View Full Version : Guide: Scams, Avoiding Scams, and What to do if You are Scammed.

02-08-2014, 09:25 PM

•.•°Table Of Contents°•.•
•°•.•°What to do if You Become a Victim of a Scam°•.•°•
•°•.•°Helpful Links°•.•°•

Note: This thread is not a substitute for the Spacetime Studios support team. Any mentioning of any player's name in this thread without their approval is strictly prohibited by Spacetime Studios. You may share a story of a scam to further educate other players, but you MUST censor (not mention) the players' or guilds' names involved.


As you may know, scams are a serious issue among the players of online multiplayer games. STS's games are no exception. Every scam that occurs in the game happens behind STS's back. By this, i mean that there is no way STS can predict or monitor a scam right as it's taking place. STS takes these scams very seriously and they will take action against the scammer when they find out about it. But that's only after the damage has been done. That is what can be done on STS's part.

What you can do on your part is to prevent yourself from getting scammed in the first place. Do not trust anyone! Imagine that everyone is a scammer. Anything you give to anyone is considered as a donation. STS will not return your items in a scam. And there is one golden rule to mmo friendship. If someone truly is your friend, they wont request something that would demand 100% of your trust. They wouldn't put you through such a difficult situation.


•.•°Table Of Contents°•.•

-•-Account Trader, The-•-
-•-Charitable Donor, The-•-
-•-Developer Impersonator, The-•-
-•-Double-Crossing Doubler, The-•-
-•-False Support Email Scam, The-•-
-•-Foreign Site Scam, The-•-
-•-Generous Retiree, The-•-
-•-Greedy Lend-Me, The-•-
-•-Guild Barnacle, The-•-
-•-Guild Buyer, The-•-
-•-Guild Saboteur, The-•-
-•-Helpful Crafter, The-•-
-•-Helpful Transferer, The-•-
-•-Merching Scheme, The-•-
-•-Multi-Item Trade Scam, The-•-
-•-Not-So Midas Touch, The-•-
-•-"Or I'll Ban You" Scam, The-•-
-•-Plat Trader, The-•-
-•-Player Impersonator, The-•-
-•-Price Predator, The-•-
-•-PromoCode Scam, The-•-
-•-Real-World Trade Scam-•-
-•-Swift Trade Scam, The-•-
-•-Tricky Hackster, The-•-
-•-Unlocked Crate Scam, The-•-

•.•°Known Scams°•.•

The Account Trader: Before i continue, just know that telling your email/password to anyone is against the ToS of the game and can result in a ban. One player tells you they wish to sell their account for an amount of gold. You decide to give them an amount of gold in exchange for the info. After you confirm the trade, they run away with your gold.
Example: Player A tells you they are selling their account for 100k. You trade them the gold, but they never fulfill their end of the bargain.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Never trade anything for something that isn't tradeable via the secure trade feature. Revealing account information violates Terms of Service.

The Charitable Donor: A player says he is willing to buy you some platinum, but he needs your email and password. You give him your info, and you lose your account.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Don't give your email/password to anyone, no matter what.

The Developer Impersonator: A person tells you they are a developer and that you have won a certain amount of platinum. He requests that you give him your email and password so he can credit your account.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: The real developers have red names in the game, while moderators have green names. A developer/moderator will never ask for your email or password, because they will never need them.

The Double-Crossing Doubler: A player offers to double your gold. You give them a certain amount of gold in hopes of doubling it. He keeps the gold and doesn't double it.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Dont give/trade anything that you will want back. It is not possible to securely double your gold.

The False Support Email Scam: A player hears that you are having an issue with the game. He tells you to email a certain email to get help. He gives you a false email which is most likely his, and when you email that, you are revealing your account info.
Example: Click Here for an Example (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=140019)
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: The only emails that you will ever need to use is the true STS support email (support@spacetimestudios.com), the NativeX support email (support@nativex.com), and the TrialPay support email (support@trialpay.com). Dont trust any other email.

The Foreign Site Scam: Someone tells you that there is a website out there that credits your account with free platinum. All you need to do is enter your account information on the site. Once you do, your account will be taken over by an unkown person ("hacked").
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: There is no such thing as a site for earning free platinum. The only ways to earn free platinum are by completing the offers from Trialpay or NativeX. Entering your account information on a foreign site jeopardizes your account's security. DON'T DO IT.

The Generous Retiree: Someone tells you that they are leaving the game permanently for various reasons. They offer to give you their items (they show you in trade). BUT, they want to wear one of your items for a little bit before they give you their stuff, saying that they will give it back.
Example: Player A tells you they are leaving the game and they want to give you their items and gold. They want to give you 10,347,294 gold ("all of their gold") and a few mythic items. But, they want to wear your vanity before they go. You give them your vanity, excited, but they immediately leave, keeping their stuff and your vanity.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Never give an item that you will want back. All gifts are final.

