;)

01-24-2014, 01:19 AM
Theres already much much much fewer mages than any other class.. most the of the mages are low lvl beggars who dont get rich cause of laziness so they just quit the game

Thats the only reason mage stuff is the cheapest, by far, same supply but much lower demand.

01-24-2014, 02:01 AM
I'm a mage also, use the right skills and u can manage to be a great player in both pvp and pve. And about damage: u are saying rogues have highest dmg?? Its mages!! Look at a mage with arcane staff, he has 600 dmg!!

01-24-2014, 02:11 AM
As stated in the other thread.

Pvp isn' t balanced cause AL is Pve oriented . The fact that mages are weak in PvP is a result of the way game was created and the nature devs gave to mages. Crowd control high attack + weak defence that is a mage.

First of all Ctf wasn't created for one vs one fights, infact if you look at a 5vs5 fight mages play a fundamental role that is because of their nature in pvE, they can deal with large numbers of enemies. Taken the know how to play.

Any enhancement for mages in PvP with destroy the balance of PvE. If you have the same defence of a rogue, rogues will be useless in pvE idem if you have their same damage.
You cant have the defence of a war cause wars will become useless in pvE idem for their life.

The most important things in order are:

-Class differentiation.
-PvE balancement
-Ctf and TdM balancement

after these 3 there is a fourth that players invented

1vs1 balancement ergo 5th skill.
But these was never meant to exist ergo it tips the balance of the ctf and tdm to the wars side and slightly to mages side destroying the natural balance created, that then became:

war>>mage. (super wrong)
war>rogue. (wrong)
mage>rogue. (ok)

(There are obviuosly exceptions.)

Daniel Banuelos
01-24-2014, 07:53 AM
I'm a mage also, use the right skills and u can manage to be a great player in both pvp and pve. And about damage: u are saying rogues have highest dmg?? Its mages!! Look at a mage with arcane staff, he has 600 dmg!!

Some war have 500 dmg

01-24-2014, 09:25 AM
I'm a mage also, use the right skills and u can manage to be a great player in both pvp and pve. And about damage: u are saying rogues have highest dmg?? Its mages!! Look at a mage with arcane staff, he has 600 dmg!!

Some war have 500 dmg
yep, but mage skills does much DMG than warrior skills and Mage has Great AoE and Warrior don't has much AoE only wind whirl does 3-5 enemies DMG at once...and for mage Fireball/Clock/Gale(3 skill slots) has Great AoE and the other slot for defence skills like Arcane shield and Heal....

01-24-2014, 09:28 AM
For those of you who say mages dont need a buff, I will give you some info on why they do.(looking at all aspects of the game here pvp and pve.)

1. Sure mages are the strongest in pve and rogues might be the strongest in pvp with wars a little bit behind rogues. But heres the thing mages are weakest class in pvp by far. So doesnt that mean rogues should be weakest in pve by far to and wars in middle. But the truth is rogues and wars are right behind mages in pve. But mages are way behind rogues and wars in pvp.

2.Survivability: You say rogues and mages are almost equal in the survivability stand point as far as getting one shotted. But heres the thing rogues have dodge and more armor then the mage. With dodge you are getting hit about 1/2 the amount mages are if your dodge is at 50% for say and then you also have more armour then mages, WTF to that. Not to mention your heal is alot better then mages( will go over heal in later section). So now rogues are getting hit half the amount mages are and being hit with less damage then mages when they are hit.
And then being able to heal that amount of damage they were hit with.

3. Heal: rogues and warriors heal are pretty equal but the mages arent. The mages heal has 3 completely useless upgrades and rogue and warrior heals have 5 helpful upgrades. Most mages dont even use heal because there are much better options. And before anyone says mages are the support class and your a noob mage if u dont have heal with mana upgrade, Mages are not your mana slave.

4: Damage: Alot of people say that classes are equal because of damage each class has. Mages dont even have highest damage, Rogues do. And even if we did have highest damage it wouldnt matter because rogues have crits and dps. Making them the highest damage outputters there is. ( which is what they shoud be, Just trying to show why mages and rogues damages arent equal). But then look at warriors 500 damage with arcane maul and 450 with glaive WTF. I know arcane maul should be a very good item as its warriors best weapon. But a mage with arcane staff gets about 600 damage. So now warriors will have double the mages health and armour and only 100 damage lower. Both classes being full myth with arcane weapon and samael btw.

Thats all I have to share any feedback/comments welcome.
Agreed! This MUST be changed...the points 2/3/4 are showing how negative mages are!

01-24-2014, 10:24 AM
Yes, as said above I need a big buff!!!

Those of you who see me in PvP know this to be true. I think the reason why many of you run the other way when you see me is because you feel bad and don't wish to embarrass me in a 1-on-1 fight. Thanks! It's appreciated. :p

01-24-2014, 12:50 PM
I'm a mage also, use the right skills and u can manage to be a great player in both pvp and pve. And about damage: u are saying rogues have highest dmg?? Its mages!! Look at a mage with arcane staff, he has 600 dmg!!

The dmg viewed on stats really doesn't show the real damage output mages and rogues can do. Rogues have the most damage output.

01-24-2014, 01:43 PM
Ok, lets take a look at the facts here. Since there's a lot of people concerned over how weaker or not are mages in pvp, lets take a look at what STS has done for you smurfs in past couple of months. I took my time to go through all the content updates over the past few months and this is what I found:

2014-01-14 Content Update (138064)
Sorcerer's Fireball behavior is now consistent with other sorcerer spells regardless of the locked/unlocked status of Engulf upgrade.

2013-11-14 Content Update (135333)
Corrected a bug with the Mythic Infused Orbital Staff damage reduction proc.

