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View Full Version : Shadow Storm Shot

01-26-2014, 09:58 AM
Why is Shadow Storm Shot so unpopular among rogues? I haven't read a single thing about it yet here in the forums, be it PvE or PvP

I don't have any experience with it, but from what I read in it's description, its a decent offensive skill. I'm thinking of having it as my 4th skill on my PvE rogue, next to ShadowPierce, AimedShot, and NoxBolt. When fighting mobs, ill use SP, NB, and this Shadow Storm. When I get to the boss, ill use AS, NB, and SSS.

What do you think?

01-26-2014, 11:14 AM
In my opinion its because other skills are much better. It maybe a high damage skill but its kinda plain.

01-26-2014, 12:31 PM
Good thing of SSS is we don't have to charge it to get Aoe. With nox we have to charge but damage is more obvious.
Max SSS is fun to use when we do fast run like Km3. 😊

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01-26-2014, 01:58 PM
Sss is terrible....

01-26-2014, 03:28 PM
You should always use aimed shot. Always. Always. During mobs, during boss, just because you want to. Aimed shot.

01-28-2014, 10:50 AM
Charge NOx all day

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01-28-2014, 01:00 PM
SSS lacks the perks the other skills grant.

01-28-2014, 02:48 PM
The only time you would ever want to use shadow storm shot is for taking out groups of really weak mobs in normal maps when you are soloing. The damage is very weak, but it is useful when the mobs are so weak that just tickling them a little will make them die. And yes, the damage on shadow storm is like a tickle. A regular bow shot is similar or higher in damage to a fully upgraded shadow storm shot.

Additionally, shadow storm does not auto aim like aimed shot or noxious does. If you kite with it or have a tendency to not directly face the mobs the arrow will just blast in the direction you are facing, so if you're bow kiting you need to turn around quickly, fire, and continue running - it's extremely annoying and another nail in the coffin for the skill. And... yet another additional item - if the mobs are so weak you can kill groups of them with shadow storm, then surely daggers would work as well, opening up another skill for you.

I do actually use shadow storm in 'run and gun' tomb runs in order to kill groups while running down a path without stopping when I'm soloing. The fun thing about the skill is the combo - aimed and noxious have a 2 second cooldown and shadow storm has a 5 second cooldown. So you can combo : aimed, noxious, sstorm, pierce ->, aimed, noxious, pierce -> aimed, noxious, sstorm, pierce & oscillate back and forth like that roughly. If you have plat to burn go ahead and try it, but in almost all situations shadow storm is a definite no-no.

01-28-2014, 03:23 PM
The reason why most Rogues do not spec this skill is because:

It is the weakest offensive skill that Rogues have
It must be charged to be effective in any way
It must be fully upgraded to be useful
It's AoE radius is small
It has a long relatively cooldown
It has no auto-aim ability

01-28-2014, 03:38 PM
Shadow Storm Shot is as useful as the AFK title.

01-29-2014, 12:02 AM
The reason why most Rogues do not spec this skill is because:

It is the weakest offensive skill that Rogues have
It must be charged to be effective in any way
It must be fully upgraded to be useful
It's AoE radius is small
It has a long relatively cooldown
It has no auto-aim ability

Wow thanks.
I never knew that the damage is a lot weaker than aim shot/nox. Its quite tempting to do 3 arrow skills on my rogue.
The no auto-aim is weird why did they did that? The cooldown is 5 sec? Dev must have wrongly write a code for this skill.

This skill should be buffed until it actually have a use in pvp/pve. Mage have all the skills useful for at least something and I think it's unfair to leave SSS as a useless skills.

I think they should make SSS slow/feeble target. Or maybe have a chance to produce a patch that slow targets (like the fancy purple shiny bow).

01-29-2014, 07:16 AM
The no auto-aim is weird why did they did that? The cooldown is 5 sec? Dev must have wrongly write a code for this skill.

I think so too that no auto-aim is a bug.

01-29-2014, 11:11 AM
sts need to change this skill to a new skill that does knockbcks

01-29-2014, 11:53 AM
The no auto-aim is weird why did they did that? The cooldown is 5 sec? Dev must have wrongly write a code for this skill.

Definitely a bug. Similar to how Fireball never used to auto aim unless you took the widened radius upgrade.

Why haven't they fixed it? It's because nobody has bothered to complain about it, because honestly nobody really uses it. Very, very rarely do I see ever see an endgame rogue using SSS. When I do, it's like "Oh. Lol."

Funny enough, I've been leveling a bunch of lowbie alts lately and I'd guess one in every five lowbie rogues uses SSS. :p

01-30-2014, 01:36 AM
sts need to change this skill to a new skill that does knockbcks

That would make it even worse! Why do you think we have traps? This is to pull the mobs into a nice tidy group for easy killing. Skills with knockback (like wind on mages) are absolutely awful for pve because they spread things out and make them take forever to kill. This leads to slower runs which means less chances at decent loot, which means you will be buying that Samael in 3 years instead of 1.

02-01-2014, 04:21 AM
I just tried SSS. Very useless. Normal attack is stronger.

02-01-2014, 05:02 PM
I just tried SSS. Very useless. Normal attack is stronger.

And you have to aim it lol.

02-05-2014, 10:52 PM
I personally like the skill, I just wish the auto aim was fixed. Was that something intentional? Fireball was the same till they fixed it, so I think they should do the same with shadow.