The Greedy Lend-Me: A player asks you if they can "borrow" an item with the promise of giving it back, but they never give it back.
Example: Player A notices your lepre's particle effect emanating from your body. They ask you if you can lend them your lepre for a little bit so they can farm, with the promise of returning it. You give them your lepre, they run away with it forever.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Dont give/trade anything that you might want back. If it helps, ask for some collateral before you trade.

The Guild Barnacle: A member of a guild that never seem to level or progress but always needs a loan or help getting a lep or some vanity. You help them out and later they surprisingly have been hacked and lost everything. often it will transpire that they have multiple loans with people that are too kind.
Example: Player A is a member in your guild. He asks you for 10k gold because he is 10k short on buying a lepre (truth be told, he isnt saving for a lepre). Because he is in your guild, you decide to help him out. You give him 10k gold, and he moves onto asking another guild member for 10k for the exact same reason.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: This is a pretty hard scam to avoid because it isnt a direct scam. The best advice i can give is that just because a member of your guild needs gold, you aren't obligated to give it to them. If you want to give them gold, do so at your own risk!

The Guild Buyer: You are looking to sell your guild for an amount of gold. Someone offers, you make them the master, they dont give you the gold.
Example: Player A offers you 30k for your guild. You accept his offer and make him the master, but they dont give you the gold
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Never trade anything for something that isn't tradeable via the secure trade feature.

The Guild Saboteur: Player A is an officer of a guild. He abuses his power by removing a large amount of members/recruiters, ultimately sabotaging a guild.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: If you are a guild master, only promote players that you trust. Promote at your own risk.

The Helpful Crafter: A player offers to upgrade your gear or craft an item for a price, which would require you to give them your gear in the first place. This opens yourself up to getting your items taken away from you.
Example: Player A offers to upgrade your mythic armor for 5k and assures you that it will be full of super gems. You give it to them, and they run away.
Example: Player A offers to craft you an arcane ring. They have the shard, you have the dragon bar. You give them the dragon bar and 10k for the crafting fee. You never hear from them again.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Dont give anything to anyone and expect them to give anything in return. Scammers will run away with your stuff!

The Helpful Transferer: This is one scam that you dont see very often anymore, but it could still be an option. A player offers to help you transfer an item to another account (even if you dont need to). You go along and give him some items, log out, then go onto another account, and guess what? He's gone.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Use the stash feature for transferring items/gold between accounts. Never give anything to another player that you might want back.

The Merching Scheme: A player offers a ridiculously high amount of gold for an item. You find the same item in the auction house for cheap and buy it thinking you can make a quick profit, but it turns out that the item's seller was the same guy on a different character and when you go back to the potential buyer, he "already bought it".
Example: Player A is looking to buy a certain lvl 28 devourer maul for 2 million gold. you find that same one in the auction for 150k. You buy that one and offer it to him, but he has "already bought one". in reality, the overpriced maul was sold by his other account.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: This is a pretty hard scam to avoid. Best advice i have is to not buy anything that you think is outrageous and that you dont need.

The Multi-Item Trade Scam: A player offers a number of items greater than four (current trade limit) in exchange for another. After you give them first four items, the player runs away.
Example: Player A offers to sell you a leprechaun pendant for 9 locked crates. You trade him the first four, and then the next four, and after that, he runs away with your crates and his lep pendant
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Try to trade gold for an item if the seller asks for more than 4 items. Negotiate a reasonable trade. Never trust a scammer.

The Not-So Midas Touch: A greedy player asks people to help him with the The Midas Touch achievement, with the promise that he will return all the gold. You give him the gold, and he runs away.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Dont give/trade anything that you might want back.

The "Or I'll Ban You" Scam: A Player asks for you to give them an item of yours or a favor to be done or they'll "ban" you (report). When you say no, they tell you that they reported you.
Example: Player A tells you to give them your leprechaun pendant or they'll report you. Worried, you give them your pendant.
Example: Player A tells you to invite them into your guild or they'll ban you, even though the gm tells you not to invite them.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Just know that their report will not result in a ban. This is an example of abusive reporting, which is a suspendable/bannable offense on the scammer's part. STS takes the report feature very seriously. It's a waste of time for them to deal with fake reports. You are safe!

The Plat Trader: A person offers platinum for an item/service (real-world or in-game). You give them the item/service but no platinum is received.
Example: Player A offers 100 platinum for a level 8 storm sword. You give them the storm sword, but no platinum is awarded.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Just know that Platinum is untradeable and it is not possible for another player to credit your account with platinum.