2013-09-12 Content Update (129730)
Fixed a bug with the Sorcerer skill 'Arcane Shield' applying invulnerability even if you didn't charge it up.
The Sorcerer skill 'Gale Force' now only makes you dash when you charge the skill. In addition, you now dash forward instead of backward.
Slightly decreased amount of heals in PvP.
All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance. Feedback is as always welcome.

So if we look at this, you little smurfs have gotten since September: Fireball nerfed, myth staff nerfed, Gale nerfed, Crit rate nerfed ,,for a high crit chance'', Arcane Shield nerfed, and your DoT - s nefred to have a critical chance ( I'm guessing Clock and Curse ). This is all in past 5 months.

While on the other hand, in the same period rogues got damage reduced (since all classes got nerfed to take less damage ) and the only other one worth mentioning is that the Dev bow was slightly reduced so that the Myth bow can top it. Warrior however also got some nerfing on the heal and also damage reduced, but no where as near as you mages got nerfed.

I'm a mage also, use the right skills and u can manage to be a great player in both pvp and pve. And about damage: u are saying rogues have highest dmg?? Its mages!! Look at a mage with arcane staff, he has 600 dmg!!

This is what you need to get in your mind, because this is dead on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mage hater, I love you little smurfs, but it's not that hard to be good with a mage in pvp. I'll go a bit bold here and say it's easier to be good with a mage then with a rogue. Comments and hating welcome on that :D But all in all, you don't need more nerfs, just a bit more optimism and a bit more practice. Because .... practice makes perfect ;)

01-24-2014, 02:09 PM
Ok, lets take a look at the facts here. Since there's a lot of people concerned over how weaker or not are mages in pvp, lets take a look at what STS has done for you smurfs in past couple of months. I took my time to go through all the content updates over the past few months and this is what I found:

2014-01-14 Content Update (138064)
Sorcerer's Fireball behavior is now consistent with other sorcerer spells regardless of the locked/unlocked status of Engulf upgrade.

2013-11-14 Content Update (135333)
Corrected a bug with the Mythic Infused Orbital Staff damage reduction proc.

2013-09-12 Content Update (129730)
Fixed a bug with the Sorcerer skill 'Arcane Shield' applying invulnerability even if you didn't charge it up.
The Sorcerer skill 'Gale Force' now only makes you dash when you charge the skill. In addition, you now dash forward instead of backward.
Slightly decreased amount of heals in PvP.
All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance. Feedback is as always welcome.

So if we look at this, you little smurfs have gotten since September: Fireball nerfed, myth staff nerfed, Gale nerfed, Crit rate nerfed ,,for a high crit chance'', Arcane Shield nerfed, and your DoT - s nefred to have a critical chance ( I'm guessing Clock and Curse ). This is all in past 5 months.

While on the other hand, in the same period rogues got damage reduced (since all classes got nerfed to take less damage ) and the only other one worth mentioning is that the Dev bow was slightly reduced so that the Myth bow can top it. Warrior however also got some nerfing on the heal and also damage reduced, but no where as near as you mages got nerfed.

This is what you need to get in your mind, because this is dead on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mage hater, I love you little smurfs, but it's not that hard to be good with a mage in pvp. I'll go a bit bold here and say it's easier to be good with a mage then with a rogue. Comments and hating welcome on that :D But all in all, you don't need more nerfs, just a bit more optimism and a bit more practice. Because .... practice makes perfect ;)

You should say "buff", instead of "nerf". Nerf is the opposite of buff :)

Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk

01-24-2014, 02:15 PM
To nerf: Weaking a particular element of a game
in under to balance the overall gameplay.
To buff: Enhancing a particular element of a
game in order to give it a better performance
than its earlier state

01-24-2014, 02:25 PM
Thank you to basketholic209 and EliteFamily for making me see I embarrassed myself quite a lot, but you know what I meant xD

01-24-2014, 02:28 PM
Ok, lets take a look at the facts here. Since there's a lot of people concerned over how weaker or not are mages in pvp, lets take a look at what STS has done for you smurfs in past couple of months. I took my time to go through all the content updates over the past few months and this is what I found:

2014-01-14 Content Update (138064)
Sorcerer's Fireball behavior is now consistent with other sorcerer spells regardless of the locked/unlocked status of Engulf upgrade.

2013-11-14 Content Update (135333)
Corrected a bug with the Mythic Infused Orbital Staff damage reduction proc.

2013-09-12 Content Update (129730)
Fixed a bug with the Sorcerer skill 'Arcane Shield' applying invulnerability even if you didn't charge it up.
The Sorcerer skill 'Gale Force' now only makes you dash when you charge the skill. In addition, you now dash forward instead of backward.
Slightly decreased amount of heals in PvP.
All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance. Feedback is as always welcome.

So if we look at this, you little smurfs have gotten since September: Fireball nerfed, myth staff nerfed, Gale nerfed, Crit rate nerfed ,,for a high crit chance'', Arcane Shield nerfed, and your DoT - s nefred to have a critical chance ( I'm guessing Clock and Curse ). This is all in past 5 months.

While on the other hand, in the same period rogues got damage reduced (since all classes got nerfed to take less damage ) and the only other one worth mentioning is that the Dev bow was slightly reduced so that the Myth bow can top it. Warrior however also got some nerfing on the heal and also damage reduced, but no where as near as you mages got nerfed.

