View Full Version : sts please make it possible to kick a member on a PvP team

02-03-2014, 03:34 PM
having recently decided to join my friends and make a twink I've come to find a few twink guilds that cheat in a very pathetic way. what they do is foo one team then place two purple from their own guild on the other team. these two people just sit there doing nothing so they can 5v3 the remaining people. there is a very simple solution to this. make it so that you can tap on a person's name on your team and a box appears that says" vote kick" . then a box appears in the middle of the screen says" are you sure you wish to vote to kick player name" yes, no. then if two more puerile in that team also vote to kick a player that player gets kicked off the team and can no longer return to that PvP zone. this will end the cheating and since it would require a majority in a team to vote a player out it is fair. this will encourage fair play and ends cheating. please consider this change sts this will better PvP

02-03-2014, 06:33 PM
That could be easily abused

02-03-2014, 06:45 PM
If the entire team votes to kick a player then it cant be abusive