The Player Impersonator: This is a pretty tricky scam. A player has a similar name as one of your good friends, and they tell you that they are your friend. They wish to "borrow" something of yours or for you to do something for them. Thinking they really are your friend, you give them the item or do the favor, but they run away with it. As it turns out, that person was someone else (not your friend).
Example: Player A is your friend. Someone named Playerr A tells you that they are Player A on a different character. He asks you if he can borrow your leprechaun pendant so he can farm on his "new toon". You 'lend' him your pendant, but he runs away with it. You ask Player A for your pendant back, but they have no clue who Playerr A is.
Example: You are the master of a guild. Player A is your friend and is also an officer of your guild. Someone named Playerr A joins the guild and tells you they are Player A on a different character. They ask to be promoted to officer.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: For one, never give anyone anything that you might want back later. And two, if the player claims to be one of your other friends, ask them to get on their other character and then tell you that they really are your friend.

The Price Predator: This can be easily confused with merching, but it's totally different. This isnt a bannable scam, because the other player may not know the worth as well. You have looted an item, but you dont know how much it's worth. You ask someone how much it's worth, and they offer to buy it for a crudely low price. If you accept, you would've lost gold potential.
Example: You looted an arcane egg from a locked crate. You have no idea that it's worth 20 million gold. You ask someone how much it's worth, and they tell you it's worth 50 thousand gold and that they will buy it. You accept their offer.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Always check the consignment shop/auction house before selling. This would help you determine the worth of an item.

The PromoCode Scam: A player offers to tell you a promocode... for a price. After you pay them, they either give you a false promocode, or they dont tell you anything.
Example: Player A offers to tell you a really cool promocode for 5k. You accept his offer (giving him 5k) and he tells you the promocode is "djieodoe". You enter it in, and it says that it is not a promocode.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Don't trade gold for anything that is not tradeable via the secure trade feature.

The Real-World Trade Scam: A player offers to give you an item/gold in exchange for a real-world item. You give them the item, but nothing was given to you in return.
Example: Click Here for an example (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=91438)
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Limit all trades/gifts to in-game. Never give another player a real-world item.

The Swift Trade Scam: A player offers to trade you their item/gold for your item/gold. Before confirming their trade, they will change the item/amount of gold in hopes that you wont notice.
Example: Player A offers 200,000 gold for your Leprechaun Pendant and you decide to sell it. In the trade menu, they put down the 200k and you put down the leprechaun pendant. Before you confirm the trade, they change the amount to 20,000 gold, and they confirm the trade.
Example: Player A is selling their Lvl 10 Storm Sword for 200k. You wish to buy it. In the trade menu, Player A puts his level 10 item down and when you put your 200k down, he changes his item to a lvl 30 storm sword (which is cheaper), and you both confirm.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Always double check the confirm screen before ending the trade. Check the 0's on the gold amount, and check the item name/level.

The Tricky Hackster: A player tells you they will hack your account if you dont give them a certain item.
Example: Player A tells you that if you dont give them your leprechaun pendant, they will hack your account.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Just know that it is not possible to get "hacked" unless you reveal your email and password to someone. Or if your device has been compromised by a virus that relays information to another person, but that's not from "hacking" the server.

The Unlocked Crate Scam: A player offers to open a locked crate of yours for you (either free or charged), with the promise that he will give you everything from that chest. You give him the crate, he opens it, and he doesnt give you the stuff, or he gives you junk not from the crate.
Example: Player A offers to open a locked crate for you for a price of 5k. You accept his offer, giving him the crate and 5k gold. He opens the crate and, low and behold, a Samael egg pops out, as well as a mythic armor and 200k gold. He gives you 6k gold and says that it only had 6k gold in it.
Advice on Avoiding this Scam: Don't give anything to another player that you may want back later. Don't give someone anything in hopes that they will be completely honest and give you everything they looted. Scammers are not honest people.

•°•.•°What to do if You Become a Victim of a Scam°•.•°•
Follow this Step-by-Step Procedure:

1a)Take screenshots of the trade menu that show the attempt of the scam during the trade.

1b)Take screenshots of the chat feed during the time of the scam that would show the scam taking place.

2)Report the player in-game by typing "/report [player's name] scam" in the general chat box. Be sure to include the reason for the report (in this case, "scam") after the player's name so STS knows why that player was reported!

3)Send an e-mail to STS at support@spacetimestudios.com. Tell them the date, time of day, and information about the scam. Attach the screenshots to the message as evidence. Due to their Privacy Policy (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/content.php?384-Spacetime-Studios-Privacy-Policy), they will not inform you of their actions against the scammer.

