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View Full Version : Rhino issue

02-05-2014, 06:08 AM
upon doing pve runs and quests, my rhino gets stuck somethimes, and can't move as a result, i think its verry annoying while ur questing and doing boss runs etc. can this be fixed?

a lot more people have experienced this.

02-05-2014, 06:44 AM
Yeah I've had this before I just have to re enter where I was or go to a diffrent town to fix it

02-05-2014, 06:48 AM
Yes, this happens to fox and rhino when they attempt to "Dash" then suddenly "lag-spike" which causes the toon to be stuck and rejoining is the only way to move again.

02-05-2014, 08:16 AM
Yes, this happens to fox and rhino when they attempt to "Dash" then suddenly "lag-spike" which causes the toon to be stuck and rejoining is the only way to move again.

Yep. Happens every time I have red ping. Even in pvp. I dash, 30 seconds later everything happens in once and I'm dead.

All for one, and one for all.

02-05-2014, 08:51 AM
Yep. This usually happens when I'm tapping the skills to fast and I spam charge. The strange thing is that, I can move only by charging after that. Like if I hit charge again my char will move.

02-05-2014, 09:22 AM
I've had this happen to me all the time but its not lag spikes like some of the posts above said. I lag spike all the time and it doesn't always happen when I lag while charging. But when it does happen I have to log out and back in or else I can only move by using charge. It's also happened to me in the past with other classes, not just rhino or fox. I'll be walking around on a bear or whatever I'm using and sometimes get stuck to a wall and can't move without logging out and back in. It can be frustrating and its not a recent thing although it is happening more than it ever has to me.

02-05-2014, 10:51 AM
I've had this happen to me all the time but its not lag spikes like some of the posts above said. I lag spike all the time and it doesn't always happen when I lag while charging. But when it does happen I have to log out and back in or else I can only move by using charge. It's also happened to me in the past with other classes, not just rhino or fox. I'll be walking around on a bear or whatever I'm using and sometimes get stuck to a wall and can't move without logging out and back in. It can be frustrating and its not a recent thing although it is happening more than it ever has to me.

Hm. Its only happened to me on charge. You sir, have a condition lol.

02-05-2014, 04:38 PM
Funny you'd bring this up in all my days of playing fox and rhino IVE NEVER GOTTEN STUCK! but ive seen soooo many foxes and rhinos lag and get stuck behind the wall barrier, i would run back and be like O.O and they"re all like "Welp, im stuck"! XD