This is what you need to get in your mind, because this is dead on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mage hater, I love you little smurfs, but it's not that hard to be good with a mage in pvp. I'll go a bit bold here and say it's easier to be good with a mage then with a rogue. Comments and hating welcome on that :D But all in all, you don't need more nerfs, just a bit more optimism and a bit more practice. Because .... practice makes perfect ;)I. Fireball was fixed so that it aims and connects properly - I would hardly call this a buff since it should have been like that from the start.

II. They nerfed the Orbital Staff because the proc was making it so that mages were taking almost no damage from attacks in pvp/pve - This was done to balance the game for rouges and warriors, not the mages.

III. Sheild was fixed so that the uncharged version of shield didn't give invulnerability for 2 seconds - a clear and distinct nerfing of the skill to again balance the game in the other classes favor. Gale was fixed so that instead of backwards dash we get the forward dash - a much needed adjustment since back peddling makes no sense. Heal was nerfed for pvp - again, to balance classes.

All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance - This is the only clear and distinct buff other than the gale forward dash change that was done to benefit the mage class, which was much needed, tbh.

So what we have essentially is one real buff which was adding increased crit rate for our skills, which is great considering that mages are still the punching bags of AL. If anything we could stand to have a couple of more tweaks if you ask me. *coughfixhealcough*

01-24-2014, 03:26 PM
Ok, lets take a look at the facts here. Since there's a lot of people concerned over how weaker or not are mages in pvp, lets take a look at what STS has done for you smurfs in past couple of months. I took my time to go through all the content updates over the past few months and this is what I found:

2014-01-14 Content Update (138064)
Sorcerer's Fireball behavior is now consistent with other sorcerer spells regardless of the locked/unlocked status of Engulf upgrade.

So they fixed fireball to actually work its not a buff.

2013-11-14 Content Update (135333)
Corrected a bug with the Mythic Infused Orbital Staff damage reduction proc.

Yes the damage reduction proc of the staff actually causes damage reduction, still no attack buff. Also everyone does not use orbital staff

2013-09-12 Content Update (129730)
Fixed a bug with the Sorcerer skill 'Arcane Shield' applying invulnerability even if you didn't charge it up.

So they fixed shield and in fact nerfed it in a way that it needs to charge to gain invulnerability

The Sorcerer skill 'Gale Force' now only makes you dash when you charge the skill. In addition, you now dash forward instead of backward.
They fixed Gale force to make it work better its neither a buff or nerf

Slightly decreased amount of heals in PvP.

All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance. Feedback is as always welcome.
They buffed crit.. But on average a mage can max at maybe if lucky 25% crit. But most I've seen average between 16-21%. So on average 80% of the time they don't crit on skill unless using ribbit. No one in Pvp uses DoT because doing 10 - 15 DoT dmg to a total of 150-200 on a toon that has 3200 - 6000 Hp does nothing to the end result especially when the fight will last less than 5 seconds. Crit. value is very inconsistent. I've seen my DoT crit on Grimnr at 10-15 using fireball lol. He probably has over 50,000 Hp. Whoop dee doo.

So if we look at this, you little smurfs have gotten since September: Fireball nerfed, myth staff nerfed, Gale nerfed, Crit rate nerfed ,,for a high crit chance'', Arcane Shield nerfed, and your DoT - s nefred to have a critical chance ( I'm guessing Clock and Curse ). This is all in past 5 months.
Which does nothing for the pvp side of the game.

01-24-2014, 04:01 PM
Ok, lets take a look at the facts here. Since there's a lot of people concerned over how weaker or not are mages in pvp, lets take a look at what STS has done for you smurfs in past couple of months. I took my time to go through all the content updates over the past few months and this is what I found:

2014-01-14 Content Update (138064)
Sorcerer's Fireball behavior is now consistent with other sorcerer spells regardless of the locked/unlocked status of Engulf upgrade.

2013-11-14 Content Update (135333)
Corrected a bug with the Mythic Infused Orbital Staff damage reduction proc.

2013-09-12 Content Update (129730)
Fixed a bug with the Sorcerer skill 'Arcane Shield' applying invulnerability even if you didn't charge it up.
The Sorcerer skill 'Gale Force' now only makes you dash when you charge the skill. In addition, you now dash forward instead of backward.
Slightly decreased amount of heals in PvP.
All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance. Feedback is as always welcome.

So if we look at this, you little smurfs have gotten since September: Fireball nerfed, myth staff nerfed, Gale nerfed, Crit rate nerfed ,,for a high crit chance'', Arcane Shield nerfed, and your DoT - s nefred to have a critical chance ( I'm guessing Clock and Curse ). This is all in past 5 months.

While on the other hand, in the same period rogues got damage reduced (since all classes got nerfed to take less damage ) and the only other one worth mentioning is that the Dev bow was slightly reduced so that the Myth bow can top it. Warrior however also got some nerfing on the heal and also damage reduced, but no where as near as you mages got nerfed.

This is what you need to get in your mind, because this is dead on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mage hater, I love you little smurfs, but it's not that hard to be good with a mage in pvp. I'll go a bit bold here and say it's easier to be good with a mage then with a rogue. Comments and hating welcome on that :D But all in all, you don't need more nerfs, just a bit more optimism and a bit more practice. Because .... practice makes perfect ;)
A full myth mage vs a full myth rogue or warrior will almost always lose in pvp.Have you ever played a mage in pvp theres nothing easy about it. Most the time its Join a game look for a rogue and try to kill it. But if you see a warrior u run like hell and hope he doesnt have axe throw or skyward smash.

01-24-2014, 06:57 PM
True mages are weak! but don't blame others for being weak, I mean what's wrong on "staying back"? Mages are sure based in intelligence, so let's use it. Keep it out of reach and spam attacks using your mana advantage, not gonna win every fight, but if you know your smurf it can be dangerous... As for twink is concerned. Dunno about endgame
With a good strategy and timing a good mage can beat and good tank/rogue... It's harder to find but it happens

01-24-2014, 07:07 PM
I honestly think you just need to learn how to play the mage. If played the right way, they can dominate..

