View Full Version : ONLY solution to balance PvP (minimal work for STG to implement)

01-27-2014, 11:42 PM
^ viable*

Please read carefully, relatively bad English everywhere.
Y'all can skip to - here is my idea part

Enormous threads on balancing PvP, busy STG (on other games) here's the one viable solution, that can bring back way much balanced PvP WITHOUT MUCH WORK for STG to implement it

It's not like STG did not try to fix PvP, but they tried several times since the launch of current cap but without success. Not blaming but they don't have much time to work on pl and it's PvP. Even if devs keep trying to fix PvP, it would take much time and would not be as good even they implement several suggestion raised by old pvp-ers. It would cause other side effects that we are currently unaware. The core problem is the few parameters of PvP algorithm used to fit greatly when pl was launched or after very few caps. For example dodge, hit% etc. And the co-relations but not now; anyway this is not our topic.

As I said this is not our concern.

Enormous times it has been said by every kinda pvp-ers that L56 cap pvp was one of the balanced and fun to play, SO DEVS may BRING BACK L56 CAP PVP IN IT'S ORIGINAL FORM. I know it sounds odd but read the rest of the thread to know how stg can gift us a 100% pollution free PvP WITH MINIMAL WORK.

Two new PvP arena (forest fight & rockwallforts : as this two maps are most popular) maybe named as - Relatively balanced-forest fight, balanced rockwall forts etc or any other name.
These maps will be externally same as current maps means same looks.

So what will be the difference?

Stg will implement same old good game data (algorithm) as exactly as L56 cap PvP was, with sewer gears NOT Nuri Gears (no change and not the current l56pvp)

L56 to L76 players would be able to join the maps.

When players join/host the new maps, they will be redirected to their avatar page first after joining the new maps. And all the skill points and attribute points will get reset to what L56 players would have I.e 285 attribute points, 55 skill points, if I collected the data properly. For first time they will have the chance to assign / distribute points as they want but as per L56 cap limitations(for the first time they join the maps, afterwards system will remember this each time when players join these maps, players will have the chance to reset point by 2plats next time, if they want)

Players would be able to assign points as they are playing L56 cap PvP, definite thing they need to buy l56 sets or lower lvl gear.

Any kinda vanity can be equip able but no rings, no elite/dragon ring will be equip able.

When players leave/join any other map/ town/DC/quit there stat value will get reset to as before joining new balanced maps.

Pros :
This much PvP balance is not possible in any other way.

Minimal paper-pen work for stg means they don't need to think how to fix PvP (big relief)

None is gonna disheartened by this means no complain, if anybody not interested in it, he can still play the current PvP in current maps with current gears.

Everyone will have fair chance no elite/dragon rings --> less complain about elite rings.

Something new+low lvl players will have the chance to play with higher lvls (l56-76)

PvE will be same as before, so no complain.

Cons :

Fox, rhinos will be out of this cause they were not there at L56 cap.

Current op players (who depends on op-ness ) would not like to go to this maps they will be staying at current maps.

01-27-2014, 11:49 PM
^ viable*

Pros :

Everyone will have fair chance no elite/dragon rings --> less complain about elite rings.

Something new+low lvl players will have the chance to play with higher lvls (l56-76)

hmm i think more problems would arise since 76 would be able to join 56, the boosters...
other than that its a good idea

01-28-2014, 12:00 AM
^ looks like u missed something or I could not explain -
even a lvl 76 can join the map he will have same attribute point + same skill points + same l56 gears so no question of boosting.

01-28-2014, 12:11 AM
^ looks like u missed something or I could not explain -
even a lvl 76 can join the map he will have same attribute point + same skill points + same l56 gears so no question of boosting.

So if a demonic set is worth 10m+ and a swift set is 4m, he gets a demonic set??

01-28-2014, 12:33 AM
L56 Cap Gears (sewer not nuri or any other higher level items)will be equip-able and you have to buy/farm gears (where RU getting demonic/swift?)

01-28-2014, 01:08 AM
Good idea, dunno what everyone else is talking about

01-28-2014, 01:38 AM
Legends is pretty much just saying... PVP is one area for all Lvls. All use same map gear (sewers in this case) all have equal point attributes regardless of lvl also same skill points. Good idea, but the problem with this is that pvp won't be diverse and PL economy will become very different. Some gears are expensive because of pvp. Every item and set will soon become collectors only. Thus, this idea is hard to implement. Also, wouldn't it get a bit boring? Only sewers sets lol. 71-76 behr with set trolling is tew fun

01-28-2014, 04:23 AM
^ water will continue to flow in the same direction as its flowing now, JUST we will get extra maps where pvp will be relatively balanced. nothing to loose.

01-28-2014, 04:50 AM
Good Idea actually, good job mate!

01-28-2014, 12:14 PM
Well, normally Waug I don't agree with what you're saying but I do appreciate the idea and thought. I'm all up for it - All I want is endgame PvP balance (and PvE balance) before STS totally quits out on us.

01-28-2014, 01:38 PM
hopefully you realize this game is dead and STS doesnt listen to PL players anymore.

01-28-2014, 03:41 PM
Congratz man! You re-invented Twinking!

01-28-2014, 04:42 PM
not bad, then we get all the rs and drainers rage threads lol