View Full Version : The Dead Zone [Guild]

02-02-2014, 10:10 PM
This is a new guild made about 4 days ago I would like to let you all know we are recuiting that sead here are the requirements.


1. Must be 18 + years of age level 25 plus Is preferred but will make exceptions

2. Must be active if you are idle for more the 3 weeks you will be kicked unless you let the guild know in case you may be going on vacation or somthing along those lines and must be active in chat

3. There is zero tolerance for begging, scamming, and trolling the guild meaning acting like a complete idiot examples messing with other member's that don't want to be messed with filling the chat with multiple's of the same message and trying to take member's from the guild to come to another guild basically leave your drama at the door it's not welcome here

4. Promotions come with loyalty prove yourself and you will move up so don't ask for one please you will be informed if you are being promoted asking is the same as begging

5. Willingness to help others in need be able to explain how things work in the game were things are in what maps how to set up there toon for better out come in battle ext. Basic knowledge of the game

6. Last but most importantly fight hard level up a and have fun

To join just look for any of the people with the guild title names listed below

Guild master:








If you are eager to play with great people and have a good time you can send a private message to any of the people above for an invite or me biebawei you can find me most of the time in the guild castle if you meet the requirements. We will be looking forward to seeing you potential members soon

Side note:

This thread will be updated as needed stay tuned

Good hunting : Biebawei