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View Full Version : Just playing rude

01-26-2014, 05:12 PM
i think many people here have at least once been randomly attacked by trolls in in towns, i mean, seriously
some trolls are so plain rude. i remember once in shuyal town i was just standing their and this happened.

Noob troll: "hahaha, slag so lame, my abbadon beats it."
me: "um...ok"
Noob troll: " you noob, you dont have abbadon"
me: " i dont have abbadon cuz i found it lame, slag fits me better"
noob troll: "shut your ******* mouth! abbadon is awesome.
me: " um, i didn't start this conversation"
noob troll: (in open message) this guy so mean he randomly started insulting me :(
me: .......

01-26-2014, 05:24 PM

01-26-2014, 05:30 PM
Hashtag randomconvos

01-26-2014, 05:41 PM
Lmao that is a chickenfish!! :O

01-26-2014, 05:52 PM
Lol. It is probably because ur name is ihateppl. That may make people want to troll u haha

01-26-2014, 05:54 PM
Normally I only get called a noob when dressing poor in towns to avoid beggars. Then I switch to normal gear load out and begging follows. It's a no win situation lol.

01-26-2014, 05:54 PM
To be honest i dont understand new age trolling. I member trolling in yahoo chat rooms because you couldnt do much else with dial up and needless to say, it was alot less disrespectful/hurtful then now. Mostly it was all in jokes no seriousness

01-27-2014, 07:15 PM
Likes attract. Positive helpful people are around positive helpful people. The opposite is also true. Best to use the ignore and report button asap.