•°•.•°Helpful Links°•.•°•

• How To Take a Screenshot On Your Device. -EliteFamily (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=149380)

• SpaceTime Studios Support Email (support@spacetimestudios.com)

• SpaceTime Studios Support Website (support.spacetimestudios.com)

• Arcane Legends Terms of Service. -Samhayne (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=71335)

• Spacetime Studios Privacy Policy (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/content.php?384-Spacetime-Studios-Privacy-Policy)

• Scams: What they are, and how to avoid them. -Zaonabiuibil (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=77929)

• Al official "scam patrol" guide. -EliteFamily (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=131674)

• Support Team: How to register a STS account and contact them. - EliteFamily (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=141559)

02-08-2014, 09:32 PM
Nice thread +1

02-08-2014, 09:36 PM
Nice thread +1

Thank you :)

02-09-2014, 12:47 AM
I've been playing since season 2 and I wish this guide had been here back then! +1 Great detail and Info!

02-09-2014, 02:42 AM
Thanks guys. Im working on getting this moved to the Guide Section.

02-09-2014, 03:33 AM
There is already a scam guide linked with a older version and kept updated with scam issues that pop on the forum or cases heard around, if a case is not base on poor disattention it gets in that scam guide.

scam guide. (www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?131674-Al-official-quot-scam-patrol-quot-guide)

Good job though, more information will only do good to players. c:

02-09-2014, 03:38 AM
one way to scare scammers especially noobs is to show them a notification that someone reported them.

02-09-2014, 11:58 PM
one way to scare scammers especially noobs is to show them a notification that someone reported them.

If they did this, they'd have to keep it anonymous or else it would cause drama.

02-10-2014, 04:02 AM
Nahh, this is more good than Elitefamily's guide, advice on avoiding the scam are added it :)

02-10-2014, 08:45 AM
Nahh, this is more good than Elitefamily's guide, advice on avoiding the scam are added it :)

If you say so, i believe you.

Zylx please can i link your guild to mine?
Informing players is crucial for preventing scam.

02-10-2014, 12:23 PM
Zylx please can i link your guild to mine?
Informing players is crucial for preventing scam.

You sure can.

02-10-2014, 12:25 PM
You sure can.



02-10-2014, 01:05 PM
Phenomenal guide, Zylx! Thank you so much for posting it. If you don't mind, I passed the link along to the devs so that we can feature it in the game on the rotating banner players see when they log in. :) Great work!

02-10-2014, 01:23 PM
Phenomenal guide, Zylx! Thank you so much for posting it. If you don't mind, I passed the link along to the devs so that we can feature it in the game on the rotating banner players see when they log in. :) Great work!

Thank you Ami! :)

02-12-2014, 04:30 AM
New scam(s) added:

The Unlocked Crate Scam

02-13-2014, 04:10 AM
Great guide! You must have spent a lot of time on doing this.

You may consider adding the famous 'selling promotion code' scam. You know what I mean.

02-14-2014, 12:55 AM
Great guide! You must have spent a lot of time on doing this.

You may consider adding the famous 'selling promotion code' scam. You know what I mean.

Thank you :). Ive gotten most of these scams from personal experiences and word-of-mouth. Im trying to keep it up-to-date on all the current scams, so it's a work in progress :).

New Scam(s) Added:

The PromoCode Scam
Credit: faefaefae

02-16-2014, 04:02 AM
In the Guild Saboteur scam, do not forget to provide an example, a link to what someone (sorry I forgot who) nicknamed

"The Purple Thunder Disaster"

02-17-2014, 02:32 AM
In the Guild Saboteur scam, do not forget to provide an example, a link to what someone (sorry I forgot who) nicknamed
"The Purple Thunder Disaster"

Do you have the link?

02-17-2014, 02:34 AM
New scam(s) added:

The Foreign Site Scam

02-17-2014, 04:35 AM
Do you have the link?

Zylx i have the link but it wasn't letting me to access the thread so i manually searched for it and it seems the thread has been removed.

02-17-2014, 02:30 PM
I want to say 1 thing :
The acc scams

1 time I got scammed where i lost 400k
The deal was 50% start 50% after checking if the acc is true.
I gave him the 50% ( ithought now he will ran away)
He gave me the acc infos and they were wrong.
Then he said me that the acc is over google+.
So I logged in with the google + and it worked.
I was happy that he didn't scammed me.....I gave him the other part of the gold.
I tried change the password but i noticed that I couldn't change the pw.
It is not possible as soon as it is not my main acc in my device....After 2 hrs later he finished his scam and changed the password.
I wanted to add this because when you try to buy an acc google+ doesnt work and you can find out that it is a scam

NOT: I know I wrote this text strange. I'm sorry for it...I can't do it better :/
And when I am wrong please anyone correct it I don't want to give wrong information.

