View Full Version : Any Advice For A More Effective Rouge?

02-08-2014, 03:33 PM

I am currently trying out a rouge after capping an endgame warrior. Now I have several concerns though.
Note I play PvE only.

As background information, since I've played as a warrior for so long, now with a rouge I'm unused to dying more frequently and not being the Meat Shield. I know charging head first into mobs is something to avoid (a bad habit I'm now trying to break) so I'm getting acquainted with kiting.

My skill build (currently lvl 20):

Pure DEX stats

AS 5/5
NB 5/5
SP 2/5 - only health regain
SV 4/5 - no explosion


STR 5/5
And I plan add the following (in order) as I lvl up:
INT 5/5
DEX 5/5
Damage 5/5
And when expansion comes, the rest into Crit Passive?

In combat I start off with a charged NB (practicing Nox Bolt Box) and charged SV, then spam the AS, NB, SP combo (in that order) while Kiting with charged SV whenever it's available until everything is dead.

For gear I use all lvl 20 Legendary items with Primary DEX and Secondary INT (will upgrade every 5 lvls).
However, I still feel too squishy. Here are my stats with that gear without any skill or pet buffs:

http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag384/ss1669ss/image_zps9b11ed64.jpg (http://s1373.photobucket.com/user/ss1669ss/media/image_zps9b11ed64.jpg.html)

So my questions based on the above details are:

1. Any tips for dying less, killing more?

2. Advice for faster solo runs?

3. Is Slag worth it for an endgame PvE rouge? Should I get it now that it's available? Or wait for other Mythic pets?
I currently use Ribbit, Malison, and Talon

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :smile: Sorry for the long wall of text! :sour:

02-08-2014, 04:12 PM
My opinion i would lose sv and put 3 into dex and 1into sp for multi. int last if pve since you can pot.
I ran 3 skills until I was lvl 35. Im a bow rogue.

02-08-2014, 04:13 PM
Hi Azeman, glad you have gotten into using a rogue, they are awesome once you get the hang of them, I never use my warrior now.

So your build seems pretty effective but what I run (use to run your build) is 5/5 aimed, 3/5 nox I take 15% impact and 10% poison, shadow piercer health steal and shadow veil 4/5 no explosive. The passives I run are: 5/5 dex, 5/5 int, 5/5 damage, 5/5 crit and 1/5 strength in which I will max out when next cap comes. The armour passive is not really effective for a rogue, what many people say is "Rogue's survivability is dependant on their damage output" what this really means is that you would rather kill faster which allows you to stay alive longer.

When I find enemies, I ALWAYS use aimed shot, then nox, then shadow piercer then I use veil if there is a big mob. Using aimed shot first allows me to have 10% crit, nox poison DoT, and shadow piercer health. Your stats seem pretty solid, what others have always told me is that rogues are gear reliant which means they should have new gear every level.

So onto your questions
1. Dying less, I go full on offensive, using malison and veil as much as I can. Personally I don't like using daggers, if you use a bow you tend to kill a little bit slower but barely get hurt, once you use your final trump card- pierce, run out of the mob and go for the long range attackers first. Keep doing 1. Aimed, 2. Nox, 3. Pierce, 4. Veil

2. Faster solo runs, use aimed, nox, pierce, veil and don't get caught up on a single enemy

3. Unfortunately I cannot answer this as I do not have slag but I have seen many people with a PvE rogue and slag and love him/her/it BUT from one of the "Spot the Differences" there seems to be a green singe which might be the next mythic pet! By the way, malison is awesome and great at endgame

Hope this helps, need any further help, pm me!

02-09-2014, 12:19 AM
use bow and u will die less. and use medic instead of sp if u r dieing too mch. bt pots r better tho

02-09-2014, 02:40 PM
Hey, here's some of my advice (But take note that I play pvp equally as pve):

1. Killing more - you got a good build, maybe some better pets and some more levels would do the trick. Dying less - it'll even out once you get higher in levels and add those 5 points in passive strength. Also some other pet picks could help.

2. Faster solo runs - Consider using bows. Sure it takes a bit of the dps, but adds to damage, which is more important to kill faster. 1 reason for that: More damage means your skills (AS, NB, SP ) will hit harder. More dps - your daggers/bow will hit harder on a normal attack. And normal attaks can be dodged, skills can't. So damage over dps for faster killing.

3. As an endgame rogue this one is a big big YES. Slag sometimes feels like a 5th party member :D He's totally worth getting, but bear in mind Grimm has exactly the same stats and cost 900k - ish in the auction. The only difference between them is the arcane (Slag stuns, Grim cleaves) . But imo both pets are good, but the odds tip into Slag's favour.

As for pets you already have, all of them are excellent picks. Mali and Talon and the best pets ( legendary ) a rogue can have. Also, you can consider using a bow at all times because of more damage and the range you have with it. And also, you'll have to dodge the instinct to go in first and all guns blazing since you're not playing a tank toon anymore. Your role now is to stay back and dish out the damage. And if you decide to go with a bow a good build would be either Shadow Shot (which not a lot of rogues like) or Traps instead of Pierce. If you do go for that, avoid the exploding upgrade on the Traps, which is pretty much the most useless upgrade there is. Hope I helped, and even if I didn't just remember, it's your toon and you can do what ever you want it and use what ever build you want. :)

Cheers !

03-01-2014, 11:40 AM
Hi there, maybe my answer could help u a bit.
1. Run on a map that the mobs have blue colour and remember to buy some pots for unpredictable moments :)
2. In my opinions rogue are better to run party. Or get the best gear :)
3. Save ur money for next expansion. Btw, talon and malison is great too
I wish this can help u ^^

03-01-2014, 03:23 PM
1. Tips-I personally believe the nox bolt box is terrible. Just spam aim nox pierce
Dex passive before int then str
Use potions. Dont beg mages for heal. That is stupid. Mages shouldnt use heal in pve
2. Make sure to use pierce for movement. Never charge pierce unless it is for movement. Charged pierce is TERRIBLE dmg.
3. Your pets are fine. I suggest haze malison and talon.
4. Rogue*

03-01-2014, 04:27 PM
You can also use pets that deal multiple damage (I think Malison does it at higher level). You can also invest for more pots and mana pots since rogue's playing style is a lot costly in terms of potions..

For farming kills.. try kraken mines, tombs and nordr camp boulder.. either solo or with a party

Oh yeah forgot to add, slag is so effective. with its arcane ability panic gives you more time to deal damage while dishing them out.