View Full Version : How to properly farm for Gamer Legs?

01-29-2014, 03:44 AM
How exactly is the right way to farm? Do you finish the mission then click "Replay" or go to map and select the mission again?? Ive heard that one method works more then the other but i dont know. And what mission is more likely to drop the Gamer Legs? Im doing Dead End becuase its short, does this one have a better chance of dropping the gamer legs or is another mission better?


01-29-2014, 05:29 AM
Lol 'right way to farm'.

First let me say that only dev team STS knows exactly how the mechanics of drop chances work in DL.
Dropchances r the same for everyone of same level and r the same for every mission (dropchance Gamer top is same regardless which mission). But ,...
Based on my own experience ( having played for more than 2 yrs ; 1,2 million pve kills :eagerness: ) I think that it is true that lower level players have a slightly better dropchance than higher level players. Being a high level player means u can do missions faster than lower level players, doing missions faster means doing more missions in an hr, which results in more chances to find something (not a higher/better dropchance). To compensate I think that it is easier for a lower level to find vanity than for a higher level player.
Regarding missions I dont think that some missions have better dropchanges than others, but some missions r easier ( u can do some missions faster than others )
and doing a mission faster means more often, means more chances finding vanity etc.
I didnt experience any difference doing a solo or a multiplayer mission, however doing a mission wth more players (multiplay) means doing it faster, which results in more chances.
Finally like to point out that I personally never got a vanity drop from an end boss, so I dont kill the end boss every time but jump out sooner when im looking for vanity. So not often a replay but selecting the mission again.
Do break barrels, boxes, open chests, turn over dead bodies cous that way u can find vanity. (Found albino bats 4 times by breaking barrels.)
Final advice, do missions fast and alot if u wanna find valuable vanity. Oh and dont forget to have fun doing missions dont focus too much on finding stuff but set different goals for urself, like killing max number of enemies wth each (skill) attack or doing a mission as fast as possible.

Good luck and have fun

01-29-2014, 06:37 AM
Lol 'right way to farm'.

First let me say that only dev team STS knows exactly how the mechanics of drop chances work in DL.
Dropchances r the same for everyone of same level and r the same for every mission (dropchance Gamer top is same regardless which mission). But ,...
Based on my own experience ( having played for more than 2 yrs ; 1,2 million pve kills :eagerness: ) I think that it is true that lower level players have a slightly better dropchance than higher level players. Being a high level player means u can do missions faster than lower level players, doing missions faster means doing more missions in an hr, which results in more chances to find something (not a higher/better dropchance). To compensate I think that it is easier for a lower level to find vanity than for a higher level player.
Regarding missions I dont think that some missions have better dropchanges than others, but some missions r easier ( u can do some missions faster than others )
and doing a mission faster means more often, means more chances finding vanity etc.
I didnt experience any difference doing a solo or a multiplayer mission, however doing a mission wth more players (multiplay) means doing it faster, which results in more chances.
Finally like to point out that I personally never got a vanity drop from an end boss, so I dont kill the end boss every time but jump out sooner when im looking for vanity. So not often a replay but selecting the mission again.
Do break barrels, boxes, open chests, turn over dead bodies cous that way u can find vanity. (Found albino bats 4 times by breaking barrels.)
Final advice, do missions fast and alot if u wanna find valuable vanity. Oh and dont forget to have fun doing missions dont focus too much on finding stuff but set different goals for urself, like killing max number of enemies wth each (skill) attack or doing a mission as fast as possible.

Good luck and have fun

Good phantomas!!

01-29-2014, 09:40 AM
Phantomas knows what he's talking about! I second what he said. :D

01-29-2014, 11:57 AM
it is difficult for me to find vanity now since I'm lvl 36 all I get is gems drops (junk) which I liquidate so I guess more runs for vanities ?

01-29-2014, 12:47 PM
it is difficult for to find vanity now since I'm lvl 36 all I get is gems drops (junk) which I liquidate so I guess more runs for vanities ?

Probably so, bro. Usually if you go a long time without finding vanities, it's a good indication that you're about to find some.

01-29-2014, 02:15 PM
I play on and off I don't give myself time to look I do quick runs and gems all I get (boo) hopefully I can dig out something that and I switch missions I don't play the same one overs and over and over again I like to branch out and gamble what I get I don't know if that's a good idea what I'm doing ..

