View Full Version : Guide to being awesome

01-28-2014, 04:49 PM
FIRST RULE: don't beg, insult, whine, cry, make annoying noises, pretend to make annoying noises, be a jerk to your superiors, have a bad attitude, spot block, or trick ppl into doing stupid things .

SECOND RULE: farm baby farm, i know that when i first started playing, i had NO idea what re-roll elixir was, i just thought it had a pretty pic.. farm places like brakenridge, rooks nest, and lord mardom.

THIRD RULE: join a guild ASAP, no matter how many nameless goons u behead, or how many times you manage to loot a deary egg, you need guild. for three reason, one, it gets really lonely after about a week without a guild. second, u never know when you need help, mabye killing a giant raging female spider with hormone issues, or killing a raging maneater. and third, you get discounts for buying pots.

FOURTH RULE: do not be a b-word, a-word, the other b-word, or a d-word to your fellow gamer. it just pisses ppl off and in this kinda of game the more enemies you have the more likely your gonna get banned.

RULE FIVE: lv up like there is a reward to get, BECAUSE THERE IS, i dont think newbies tryng to lv up know this, but ppl who manage too get to the current lv cap get a sweet banner to show off, and also get to run elites for better loot.

RULE SIX: or as i like to call it, "stilettos on your throats yo" how to be a good team player, first off, dont go off try and "do your on thing" if your in a party and lv, ppl those you to be in a party to stick together and and try and do the mission, not go bumbling off and get farmed killed by zombies... no one likes that, trust me.

RULE SEVEN: be the superior player. your probably gonna get to have this convo with your parents one day, but im gonna put this is simple gaming words. "when a troll comes to play, just walk away". meaning, there are gonna be some stupid people in AL that probably didnt read this thread, and instead of becoming a well liked and respected player, they are a TROLL, being... well a jerk, to nearly everyone in the game, and probably suffering from some unresolved daddy issues. they are rude, smelly, and very very stupid, they will always look for a fight, and if there is no fight to be found, they will make one, i try and either go to a different server, or just be quite and make laughing signs in there general direction.

well, cant think of another rule :/ hope this helps you newbies out :P

01-29-2014, 11:29 AM
you would lmao

01-29-2014, 12:04 PM
RULE EIGHT: dont simply hate people

01-29-2014, 12:36 PM
Sorry, I'm already subscribed to Barney Stinson's weekly newsletter on "How to be more awesome then awesome!". Thanks anyway.

01-29-2014, 03:45 PM
oops, excuse my bad grammar in the guide, think i was high off homemade "cookies"

01-29-2014, 05:17 PM
Sorry, I'm already subscribed to Barney Stinson's weekly newsletter on "How to be more awesome then awesome!". Thanks anyway.

Legen wait for it dary


01-29-2014, 09:46 PM
About the third rule, I survived this game alone lol. I joined a guild just last Nov or Dec.

As for the rules, just respect everyone :D And you'll be awesome.

01-30-2014, 01:12 PM
The fifth slap is coming

01-30-2014, 03:43 PM
That awkward moment when your name is "ihatteppl" lol :D