02-17-2014, 02:34 PM
But when you find it out its too late :/
And sts please don't ban me now. I know it is wrong trying to buy an account from another one :(

02-17-2014, 04:26 PM
Yes, but for some reason I can't access it:


02-26-2014, 04:00 PM
New scam(s) added:

The Multi-Item Trade Scam
Credit: RebornBlaze

02-26-2014, 04:06 PM
nice done hope this will help that people will know how they can get scammed etc.

02-27-2014, 04:17 AM
nice done hope this will help that people will know how they can get scammed etc.

Thank you :). And that is one of the purposes of this guide.

New scam(s) added:

The False Support Email Scam
Credit: Zilicious's Thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?t=140019)

02-27-2014, 06:50 AM
Great, ppls will learn this guide so much :)

02-27-2014, 07:16 AM
Keep it on Zylx bro you are doing well! ;)

Nice sig you got there zeusblade who did it ? :)

02-27-2014, 07:40 AM
Keep it on Zylx bro you are doing well! ;)

Nice sig you got there zeusblade who did it ? :)
zzz, dont say my full name, boring
Btw, Deadroth make it :)

02-27-2014, 12:22 PM
Great, ppls will learn this guide so much :)

Keep it on Zylx bro you are doing well! ;)

Thanks guys ;D

zzz, dont say my full name, boring
Btw, Deadroth make it :)

That is a pretty awesome sig u got there. Good job deadroth :D.

02-27-2014, 02:03 PM
New scam(s) added:

The Real-World Trade Scam
Credit: Samhayne

02-28-2014, 06:48 AM
I don't know under what category this falls under, but last night a guy advertised he was selling 4 locked crates for 45k. So I traded him and put in 45k as he put in 4 locked crates. I press confirm and then he swiftly removes one crate so that im actually buying 3 crates for 45k. I message him and say one more and he says laaggg. I thought I'd give the guy another chance after he closed the trade window but he tried the same friggin' thing again on me.

Bottomline is NEVER RUSH TRADES. One crate may mean nothing to those who have been playing a while. But for some that is worth their potions for levelling, decent gear so as not to die too much.

Sent from under the sheets.

03-01-2014, 04:46 PM
New scam(s) added:

The "Or I'll Ban You" Scam
Credit: Daniel Banuelos

The Price Predator
Credit: Shlump

03-01-2014, 10:51 PM
Nice bro, new scams, less scams maybe lol

03-01-2014, 11:39 PM
Thx your guide's link added to new players guide...I want to add one more thing.

Newbie Stealer
This scam will happens when you tell someone that you got an arcane/mythic item[red/orange colored items] at a low level and the scammer tries to trick you and buy it at ridiculasly low price

Example: you purchased some plats and got Samael's Egg when you tell someone that you got a red Egg or samael's egg they will tell you that they will buy it for 500000gold! Don't think that he offers more than the egg cost...the egg costs about 24000000g many new players get affected by this...Never trade a orange/red item without checking the price in CS/Auction House

03-02-2014, 02:28 AM
Thx your guide's link added to new players guide...I want to add one more thing.

Newbie Stealer
This scam will happens when you tell someone that you got an arcane/mythic item[red/orange colored items] at a low level and the scammer tries to trick you and buy it at ridiculasly low price

Example: you purchased some plats and got Samael's Egg when you tell someone that you got a red Egg or samael's egg they will tell you that they will buy it for 500000gold! Don't think that he offers more than the egg cost...the egg costs about 24000000g many new players get affected by this...Never trade a orange/red item without checking the price in CS/Auction House

Thanks Hoardy :). But that scam is already in my guide under "The Price Predator" scam.

03-04-2014, 05:44 AM
Thx your guide's link added to new players guide...I want to add one more thing.

Newbie Stealer
This scam will happens when you tell someone that you got an arcane/mythic item[red/orange colored items] at a low level and the scammer tries to trick you and buy it at ridiculasly low price

Example: you purchased some plats and got Samael's Egg when you tell someone that you got a red Egg or samael's egg they will tell you that they will buy it for 500000gold! Don't think that he offers more than the egg cost...the egg costs about 24000000g many new players get affected by this...Never trade a orange/red item without checking the price in CS/Auction House

Thanks Hoardy :). But that scam is already in my guide under "The Price Predator" scam.
Sorry, didn't notice it :o

03-06-2014, 06:12 PM
Heloo safi remember me?

03-08-2014, 06:33 PM
Many people are selling real promo codes with lvl 1 items for 10k this isn't really a scam but some people are saying there is a 50% chance to get platinum but I want to get my 10k if it doesn't work with plat too.

03-08-2014, 06:43 PM
That may be true, but how would you know that they'll be honest? Scammers are not honest people. In addition to that, promocodes are available for free on the internet.. just search "arcane legends promocodes" in google. You dont have to give another player anything for that information.

