View Full Version : Purchased an ebook from Kobo, yet to receive 300+ Platinum

02-04-2014, 08:31 PM

Yesterday I have just downloaded kobo via the platinum from Arcane Legends and purchased an ebook cost USD10, which is more than £6 (GBP).
I have yet to receive the plats.

How long normally to get the Plats?

Should I send email to NativeX or something?


02-04-2014, 09:16 PM
if u don't get in 1 day i think u can send an email to nativeX

02-04-2014, 09:32 PM
Those ones dont work

02-05-2014, 12:39 PM
I have used the kobo offer on a few devices and it works perfectly fine.

Ecnivz - if you have alt accounts check their plats amounts too. I had a case where the plats were deposited into the wrong account on the same device.

02-06-2014, 01:08 PM

Sts hasn't much to do with W3I/NativeX/TP who control the free platinum offers they just support it.
We can't really help you and the Devs can't really fix that, just try to e-mail the W3I/NativeX/TP customer support to get some explanation.

Also in most cases you will get refunded for all apps/service offers you completed successfully and which are not older then 7 days. This in a period of 1-2 Days. (I can not guarantee this though).

Or check these articles:


If you need tips, here what you could write them:

''Dear technical support team,

Today (09/15) I have been doing 10 free credit offers which have been offered for the game application Arcane Legends by Spacetime Games. Unfortunately these offers haven't been succeed and I did not get the free credits (Platinum) on my ingame account.

I hope you are able to help me out on this, as far as I know the offers of the Platinum should be in the ''pending'' state so actually I should have received them until now - which I didn't.
My email address on Google Play Store is [example@email.com] and my ingame address of Arcane Legends is [example@email.com].

My apologize if I'm bothering you with this, but every answer and help requiring this is more than appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Sincerely, [your name].''

Just shoot them an email, it's definitely worth it. We can't really help you otherwise than with giving tips and the Devs can't really fix that.

Good Luck!

02-07-2014, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys, got my plats, and spent it on Abaddon.

Arcane Legends Rocks :)

Harris Uclusin
02-07-2014, 11:17 PM
I just bought an ebook too but havent got my plats yet :(… what did u do?… dod u just wait or u sent an email?

02-15-2014, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys, got my plats, and spent it on Abaddon.

Arcane Legends Rocks :)

Hello. May I know what you did to get your plats? Did you send them an email or you just got the plats eventually?

02-16-2014, 10:25 PM
It depends, for pending offers that still have not verified successfully, you should send a support email. They say on the FAQ section that you will revive a reply within three business days.

Btw, does NativeX support work on weekends? Does anyone know?