01-29-2014, 02:25 PM
I play on and off I don't give myself time to look I do quick runs and gems all I get (boo) hopefully I can dig out something that and I switch missions I don't play the same one overs and over and over again I like to branch out and gamble what I get I don't know if that's a good idea what I'm doing ..

Haha yeah I don't know. Most important thing is you are having fun! That's more valuable than any vanity in my opinion.

01-29-2014, 02:50 PM
some vanities pick ups would be nice I know its not my weapons its just I'm lvl 36 I've noticed when I was lvl 21 I picked up 3 dm that's all. you sure I ain't doing nothing wrong ?

01-29-2014, 03:07 PM
Thank You!
Lol 'right way to farm'.

First let me say that only dev team STS knows exactly how the mechanics of drop chances work in DL.
Dropchances r the same for everyone of same level and r the same for every mission (dropchance Gamer top is same regardless which mission). But ,...
Based on my own experience ( having played for more than 2 yrs ; 1,2 million pve kills :eagerness: ) I think that it is true that lower level players have a slightly better dropchance than higher level players. Being a high level player means u can do missions faster than lower level players, doing missions faster means doing more missions in an hr, which results in more chances to find something (not a higher/better dropchance). To compensate I think that it is easier for a lower level to find vanity than for a higher level player.
Regarding missions I dont think that some missions have better dropchanges than others, but some missions r easier ( u can do some missions faster than others )
and doing a mission faster means more often, means more chances finding vanity etc.
I didnt experience any difference doing a solo or a multiplayer mission, however doing a mission wth more players (multiplay) means doing it faster, which results in more chances.
Finally like to point out that I personally never got a vanity drop from an end boss, so I dont kill the end boss every time but jump out sooner when im looking for vanity. So not often a replay but selecting the mission again.
Do break barrels, boxes, open chests, turn over dead bodies cous that way u can find vanity. (Found albino bats 4 times by breaking barrels.)
Final advice, do missions fast and alot if u wanna find valuable vanity. Oh and dont forget to have fun doing missions dont focus too much on finding stuff but set different goals for urself, like killing max number of enemies wth each (skill) attack or doing a mission as fast as possible.

Good luck and have fun

01-29-2014, 05:59 PM
Nice post Phant ^_^

I have personally never been lucky when I stay in the same mission and hit Replay hundreds of times. And I get really bored....and stop having fun. So...I like to hop around a lot and I seem to be luckier that way. I like to run the entire campaign (Next button doesn't check if my inventory is full) Unless i am just hunting for executions...I always break and kill everything...even the boss who has never dropped a vanity for me (cuz it makes me smile when I beat a legendary item out of him....and cuz it is just really fun to feed off the boss ^_^).

If you feel like your luck is bad..maybe hop around a little more. Like pick 2 or 3 vanities you would like to loot and switch among the campaigns.

My experience with gamer specifically is...the only time I found gamer legs was when I was in a lower level toon helping a guildie unlock missions. So pretty much started at the beginning of the game and just kept hitting next from one campaign to the next. So maybe you could make a low level toon and help a new person out.

Good luck!

01-30-2014, 11:35 AM
Agree wth doom, I also rather do entire maps than same mission again and again, and try to find different vanity.
Like doom pointed out with a full inventory u cannot redo same mission but u can do the next mission, but there is another reason why I do the entire map ;
I read somewhere here on forum that whenever a certain vanity drops in a mission, its likely that every mission of that map drops the same vanity.
Most of u longtime players can remember that albino bats only were found on morhaven district mission 1. Now I know for a fact that the albinos also drop on mission 2 and 3.
Same applies to gamer top when I started only on 2 missions did it drop now we know every mission on dark hollow drops gamer top.
Look at the history of vanity drop list and ull see that this applies also to sinister mask and other vanity.
So do try to do more missions of same map if ur lucky and try alot u will find what u r looking for.

Good luck and have fun :victorious:

02-25-2014, 08:17 PM
I have not farmed mission 2 for bats I should try that hmmm ill give it a go again its a pain in the butt patients is the key it is getting on my nerves but I know cool it cool it lol