03-12-2014, 05:03 AM
+1 Zylx
Good thread

03-20-2014, 02:44 PM
I think no sane mature player can fall for most of these traps. However, one of my kids fell into a trap by one of the LB leaders. I PMd support, but guess what was the result :(

Lesson: No one will help you if you get scammed or if your item is stolen (not given back to be precise). Whatever you give out, consider to be gone and be prepared for the worst.

03-24-2014, 03:00 AM
Note: This thread is not a substitute for the Spacetime Studios support team. Any mentioning of any player's name in this thread without their approval is strictly prohibited by Spacetime Studios. You may share a story of a scam to further educate other players, but you MUST censor (not mention) the players' or guilds' names involved.

The purpose of this thread is to educate players about common scams and what to do if they get scammed. Not to report or "warn" other players of a certain player/guild.

If you want more detailed reasons on why you can't mention names here, then read on. Otherwise, you can disregard the rest of this post.

There are a few reasons why you cant mention other players' names in ill-circumstance.

• One reason is when you file a report against a player, you create a case for the STS support team to investigate. They investigate to make sure that your report is completely true, and that the indicated action actually did take place. Anyone can go to the public and falsify information against another person to ruin their reputation. If STS allowed names to be mentioned this way on these forums, people would abuse it and create slander for other innocent people they dont like.

• Information about reports are to be kept confidential. This is to prevent unnecessary drama. Unnecessary drama tends to lead to unclean flaming and can violate the game's ToS.

03-30-2014, 10:05 PM
hi, firstly, great guide!
If I may add, the "i will ban/report you" also happen when we refuse to invite people to guild sometimes..
some of my youngers members, who are afraid, sometimes run to other map after they refuse to invite.

also, about impersonator.
either by using similar name, <example glasveena --> glasvena> or low level account, and claiming it is a new account of guild master or officer.
then he goes around threatening the member for item, vanity or money, if its not given, the member will be kicked. :(

*the names i used for example are both my own. i locked the name.

03-30-2014, 10:36 PM
hi, firstly, great guide!
If I may add, the "i will ban/report you" also happen when we refuse to invite people to guild sometimes..
some of my youngers members, who are afraid, sometimes run to other map after they refuse to invite.

also, about impersonator.
either by using similar name, <example glasveena --> glasvena> or low level account, and claiming it is a new account of guild master or officer.
then he goes around threatening the member for item, vanity or money, if its not given, the member will be kicked. :(

*the names i used for example are both my own. i locked the name.

Thanks! I added that to the guide :).

New Scam(s) Added:

The Player Impersonator
Credit: Glasveena

04-05-2014, 10:13 PM
New Scam(s) Added:

The Helpful Crafter

04-17-2014, 01:52 PM

Removed introduction
Added Preface
Organizational changes

04-18-2014, 08:30 AM
Zylx i was about to use Delph screen shot thread to inform my guildies on how to take screenies and found the link is broken it seems the thread has been deleted.

04-18-2014, 11:58 PM
Zylx i was about to use Delph screen shot thread to inform my guildies on how to take screenies and found the link is broken it seems the thread has been deleted.

Oooooo you're right! I'll take care of it :)

05-21-2014, 10:20 AM
Great thread. If only I read it a day earlier. I'm an end game player and got duped by the "gratuitous retiree" bit. It happens all day every day.

05-21-2014, 10:23 AM
Great thread. If only I read it a day earlier. I'm an end game player and got duped by the "gratuitous retiree" bit. It happens all day every day.

I almost got duped by that scam a looooong time ago lol.

05-24-2014, 01:16 AM
Is it cool to post other scams we come across here, or is there a better thread for that?


05-24-2014, 01:23 AM
Is it cool to post other scams we come across here, or is there a better thread for that?


If you know of a scam not yet posted here, feel free to post it here :). Just remember to keep the players' names hidden/censored.

05-24-2014, 01:34 AM
Got it..... So i have been noticing people who are like lev5-8 mostly doing this. Asking if i have some random item and saying they will trade me their lepre for it. Now obviously, i dont have it but i still checked it in auc. There is ALWAYS only one, and it is usually 50-100k. You might think, AWESOME, buy it and then find the player and offer to trade them, but they will say, 'nevermind, ty though.' Now what just happened is, on their second account, they listed the item, WAY OVER PRICED, and nothing to compare it to, then offered a lepre worth around 175k hoping u check the auc, buy the item, and get stuck with a 500 item.
Well thats it really. Im sure someone can condense all that, but just wanted to warn everyone. Have a great day.


05-24-2014, 01:35 AM
Btw, my on IGN is Threesheets.


