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View Full Version : Are twinks are done.....?

11-28-2010, 08:46 PM
Well, I wanna stay open minded about this, so I started a thread to discuss it.

I personally don't like twinking anymore, I I'll list a few reasons below, but I wanted to ask everyone else what they thought as well.

I twinked a pretty long time ago, when a few people like Barb and Twink started introducing it and kind of advertised for it. So I got gear, and made an int bear, and a dex bird, with top gear. It was fun, I liked it, you would have other twinks, that were a challenge at times. Then you had the level 18 people that didn't buy the other expansions who were but a breeze to kill. After a while, it got a little boring, just because the level 18s would call you a hacker then run off all the time. I stopped twinking for a while, then went back to it. When I went back to it, I saw more twinks, less level 18 noobs. It was kind of fun, but it didn't stay like that for long.

Eventually all those games got overridden by level 50 people, having suckish twinks, walking into pvp, and bragging about how they had a level 45-50 character, and that this was just for fun and that they are pro at high level pvp blah, blah, blah. I wouldn't find a whole bunch of people like that....at first....but then the numbers increased. It got full of d-bags bragging about how pro they are, and egotistical mynas gens trying ti show off.

After the other stat balance, fights started taking longer, bears got harder to kill, archers got harder to defend from, and mages were still, well, mages to an extent.

I don't like twinking anymore, I pretty much gave up on it, and gave away/sold all my twink gear. I believe I kept 1, a dreamers darkbolt blaster twink gave me for my birthday :D

Anyways, I mainly made this thread to discuss what twinking was, and now is. So any
feedback on others opinions?:)



Excuse the title please, lol, I wrote "twinks are done" then I tried putting "are twinks done" but I didn't really read it, I just kinda typed it and moved on lol. Sry.

11-28-2010, 08:49 PM
I stopped a while back, then gave my blaster to Jespoo cos....well i could and i was in a generous mood. Twinking is fun, but once you've kinda tried all the levels, well you've done it all. I ersonally think it will be awsome when PL comes out on PC, because the amounts of newb low levels will like....triple :)

11-29-2010, 06:56 AM
I agree this noob said he could pwn my twink with his lv40 characters rofl ofc
bahahaha Also Theres new twink gear which decreased prices and mages heal removes bad
effects so im finding it hard to debuff them especially when the cool down is only 6 secs:(

11-29-2010, 01:24 PM
I really dont agree with u this time myst.

I started twinking before the first lv19 tourny but wasnt on forums yet and didnt get on em in time to join it. But the free acounts only went to 13 back then. I remember staved, wartrix, brainshasher and some of the others in the 1st tourny. All great pvp twinks.

When they made 18 free if u register i didnt mind because it gave me more people to fight and mostly own em but was good times regardless. The crys of hacking and the "i reported u" was almost more amusing then killing em.

After the 1st combat balance my bear was squishy. Any good mage or bird could pwn my bear with his currant build. Only lasted a day or so idr.
After the last combat ballance things seemed better for all classes but imo mages (if built right) are still lil gods. So i made a mage twink.

Never had a problem with twinks talking trash about there 50s can take mine or any of that. I mostly get mad respect for pwn'n em or almost beating em. I pvp'd alot and ive fought the worst to the best. Before the combat balance i only new of a few who can beat me in 1v1. Like 1/2 dosen or so. Anyway i always try to fight the best out there and i still have a great time pvp'n twinks.

Ofcourse things are a lil diferent now but not much imo. Still getting request for twinklist and still have plenty of twinks to fight. If anything compatition is getting better out ther imo.

Well thats my quick thoughts on it and sorry bout the grammer. Im at work and dont want to get caught on this device so speeding through this. Anyway gl twinks hope to pwn/battle u soon :)

11-29-2010, 05:36 PM
I still like twinking a lot, even though it's still kinda unbalanced.

11-29-2010, 06:01 PM
Level 29 twinks are better. Not as many people have them.

I leveled my twink because it did get boring but it was fun for a bit.


Yeah I'm the guy with 15 kills :) (This is right after the balance.)

11-30-2010, 02:10 AM
Took a break from PVE, played my lvl 19 PVP twink for a while. After this one week of active pvping, this is what i noticed.

1) Fun to begin with as you learn about twink gears / builds / stacking gear
2) Easy to kill new players lvl 9 to 18
3) Experienced twinkers like to quit on you when they about to die, or try kill your level 19 with their level 20+ and call you "Noob"
4) CTF more fun than deathmatch
5) Players in the top PVP K/D ratio are all boosters

And now I decided to stop twink pvping cos its getting really boring fast.

11-30-2010, 05:26 AM
As a member of twink who started before the tournament although i sucked, *ahem*
I still play and love twinking :D, nothing changes still (except for the fact that i suk.)
Well i suggest to the devs that there could be a twink pvp only stage for only lvs "19,30, etc."

12-01-2010, 12:00 AM
Hmm well i never realy did pve i was all about pvp after i got to the 50 cap. After sooo much pvp it got pretty boring so i dont do it like i use to. I was so bored that i started lvling a character from lv1 alll the way to 50... I still pvp from time to time though

12-01-2010, 08:57 AM
Pvp for me is more entertaning then pve becuz its real people ur playing against and not a npc with predictable actions.

Dont get me wrong i enjoy the whole game but pvp can be more intence imo.

If they made rewards it think ALOT more would play and would play more often. When and if they do they need to make if very very tuff to get the item/items. That way only the 1337 would have them.
Not k/d prizez tho. Any1 on that list lv10 & up imo is boosting or leaving fight b4 death. The compatition is just to much to never die..
Rewards should be for 5k or 10k kills that way only the insain boostr's will get rewared and should be ez to detect from the devs.

Anyway i been on my 19alterramage with the wand shield set up.
I need to do some farming so i can do the same on bear. Its a really nice build imo but i been hearing dexmage is better. We will see the cuz no dex mage has killed me.

Mabey the new lvl20 mojo weaps will spawn a new era of twinks.?