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

01-24-2014, 07:19 PM
I honestly think you just need to learn how to play the mage. If played the right way, they can dominate..

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

Why don't you show me how to play a mage in the 'right way'. Go beat a tank with glaive 1v1.

01-24-2014, 07:24 PM
None of these threads ever refer to twinks so just take them as end game players.

@Frekken When you stay back a warrior will always try to kill the easiest target first so he'll run past your sides war and kill you anyways lol

01-24-2014, 07:56 PM
31 they where grerat, I wish they could be like that again... Don't take away rogues health packs now that changes rogues to a complete crappy class, just take away less health they get from there health packages, it's not fair when all classes heal just as much as a mage. what is the point of the healing support class sorcerer, only useful thing is left is the mana in life-giver.. make mage good at 41 please!

01-24-2014, 10:21 PM
Why don't you show me how to play a mage in the 'right way'. Go beat a tank with glaive 1v1.

My comment is referring to what thepitcher said on page 1 of this thread... Not sure when I said I was good enough to kill a warrior with a glaive, but I have seen sorcerers do it. Maybe you should go and watch a ctf or tdm match and see how a good sorcerer, such as arrypotta, plays.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

01-24-2014, 11:05 PM
I think delph will reply as she is online now :)

01-24-2014, 11:13 PM
Ok, lets take a look at the facts here. Since there's a lot of people concerned over how weaker or not are mages in pvp, lets take a look at what STS has done for you smurfs in past couple of months. I took my time to go through all the content updates over the past few months and this is what I found:

2014-01-14 Content Update (138064)
Sorcerer's Fireball behavior is now consistent with other sorcerer spells regardless of the locked/unlocked status of Engulf upgrade.

2013-11-14 Content Update (135333)
Corrected a bug with the Mythic Infused Orbital Staff damage reduction proc.

2013-09-12 Content Update (129730)
Fixed a bug with the Sorcerer skill 'Arcane Shield' applying invulnerability even if you didn't charge it up.
The Sorcerer skill 'Gale Force' now only makes you dash when you charge the skill. In addition, you now dash forward instead of backward.
Slightly decreased amount of heals in PvP.
All Sorcerer abilities have an increased critical damage value. In addition, abilities that add a DoT (Fireball, Curse, etc.) will now have a chance for critical damage for each tick on the DoT itself. This should make it viable to spec your Sorcerer for a high Crit chance. Feedback is as always welcome.

So if we look at this, you little smurfs have gotten since September: Fireball nerfed, myth staff nerfed, Gale nerfed, Crit rate nerfed ,,for a high crit chance'', Arcane Shield nerfed, and your DoT - s nefred to have a critical chance ( I'm guessing Clock and Curse ). This is all in past 5 months.

While on the other hand, in the same period rogues got damage reduced (since all classes got nerfed to take less damage ) and the only other one worth mentioning is that the Dev bow was slightly reduced so that the Myth bow can top it. Warrior however also got some nerfing on the heal and also damage reduced, but no where as near as you mages got nerfed.

This is what you need to get in your mind, because this is dead on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mage hater, I love you little smurfs, but it's not that hard to be good with a mage in pvp. I'll go a bit bold here and say it's easier to be good with a mage then with a rogue. Comments and hating welcome on that :D But all in all, you don't need more nerfs, just a bit more optimism and a bit more practice. Because .... practice makes perfect ;)

The mythic staff patch is completely irrelavent to the topic, it was a glitch fix, not Nerf/buff.

01-24-2014, 11:15 PM
My comment is referring to what thepitcher said on page 1 of this thread... Not sure when I said I was good enough to kill a warrior with a glaive, but I have seen sorcerers do it. Maybe you should go and watch a ctf or tdm match and see how a good sorcerer, such as arrypotta, plays.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

Yeh most mages don't know how to play, instant pls take lessons from arry...

01-25-2014, 02:26 AM
My comment is referring to what thepitcher said on page 1 of this thread... Not sure when I said I was good enough to kill a warrior with a glaive, but I have seen sorcerers do it. Maybe you should go and watch a ctf or tdm match and see how a good sorcerer, such as arrypotta, plays.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

I know for a fact that Arry cannot kill glaives 1v1. If you're so interested, why don't we 1v1? I will show you my experiences in PvP through this 1v1.

01-25-2014, 03:51 AM
My comment is referring to what thepitcher said on page 1 of this thread... Not sure when I said I was good enough to kill a warrior with a glaive, but I have seen sorcerers do it. Maybe you should go and watch a ctf or tdm match and see how a good sorcerer, such as arrypotta, plays.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

I know for a fact that Arry cannot kill glaives 1v1. If you're so interested, why don't we 1v1? I will show you my experiences in PvP through this 1v1.
Show them the power of pro warrior! If a mage kills a warrior (Both Maxed out stats)then probably the warrior WONT BE A PRO and the mage is a pro when both pro warrior and pro mage fights...a warrior wins! Yep show them the warrior power humor..

01-25-2014, 03:56 AM
^ i aggree!!!

warrior always hunt mages!!!

the only problem i saw here is that, warrior and rouges can defeat any other class with the same build of choice but sorcs need to have a certain skill set just to defeat a certain class!!!
ex: for warriors. (from energezeric PoV) light, time, heal and shield. This is devastating even to those pro warriors but you cannot use this vs pro rouges coz there is no enough attack skills that can kill rouges on this build. they can counter this just by using their skill with dash (idk the name of that skill) and we need to have stun just to stop a pro rouge before we drop a clock.

for rouges. for me having 3 attack skill are more effective way to kill pro rouges. fire, light, ice, shield. curse also is very good against rouges but you should know how to handle or use curse properly in right timing. But curse is not effective on warriors.

just my opinion.