05-26-2014, 03:25 AM
Got it..... So i have been noticing people who are like lev5-8 mostly doing this. Asking if i have some random item and saying they will trade me their lepre for it. Now obviously, i dont have it but i still checked it in auc. There is ALWAYS only one, and it is usually 50-100k. You might think, AWESOME, buy it and then find the player and offer to trade them, but they will say, 'nevermind, ty though.' Now what just happened is, on their second account, they listed the item, WAY OVER PRICED, and nothing to compare it to, then offered a lepre worth around 175k hoping u check the auc, buy the item, and get stuck with a 500 item.
Well thats it really. Im sure someone can condense all that, but just wanted to warn everyone. Have a great day.


The Merching Scheme: A player offers a ridiculously high amount of gold for an item. You find the same item in the auction house for cheap and buy it thinking you can make a quick profit, but it turns out that the item's seller was the same guy on a different character and when you go back to the potential buyer, he "already bought it". Example: Player A is looking to buy a certain lvl 28 devourer maul for 2 million gold. you find that same one in the auction for 150k. You buy that one and offer it to him, but he has "already bought one". in reality, the overpriced maul was sold by his other account.

05-27-2014, 10:45 AM
Guild barnacles:

Target - rich guildies.
Member of a guild that never seem to level or progress but always needs a loan or help getting a lep or some vanity. You help them out and later they surprisingly have been hacked and lost everything. often it will transpire that they have multiple loans with people that are too kind.

Example all via PMs:

Member: aww this is so hard to make gold! I am half way to getting a lep can you loan me the other half?
Rich member 1: I know its tough, I'll lend you the other half, pay me when you have a few locked.
Rich member 2: ahh I remember that! it was tough going, I'll loan half to get you started.

week later...

Membre: *cry* Ive been hacked! can you help me with stuff!
Rich member 1: *sigh* no, you still owe me for.... oh never mind.
Rich member 2: thats terrible! heres some epic stuff to let you level.
Membre: do you have vanity?

GM - *takes boots out of closet*

Annoys me because it ruins it for people that really need help.

05-27-2014, 01:10 PM
New Scam(s) Added:

The Guild Barnacle
Credit: Foebegone

06-21-2014, 12:08 PM
Swift trade,player impersonator have happened to me.
And after Reading this thread i realised that i have multiple Times been scammed with the Low lvl guildie one...

06-21-2014, 02:00 PM
Because you have to watch both sides of a coin I will say this ironicaly and hope don't get banned. OWWWW new ways to scam I will go try themmm (whistle-whistle). I am just saying you didn't have to make the examples and keep what is most important from the scam just saying because I have been scammed twice thank God small amounts well because it was back in season 1 I remember that 1 guy told me that he is selling malison for 10k so I thought I would have 90k in my pocket but then he said to me that I have to put the money first so he can ensure the trade yees I was real stupid back then but give me a break this was my first online game with all this trades and not to mention I was a noob back then.But I have to admit nice thread and nice work on it.

06-22-2014, 01:04 AM
Because you have to watch both sides of a coin I will say this ironicaly and hope don't get banned. OWWWW new ways to scam I will go try themmm (whistle-whistle). I am just saying you didn't have to make the examples and keep what is most important from the scam just saying because I have been scammed twice thank God small amounts well because it was back in season 1 I remember that 1 guy told me that he is selling malison for 10k so I thought I would have 90k in my pocket but then he said to me that I have to put the money first so he can ensure the trade yees I was real stupid back then but give me a break this was my first online game with all this trades and not to mention I was a noob back then.But I have to admit nice thread and nice work on it.

I can understand your point, but if i ever wanted to become a scammer, i wouldn't pull a scam from a list that 187k (so far) people have read through, as well as being featured in-game where anyone who logs on can access this thread. Not only would they know it's a scam, but then they'd know how they can report me and i'd get banned.

I'm sure this thread helps more than it hurts. Believe me, i have seen an enormous drop in "scam!" posts on these forums since this thread was born, i know this guide helps a lot in preventing players from getting scammed.

This guide was designed to inform players that these are common scams. Most of these scams are already easily thought up by people wanting to scam. The victims just don't know they are getting scammed until it actually happens. This helps potential victims recognize them and say "hey! I know that is a scam! I will report you!"

Mohammed Afraz Kazi
06-24-2014, 11:07 AM
Great realizing the existence of scammers who prove great threat to the game

06-30-2014, 09:42 AM
Swift trade,player impersonator have happened to me.
And after Reading this thread i realised that i have multiple Times been scammed with the Low lvl guildie one...

Yes to add to this, our guild just had an impersonator scamming the officers that are listed on the guild pages. Unless you hear directly from that person and they're already your friend, don't trade items to people with similar names claiming to be the gm or another officer.

08-08-2014, 02:10 AM
See the no. of views to this thread. O.o amazing

Sent from my Gpad_G1 using Tapatalk

08-08-2014, 07:51 AM
See the no. of views to this thread. O.o amazing

Sent from my Gpad_G1 using Tapatalk
Holy Macaroni! (Seriously, I saw that views .-.)

