View Full Version : If Parth did It, I should too.

02-08-2014, 09:14 AM
So, I need feedback or maybe some crticism just like Parth did, in his other thread. (Good luck btw) It seems my video got no attention at all, and Its either people didnt see it, or they just really dont like it. So, I have 3 Versions of my video, 2 of which were slideshows with some background music thrown with it, and the third one being my current one which I filmed with my sister. So, please tell me what you think, Thanks!


02-08-2014, 09:32 AM
What?? i thougt it was something important.
Am joking xD

Be happy you have a sister that can film for you i can't find anybody willing to do it for me( i am too shy to ask my friend to film me for a mmorpg contest c_c).

Pro and con of your video:
- Nice voice.
- Different locations.

-Even though you filmed with different backgrounds they are all at home. In the video i would have done i would have been filmed at:
1. school
2. disco
3. football field.
4. Park
anywhere you are make your sis film you.
-Tell her to stop shaking the telecamera.
- Show your face and smile :D
- Find some friends and add them in the vid.
- Make a comic scene like your sis calling you and you not answering cause you are playing this happens to me often xD
- A scene with you playing as soon as you wake up.
- Change your clothes
- Video at different hours of the day.

Hope i helped.

02-08-2014, 10:00 AM
I needed feedback not suggestions, The entry submission for the contest is closed as I read on Facebook. But still, thanks for the suggestions, they made me regret a lot of things! (In a good way) :)

02-08-2014, 07:56 PM
I think it was great!

02-08-2014, 08:00 PM
Aren't you a little young to be playing Arcane Legends though?

02-08-2014, 08:22 PM
Aren't you a little young to be playing Arcane Legends though?

What would Parth do?


02-09-2014, 03:45 AM
Aren't you a little young to be playing Arcane Legends though?

Nobody is too young to play AL :P Im 13

02-09-2014, 12:42 PM
Aren't you a little young to be playing Arcane Legends though?I started playing mmorpgs with Diablo II when it came out...I was around the age of 10. lol
I've always lived way beyond me years, though. I loved the fact that I could get into serious conversations and discussions with people, make a winning argument, and then go, "dude...you just got outwitted by a 12 year old." :D.

AL is a very tamed game for a 13 year old. As long as someone has the mental capacities to understand the game mechanics & trading, they'll have a fun time. What a 13 year old is regularly exposed to in life these days...the content of this game is very mild.

With that all said, keep it up XTX!
Don't let your age ever restrict you in your pursuits. It's an imaginary boundary that others try to set upon you. Always strive to improve yourself, your mind, your body, your abilities, and anything that is an extension of yourself.

You'd be surprised what results when people pick up mmorpgs at a young age. It gives them a connection to the world beyond them. They are forced to learn quickly. Many find out they have great talents out of little hobbies.
I've heard incredible music mixed by a 14 year old, who taught himself with a computer. I've seen kids 13-16 produce BREATH-TAKING work in Photoshop...and I've been heavily involved in the modeling industry...some of these kids' work blew away the work of professional editors & retouchers who make a living off it...while the kids just do it for fun/for some I'm game gold. I've also met some young kids who were awesome coders & script writers, all because they were doing something game related for fun and continued to get better.