>>> for me the only skill that need to buff is our heal!!! we are support class so we need to be good in supporting other. Heal is the best support that we can give to other class but their heal is way better on us. rouges heal cool down and HoT is way better than sorcs they can even spam heal and drop many packs as they want until the packs gone. even warriors heal they can have the invi and HoT and they have Mana regen also. and now with new myth dagger for rouges they can have already the shield that is build only for sorcs.

all buff skills of sorcs are available on other classes. so, what is the use of sorcs being support class if other classes can support by their own!!!

01-25-2014, 10:22 AM
I know for a fact that Arry cannot kill glaives 1v1. If you're so interested, why don't we 1v1? I will show you my experiences in PvP through this 1v1.

Can you not read? I said, "Not sure when I said I was good enough to kill a warrior with a glaive." Also, you are talking to me as if I said I was the best mage in the world. Now when did I say that? Oh right, never!

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01-25-2014, 12:04 PM
I know for a fact that Arry cannot kill glaives 1v1. If you're so interested, why don't we 1v1? I will show you my experiences in PvP through this 1v1.

Arry can kill rogues with 4 skills coughhchduiaq . scuse me

01-25-2014, 12:21 PM
You say rogues have dodge, dodge does nothing in pvp

01-25-2014, 12:23 PM
My comment is referring to what thepitcher said on page 1 of this thread... Not sure when I said I was good enough to kill a warrior with a glaive, but I have seen sorcerers do it. Maybe you should go and watch a ctf or tdm match and see how a good sorcerer, such as arrypotta, plays.

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I know for a fact that Arry cannot kill glaives 1v1. If you're so interested, why don't we 1v1? I will show you my experiences in PvP through this 1v1. I still want to try you on ur iPad!

Mages and rogues are most fun to 1v1

Come on later man

01-25-2014, 02:24 PM
I said in beginning of thread all aspects of the game not just pvp. And technically dodge does still work in pvp because u can still dodge normal attacks. It may not do much but every little thing helps including dodging normal attacks in pvp.

01-25-2014, 03:08 PM
I honestly think you just need to learn how to play the mage. If played the right way, they can dominate..

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk exactly

Learn from the best

01-25-2014, 03:12 PM
I said in beginning of thread all aspects of the game not just pvp. And technically dodge does still work in pvp because u can still dodge normal attacks. It may not do much but every little thing helps including dodging normal attacks in pvp. Normal attacks = nothing IMO. Dodge is one of the rogues specialties but since it's absolutely useless is pvp we are missing out on on stat of ours ENTIRELY.

01-25-2014, 04:56 PM
Thank you to basketholic209 and EliteFamily for making me see I embarrassed myself quite a lot, but you know what I meant xD

LoL i know! c:

01-25-2014, 11:44 PM
^ i aggree!!!

warrior always hunt mages!!!

the only problem i saw here is that, warrior and rouges can defeat any other class with the same build of choice but sorcs need to have a certain skill set just to defeat a certain class!!!
ex: for warriors. (from energezeric PoV) light, time, heal and shield. This is devastating even to those pro warriors but you cannot use this vs pro rouges coz there is no enough attack skills that can kill rouges on this build. they can counter this just by using their skill with dash (idk the name of that skill) and we need to have stun just to stop a pro rouge before we drop a clock.

for rouges. for me having 3 attack skill are more effective way to kill pro rouges. fire, light, ice, shield. curse also is very good against rouges but you should know how to handle or use curse properly in right timing. But curse is not effective on warriors.

just my opinion.

>>> for me the only skill that need to buff is our heal!!! we are support class so we need to be good in supporting other. Heal is the best support that we can give to other class but their heal is way better on us. rouges heal cool down and HoT is way better than sorcs they can even spam heal and drop many packs as they want until the packs gone. even warriors heal they can have the invi and HoT and they have Mana regen also. and now with new myth dagger for rouges they can have already the shield that is build only for sorcs.

all buff skills of sorcs are available on other classes. so, what is the use of sorcs being support class if other classes can support by their own!!!
no reply for this?

01-25-2014, 11:57 PM
Yeah mage I know mage is support char but sometime mage need to be helpfull not just heal

Arcane Legends player ign: Anafaoete, Beastvalent, Spancers

01-25-2014, 11:58 PM
Yeah mage I know mage is support char but sometime mage need to be helpfull not just heal

Arcane Legends player ign: Anafaoete, Beastvalent, Spancers


01-26-2014, 01:25 AM
yeah i know!!! but the thing is sorcs built mainly for support and AoE damage and we need a bulk meat (warrior) just to stay alive on the battle field.

** as for my experience playing other mmorpg there is only certain class that is built for healing and support only, and all other classes depend on that support bcoz all of them (except the healer class) are not capable of healing themselves. And it is unfair for us being the least in armor and health. but im not raging on sorcs ability though i can manage to kill most of warriors (on my level bracket) but pro warrior is hard and near to impossible (to defeat) even pro rouges became stronger after the release of tarlok items, rouges can do 2 hits combo on mages even with shield on.

I hope devs will do some changes for sorcs to make AL more challenging and balance in pvp.

Another thing. If sorcs also built for AoE they should be the best in PvE but try to check LB, most of the PvE type section dominated by rouges (timed runs). So, what is the use of sorcs here (maybe just to give initial damage to enemies and finish everything by a rouge.)

