View Full Version : weapons

01-26-2014, 08:32 PM
whats lvls 36 best weapon?

01-26-2014, 08:42 PM
Harg'kyth Infused Hammers
and Relic Winged Axes.

Both are over 10m though.

01-26-2014, 09:32 PM
Their super rare o.o its almost impossible to get.

01-27-2014, 01:03 AM
If you are asking about plat weapons, you can compare their stats here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94006-Item-Packs-weapons-stats

If you are asking about gold weapons (excluding relic weapons), my favorite are vipers. They come in 3 flavors: high attack, high defense, and high health. There are other good gold weapons like elegant death which are very close to the same stats and less expensive.

01-27-2014, 01:19 PM
Harg'kyth Infused Hammers
and Relic Winged Axes.

Both are over 10m though.

That's why you play it smart! Merch for gold and farm for other easier drops. Raise the money; don't waste your life farming for one rare thing haha.

And of course there's always the option of dropping some cash to gamble with cool weapons like firebrand just for looks :D At the end of the day, it's all about who looks the coolest. Am I right? ;)

01-27-2014, 01:26 PM
yes sir MightyMicah !

01-27-2014, 07:27 PM
If you are asking about plat weapons, you can compare their stats here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94006-Item-Packs-weapons-stats

If you are asking about gold weapons (excluding relic weapons), my favorite are vipers. They come in 3 flavors: high attack, high defense, and high health. There are other good gold weapons like elegant death which are very close to the same stats and less expensive.

alright thanks doom

01-27-2014, 07:28 PM
true true o.o

01-29-2014, 06:55 AM
Yes doom, viper are good! If can use plat : sabres ( now are miss.. :-(..) firebrand are very good and frost bite.. (great surprise! Too in pvp!)

02-22-2014, 12:01 PM
instead I got an obsidian which is fine for me :) now I can focus on axe time to time or which ever drops axe or hammer