View Full Version : Make Pocket legend Deeper

05-05-2010, 03:06 AM
this morning i decided to write a post spending some of my time because i love this game and i'd like to give my contribute.

I totally agree with the fact that after a few weeks i have 4, 30 level char, the strongest with 25.000 kills, evertything too simple:
purple level 30 items found in dark forest (i have 6 pink items per weapon/staff/armor, it sound strange that a level 30 do darkforest by himself (The king forest dungeon) and find all pink 30 level items, items that are better (stats) than lost expedition items, i have so many pink items to equip the server.

Today the only thing that pushes me to play is the number of kills (but at the end it is only a number written in the profile of the player), but with no ranking, no items per kill, no additional skills per kill, no special rewards per kill, soon i'll be tired to kill for nothing.

In my opinion what is realy important in this kind of games (i played a lot Dark age of camelot and WOW) is guild, guild's ranking, single player ranking, and special items/skills when you reach a certain number of kills (PVP kills? PVE kills? it does not matter)...

This is true, it is a pocket game, but i could say that a pocket game can be played more than a pc game....a pocket game can be played on the beach under the sun or in the bedroom or elsewhere....

Now will be out the 30-35 dungeon, let me say that in 2/3 days i'll be 35, then i'll do the new dungeon for other 100 times (other 3 days) and then?

Some personal suggestion to make this game deeper:

1) PVP with special rewards (ITEMS, SKILL Point to spend in special skills), only PVP with nothing else is like a new dungeon, after some days you are bored (with the same items equipped and same skills the difference between players is minimal)

2) Ranking (Guild and single player ranking based on PVE Kills or PVP kills)

3) real special items and drop very very rare (of course with the possibility to trade with golds to another player, but this is planned)

4) Longer and Deeper dungeons (they will cost 20 euros? i'll buy...at the end in the world you can buy the small FIAT 500 but you can also buy a Ferrari, let people choise)

Sorry for my english,

Thank you


05-05-2010, 03:10 AM
20 euros good god no. That's like $25.
And guilds are on the horizon.
And I agree it's sad old loot is better than lost expeditions. "Archer wise"
Anyway Ancient Swamps is coming this week, that will be more fun.

05-05-2010, 03:27 AM
I think players need to be patient. This game is just a month old and there have been alot of content changes already. Alot of enhancements are already in the developer's plan and some are already in the works.

I should say that they have already done a very good job in listening to their players. Take for example the recent looting system. It is more balanced now. When the trading system is released, I feel that town will be a very vibrant place. Hopefully they will do something about spamming of messages.

I do agree with you that content should keep players engaged. This will prevent a high turnover of customers (Players becoming bored and leaves while new players join the game). It will be interesting to see their plan in keeping us, the players, engaged.

- Temporary

05-05-2010, 10:49 AM
It feels as if we are beta-testing a whole new horizon with mobile gaming. I'm sure the devs at Spacetime are just as hardcore about this game as any of us. You can see throughout their posts that they are listening and planning on releasing a ton of new content and ways for players to interact. I think that we, as devoted players, should suggest our thoughts but not demand. This is a new experience for us all.

05-05-2010, 11:18 AM
Give it laser beams, kthxbai

05-05-2010, 11:48 AM
I think that we, as devoted players, should suggest our thoughts but not demand. This is a new experience for us all.

From our POV you hit the nail on the head. We are working 14 hour days to get you guys as much as we can, but we are people too. We get very discouraged when you guys yell and stomp (unless you are playing an Ursan).

So thanks to all of you with constructive feedback, you will most likely get your requests far ahead of those that demand things :)

05-05-2010, 11:56 AM
From our POV you hit the nail on the head. We are working 14 hour days to get you guys as much as we can, but we are people too. We get very discouraged when you guys yell and stomp (unless you are playing an Ursan).

So thanks to all of you with constructive feedback, you will most likely get your requests far ahead of those that demand things :)

g has spoken (normally 1 word posts) keep up the good work. i would love to time travel a year into the future to see how PL turns out. being its been out a month its had 20 or so updates.. got another expanction on the way.. how deep do you wanna go

05-05-2010, 12:38 PM
OP: You could flesh out the Pocket Legends wiki with all of your drops to pass the time.

05-05-2010, 12:44 PM
g has spoken (normally 1 word posts) keep up the good work. i would love to time travel a year into the future to see how PL turns out. being its been out a month its had 20 or so updates.. got another expanction on the way.. how deep do you wanna go

lol like the edit justg.. i will call you g in future

05-05-2010, 12:55 PM
Just want to complement the Spacetime Studios on the hard work. As a client, its encouraging to see this continual feed back to the community. Keep up the hard work, you guys seem to be on the right path.

05-05-2010, 02:52 PM
Yeah man sometimes the squeakest wheel doesn't get the first oil........you guys at Spacetime Studios just keep up the good work and don't get discouraged by the noisy wheels.

05-06-2010, 07:23 AM
This just pushed me into spending money. Working 14 hour days? That's even worse than EA