BTW i saw some warriors having higher damage than sorcs. Whew!!! is this how you define balanced class.

01-26-2014, 07:39 AM
How can you call mages the support class? We don't have a good healing skill, all we do is deal aoe damage and rogues then take our kills.

In other mmo's I have played, a support class was one who could buff and defend allies, heal allies and still deliver decent damage. Mages in al can only do 2/4 things I have listed, imo we aren't a support class but we do need a buff, I suggest sts buff our heal and shield as well as our armor.

01-26-2014, 10:43 AM
I think mages need an armor buff, I've made a thread in the suggestions forum about it: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=134977

01-26-2014, 03:29 PM
I'm a mage and I think I do fine. I used to pvp on my first mage and he was decent. I hardly pvp now cuz I'm farming to get mythics and even when farming I always do major damage, and I only have pinks (the best pinks for lvl 35 atm)

I do feel we need an armor buff though cuz we so squishy

01-27-2014, 08:18 AM
yeah i know!!! but the thing is sorcs built mainly for support and AoE damage and we need a bulk meat (warrior) just to stay alive on the battle field.

** as for my experience playing other mmorpg there is only certain class that is built for healing and support only, and all other classes depend on that support bcoz all of them (except the healer class) are not capable of healing themselves. And it is unfair for us being the least in armor and health. but im not raging on sorcs ability though i can manage to kill most of warriors (on my level bracket) but pro warrior is hard and near to impossible (to defeat) even pro rouges became stronger after the release of tarlok items, rouges can do 2 hits combo on mages even with shield on.

I hope devs will do some changes for sorcs to make AL more challenging and balance in pvp.

Another thing. If sorcs also built for AoE they should be the best in PvE but try to check LB, most of the PvE type section dominated by rouges (timed runs). So, what is the use of sorcs here (maybe just to give initial damage to enemies and finish everything by a rouge.)

BTW i saw some warriors having higher damage than sorcs. Whew!!! is this how you define balanced class.

How does this make sense? First you say sorcerers are squishy and you need a warrior to stay alive. Then you say, "I hope devs will do some changes for sorcs to make AL more challenging." You just said you can't stay alive on your own, then you say you want the game to be even more challenging.

And how do you know who the people are in the timed runs section that are rogues? I think you were just making assumptions.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

01-27-2014, 08:35 AM
(This a reply to miracle bird comment about dodging) If rogues could dodge skills in pvp it would absolutely destroy the balance of pvp in the game.

1. This is heavily favored buff for rogues since most other classes dont have more that 5% crit without pet.

2. If you could dodge skills in pvp, mages and warriors would become alot weaker. And if mages and warriors are alot weaker then a rogue with dodge. Whats the point of being any other class in pvp.

3. You would be making mages even more unreliable in pvp since all we have is our stuns which we cant even stun you for 7 seconds and a stun lasts about 1-3 seconds. So thats 4-6 seconds for you kill a mage.Now u want to make that mage only hit his skills 1\2the time.

4. With rogues being able to dodge in pvp theres no way someone could kill a equally geared rogue in a 1v1, since there only getting hit half the time and your health packs have the same cooldown. Only way u would be able to be killed if it was a 2v1 and the 2 got lucky and you hardly ever dodged

This is why rogues would be way to op pvp if they had doge working for skills and would destroy the balance of pvp worse then it already is

01-27-2014, 08:45 AM
lol@this thread
lol@loling for the sake of loling

01-27-2014, 08:57 AM
Calm Down Everyone.

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Tapatalk 2

01-27-2014, 09:12 AM
Just want to say that mages were never meant for supoort. Just because we provide you with mana and most of our skills are AoE does not prove that we are for support as far as im concerned warriors are for support. With rally cry, venge (give mana when in the radius) and the best heal in the game. Honestly mages only provide the following:
1. a very good stun.
2. we can cap rogues and warriors mana with one heal.
3. and curse which give a damage debuff and taget recieves more damage.

obviously we are not the primary support class. and the fact that warriors can do support, tank, deal a lot of damage and can stun more than mages is not reassuring O.o

How can you call mages the support class? We don't have a good healing skill, all we do is deal aoe damage and rogues then take our kills.

In other mmo's I have played, a support class was one who could buff and defend allies, heal allies and still deliver decent damage. Mages in al can only do 2/4 things I have listed, imo we aren't a support class but we do need a buff, I suggest sts buff our heal and shield as well as our armor.

Sir I 100% agree

01-27-2014, 09:52 AM
I'm a mage also, use the right skills and u can manage to be a great player in both pvp and pve. And about damage: u are saying rogues have highest dmg?? Its mages!! Look at a mage with arcane staff, he has 600 dmg!!

An undergeared lower level rogue can get higher actual damage to an enemy with aimed shot. Mage dmage looks good on paper but thats about it

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

01-27-2014, 10:05 AM
yeah i know!!! but the thing is sorcs built mainly for support and AoE damage and we need a bulk meat (warrior) just to stay alive on the battle field.

** as for my experience playing other mmorpg there is only certain class that is built for healing and support only, and all other classes depend on that support bcoz all of them (except the healer class) are not capable of healing themselves. And it is unfair for us being the least in armor and health. but im not raging on sorcs ability though i can manage to kill most of warriors (on my level bracket) but pro warrior is hard and near to impossible (to defeat) even pro rouges became stronger after the release of tarlok items, rouges can do 2 hits combo on mages even with shield on.

I hope devs will do some changes for sorcs to make AL more challenging and balance in pvp.

