View Full Version : Do all suffix have set effects?

11-28-2010, 08:36 AM
Like in the AO3 gear I see that the "of the void" and other stuff have set effects if you have all the pieces that say "of the void".. but I am curious, does the apply to other things as well.. even at lower levels? If I get 3 pieces that all say "of the XXXXX" will that give additional benefits or it is only certain items or certain suffix's etc... how exactly is it setup?

11-28-2010, 10:35 AM
check this page (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?2996-Equipment-Prefix-Suffix-Compendium) out it will answer the question

11-28-2010, 10:43 AM
I've seen this questioned answered with an authoritative no several places in the forum, just search for set bonus for more info.

Although, I wouldn't put it past them to hide unseen set bonuses around in lower level gears. I seem to get better drops when I'm in my Redbone quest set though it's hard to experimentally separator player luck from character luck in this case.

11-28-2010, 11:02 AM
check this page (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?2996-Equipment-Prefix-Suffix-Compendium) out it will answer the question

TY for the link, however, I was refering to the "set" bonuses. For instance if you wear Jacob's Helmet of the Void, Wraith Armor of the Void, Mega Blaster of the Void in addition to all the stats on the items, you get an ADDITIONAL +5% Hit, +5% Crit, +2 H/s, +2 M/s, +10 Damage, +5 Armor as a set bonus.

My question is.. is it ONLY those 3 items, or can I use another weapon that ends in "of the Void" and get the same bonus?

Also, do other combination's have set bonus's?? For instance if I have some helm, armor and bow of fortune would I get a set bonus?
In other words what identifies something as part of a "Set" .. is it the suffix.. as I see people say "I am wearing full void" .. thus indicating that that set it defined by the fact that they are all "of the void." Using that logic, can you use any combination of helm, armor, weapon.. all of which would be "of the void" and get that same set bonus? OR is it 3 specific items and you only get the set bonus if you are using those EXACT 3 items?

11-28-2010, 11:25 AM
opps sry there are 6 i believe. those sets^^^(wraith, cosmo, void) along with the voodoo master set, swamp rat set, and copperhead set. and u cant mix and match for bonuses the set it the exact set

11-28-2010, 11:42 AM
Yes, 6 sets, 3 level 35 and 3 level 50. And they only work with the specific items. For instance the void set bonus comes with the Megablaster of the Void but not the Void bow or talon.