Another thing. If sorcs also built for AoE they should be the best in PvE but try to check LB, most of the PvE type section dominated by rouges (timed runs). So, what is the use of sorcs here (maybe just to give initial damage to enemies and finish everything by a rouge.)

BTW i saw some warriors having higher damage than sorcs. Whew!!! is this how you define balanced class.

Please don't comment on a thread about end game mages when you obviously are into twinking. How often do you see a rogue with tarlok potency at end game?

01-27-2014, 10:08 AM
(This a reply to miracle bird comment about dodging) If rogues could dodge skills in pvp it would absolutely destroy the balance of pvp in the game.

1. This is heavily favored buff for rogues since most other classes dont have more that 5% crit without pet.

2. If you could dodge skills in pvp, mages and warriors would become alot weaker. And if mages and warriors are alot weaker then a rogue with dodge. Whats the point of being any other class in pvp.

3. You would be making mages even more unreliable in pvp since all we have is our stuns which we cant even stun you for 7 seconds and a stun lasts about 1-3 seconds. So thats 4-6 seconds for you kill a mage.Now u want to make that mage only hit his skills 1\2the time.

4. With rogues being able to dodge in pvp theres no way someone could kill a equally geared rogue in a 1v1, since there only getting hit half the time and your health packs have the same cooldown. Only way u would be able to be killed if it was a 2v1 and the 2 got lucky and you hardly ever dodged

This is why rogues would be way to op pvp if they had doge working for skills and would destroy the balance of pvp worse then it already is

You're right, rogues being able to dodge attacks will completely destroy pvp but this will never happen. The stun invunerability needs to be nerfed to 5 secs because without a panic pet you cannot stun lock.

01-27-2014, 10:11 AM
Just want to say that mages were never meant for supoort. Just because we provide you with mana and most of our skills are AoE does not prove that we are for support as far as im concerned warriors are for support. With rally cry, venge (give mana when in the radius) and the best heal in the game. Honestly mages only provide the following:
1. a very good stun.
2. we can cap rogues and warriors mana with one heal.
3. and curse which give a damage debuff and taget recieves more damage.

obviously we are not the primary support class. and the fact that warriors can do support, tank, deal a lot of damage and can stun more than mages is not reassuring O.o

Sir I 100% agree

100% agree, warrior are most likely the support class, in pve warriors are not needed and sometimes in pvp a group of mages and rogues can take down a team with 1 warrior.

If there isn't a shield, armor and heal buff please sts just buff our damage a little bit, its unfair how rogues can kill all 3 classes and so can warriors but why can mages only kill 2/3?

01-27-2014, 10:43 AM
Please don't comment on a thread about end game mages when you obviously are into twinking. How often do you see a rogue with tarlok potency at end game?

The title of this thread is mage. it is not stated as end game mage!!!

come on!!!!

01-27-2014, 10:44 AM
The title of this thread is mage. it is not stated as end game mage!!!

come on!!!!

Yes I know but we are mostly talking about how mages at endgame are up, a mage twink is another thread

01-27-2014, 11:06 AM

but i want to narrate my experience on twink lvl as a mage!!! and besides twink are not too far from end game the only difference is we can have the best gear cheaper than the end game!!! in twink, warriors mostly dominates and mages are just farming class of other toons. Even rouges, they're always going after the sorcs for good kdr. There are only few mages that can match up with rouges in my lvl.

01-27-2014, 11:16 AM
How does this make sense? First you say sorcerers are squishy and you need a warrior to stay alive. Then you say, "I hope devs will do some changes for sorcs to make AL more challenging." You just said you can't stay alive on your own, then you say you want the game to be even more challenging.

And how do you know who the people are in the timed runs section that are rogues? I think you were just making assumptions.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

actually, i just want to state that "devs should do a little bit of buffs so that mages can give a good fight to other classes"

and i want the game to be more challenging to other classes. Coz, on my experience as a twink they always bully mages. they always look for sorcs to farm. even those who are using dummys, they are using sorcs. So, where is the fun here. if you're sorcs and you're new to this game probably you'll end up quitting on sorcs and change to other class!!!

Only my point of view!!!

01-27-2014, 11:19 AM
I think we can all effectively say that twink or end game, sorcs are still the most UP class in the game.

The best thing sts did for the class recently was boost the crit rate of our skills, which helped, but we all know that's not nearly enough.

Not to mention that our heal skills needs to be completely revamped to be of any real use to the class. Please Lord baby Jesus fix the bloody heal skill - our survival is at stake. >.>

01-27-2014, 12:05 PM
actually, i just want to state that "devs should do a little bit of buffs so that mages can give a good fight to other classes"

and i want the game to be more challenging to other classes. Coz, on my experience as a twink they always bully mages. they always look for sorcs to farm. even those who are using dummys, they are using sorcs. So, where is the fun here. if you're sorcs and you're new to this game probably you'll end up quitting on sorcs and change to other class!!!

Only my point of view!!!

Another assumption. I played mage from season 1 till like a month ago. I only stopped because I wanted to try a new class, not because they suck (even though they're pretty good). I just got tired of the mage and was looking for something new.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

01-28-2014, 12:27 AM
Another assumption. I played mage from season 1 till like a month ago. I only stopped because I wanted to try a new class, not because they suck (even though they're pretty good). I just got tired of the mage and was looking for something new.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

ahem again!!!!

kindly read my post again!!!! did i mention your name being the one who changed class because of the my reason?!?!?!
come on!!!!

just read again the end part. "only my point of view"

and again ill tell you what ive said on my last post "if you're sorcs and you're new to this game PROBABLY you'll end up quitting on sorcs and change to other class!!!

01-28-2014, 02:37 AM
I'm just thinking, maybe sorcerers dont need a nerf, you just have to have 20mil and get the best set and you will be fine. Oh wait, who has 20mil again? a lot but NOT a lot of people.. Isn't exactly fair but eh.. wanna be elite that way then fine, makes sts more money

01-28-2014, 02:01 PM
20 mil wouldnt be enough more like 30 mil ,buy full myth and a slag or other pet other classes who have the same gear as you in pvp will destroy a mage. Even if a mage had 70 mil and baught full myth and arcane staff, They would still have a 50/50 trade off with classes with no arcane just full myth.

01-28-2014, 02:07 PM
idk why everyone is hating on mages :/ i mean seriously, i can kill almost any rouge as long as my slag is happy

01-28-2014, 03:09 PM
idk why everyone is hating on mages :/ i mean seriously, i can kill almost any rouge as long as my slag is happy

I love your forum name lol thats one of my catch phrases

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

01-28-2014, 07:24 PM
idk why everyone is hating on mages :/ i mean seriously, i can kill almost any rouge as long as my slag is happy
Yeah well I need to get 8mil and all the mythic besides the super overpriced staff and I should be fine, just saying, for mages you shouldn't have to own up to 25+ million to actually be equal to other classes. Because when your a rogue, you might not have a mythic set and you could still own ..

01-28-2014, 09:35 PM
ahem again!!!!

kindly read my post again!!!! did i mention your name being the one who changed class because of the my reason?!?!?!
come on!!!!

just read again the end part. "only my point of view"

and again ill tell you what ive said on my last post "if you're sorcs and you're new to this game PROBABLY you'll end up quitting on sorcs and change to other class!!!

Umm excuse me but you must not know how to read. I said I changed classes because I was wanting to try something new.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

01-29-2014, 08:19 AM
Who said, mage vs rogue= die mages? o.O

01-29-2014, 08:23 AM
any warrior is OP. but sure mage need buff a little not much. but i think sts should remove from rogue and warrior the heal skill and put more slot and put 2-3 skill to heal in sorcerer bcus sorcerer is the healer not the rogue or warrior.

warrior shoul heal himself and remove heal skill from rogue. sorcerer should be the healer the support and should do dps too. good dmg balance with good heal.

warrior are a tank should have 1-2 skill to heal himself but not all hp. but need have good dmg too.

rogue are a Powerfull in pve/pvp theys have big dmg (die fast too vs another rogue) but warrior vs rogue haven't oportunity rogue wins (full mytic warrior vs full mytic rogue) mage vs rogue die mage, warrior vs mage, die mage. sts should balance it. but not op the sorc.

Some war have 500 dmg

A full myth mage vs a full myth rogue or warrior will almost always lose in pvp.Have you ever played a mage in pvp theres nothing easy about it. Most the time its Join a game look for a rogue and try to kill it. But if you see a warrior u run like hell and hope he doesnt have axe throw or skyward smash.

: /.. Pro mages own rogues !!!!

01-29-2014, 11:24 AM
Umm excuse me but you must not know how to read. I said I changed classes because I was wanting to try something new.

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LOL to this!!! i don't wanna say anything just read my post again!!!
"if you're SORCand you're NEW to this game PROBABLY you'll end up quitting on playing sorc and change to other class"

::highlighted words (sorc, new, probably) im not saying a fact about you and you're desicion. im just want to say that if somebody new to this game maybe or probably they'lle quit on playing sorc and choose other class. hope you understand that!!!

01-29-2014, 01:07 PM
Yeah well I need to get 8mil and all the mythic besides the super overpriced staff and I should be fine, just saying, for mages you shouldn't have to own up to 25+ million to actually be equal to other classes. Because when your a rogue, you might not have a mythic set and you could still own ..

25mil wont instantly make you able to kill rogues, in pvp you need skill especially using a mage. Your skills need to be timed right and arcane staff wont make you invicible... Plently of mages do fine with full mythic set and runic.

01-29-2014, 03:55 PM
LOL to this!!! i don't wanna say anything just read my post again!!!
"if you're SORCand you're NEW to this game PROBABLY you'll end up quitting on playing sorc and change to other class"

::highlighted words (sorc, new, probably) im not saying a fact about you and you're desicion. im just want to say that if somebody new to this game maybe or probably they'lle quit on playing sorc and choose other class. hope you understand that!!!

In your last post you said that you thought I quit the mage because of the reason you said. I was just correcting that.

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01-29-2014, 04:16 PM
Mages are weakest among class.. But string in pve.. Any legendary warrior or rouge can easily kill full mythic mage.. Haha

01-29-2014, 11:09 PM
25mil wont instantly make you able to kill rogues, in pvp you need skill especially using a mage. Your skills need to be timed right and arcane staff wont make you invicible... Plently of mages do fine with full mythic set and runic.

Oh really now, and what if you are a experienced Mage that knows his range, time, speed, knowing how to attack that opposite opponent example: rogue, Mage, Warrior. Yes, then 25mil hah ;-)

01-31-2014, 05:19 AM
i am mainly a mage on every game... its funy to rev + heal + buff allies and enenys in every game... after player 3 month with my mage finally i made a rogue, its good class but i really dont like its gender...

*** i prefer mages more active in a game on buff + heal + rev ***

01-31-2014, 05:36 AM
i am mainly a mage on every game... its funy to rev + heal + buff allies and enenys in every game... after player 3 month with my mage finally i made a rogue, its good class but i really dont like its gender...

*** i prefer mages more active in a game on buff + heal + rev ***

Mages in AL don't have buffs or revive, just heal and useless skills that do crap all -__-

01-31-2014, 06:49 AM
only can agree +1