08-08-2014, 09:24 AM
Holy Macaroni! (Seriously, I saw that views .-.)

200k!!!! Views! Amazing

Sent from my Gpad_G1 using Tapatalk

08-18-2014, 03:58 PM
woooow what about the one where you're friends with this guy for a couple months and he asks you for your mythic entangled bow and blood ruby but runs off with it cause you pmed him too much and pissed him off, and says he only scammed you cause you supposedly tried to scam his girlfriend?

08-19-2014, 03:45 AM
woooow what about the one where you're friends with this guy for a couple months and he asks you for your mythic entangled bow and blood ruby but runs off with it cause you pmed him too much and pissed him off, and says he only scammed you cause you supposedly tried to scam his girlfriend?
The Greedy Lend-Me is.

08-27-2014, 06:12 PM
The Greedy Lend-Me is.


09-09-2014, 08:08 AM
thanks ...

09-09-2014, 08:12 AM
Lol ??

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

09-09-2014, 08:16 AM
maol lol

09-09-2014, 08:22 AM

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

09-11-2014, 07:34 AM

01-30-2015, 11:12 AM
A very very very good guide. Thanx a lot bro for this awesome guide

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

02-15-2015, 07:13 AM
not to mention that there's another scam (if not included) is the hack tool scam (not the selling type...) like when u type in the username and password...that info goes to the owner of the hack tool, which is connected to a database, then he hacks your account INSTEAD :p So if you've done any hacking-tool-ish activity...make sure to hit the forgot password button ASAP xD

02-16-2015, 09:40 AM
I believe I was almost victim of a scam, so I'm hanging in ydra and a guy says want to trade lep for blinky I say no but rethink it and say yes, he adds 5k and chest to the blinky and says hurry.
Anyone else think this is a scam

CAK Vader
02-16-2015, 09:58 AM
I believe I was almost victim of a scam, so I'm hanging in ydra and a guy says want to trade lep for blinky I say no but rethink it and say yes, he adds 5k and chest to the blinky and says hurry.
Anyone else think this is a scam

Ummm... No?

02-16-2015, 11:52 AM
I believe I was almost victim of a scam, so I'm hanging in ydra and a guy says want to trade lep for blinky I say no but rethink it and say yes, he adds 5k and chest to the blinky and says hurry.
Anyone else think this is a scam
Nah i dont think so

02-16-2015, 12:04 PM
Nah i dont think so

Meh better to be safe then sorry then

02-16-2015, 12:06 PM
But the weirdest thing is his friend kept texting me while i was trading and before i could press confirm he quickly exited t trade

02-16-2015, 12:18 PM

02-16-2015, 10:15 PM
But the weirdest thing is his friend kept texting me while i was trading and before i could press confirm he quickly exited t trade

probably he was gonna swap the blinky for a blight, since lep = around 200k and blinky 300k.

02-16-2015, 11:08 PM
probably he was gonna swap the blinky for a blight, since lep = around 200k and blinky 300k.

Yeah sleight of hand scam lol

clutchmasterz _ enVy 041
02-16-2015, 11:12 PM
How could one "scam"??

03-02-2015, 01:30 PM
i like that list. Feel much safer now.

05-10-2015, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the awarenss

05-16-2015, 08:36 PM
very similar scams. constantly bombarded with offers like this everyday

05-22-2015, 11:15 AM
its a nice guide

05-26-2015, 12:55 PM
where to upload picture of scumer's in which section?

05-26-2015, 01:00 PM
;2168365]where to upload picture of scumer's in which section?
Email them to support@spacetimestudios.com

08-08-2015, 10:57 AM
Ty! Really helpful

09-07-2015, 11:26 AM
+1 great!:)

11-14-2015, 07:03 PM
Another type of scam (which is similar to the Merching Scam) is a scam in which a person offers to trade something (let's say a Leprechaun Pendant, for example) for another item. The Leprechaun Pendant is worth around 200k typically. The other person says that he will trade the Leprechaun Pendant if you buy something in the Auction House. The item may be under another name. However, the account selling that item is most likely from the same person, who created another account. Typically, the item in the Auction House is much cheaper (around 100-150k). Once you buy the item in the Auction House, he, or she, will mysteriously disappear.

I have seen this incident around twice or so recently. I have confronted the person attempting to scam and asked why he, or she, wanted to trade in the first place. The scammer replied that he, or she, wanted to make money. I then asked why he, or she, didn't just buy the item from the Auction House (thinking that if he, or she, already had enough money to buy a Leprechaun Necklace, they could buy that item). The scammer answered by saying that it was "too expensive of a buy". I asked why he, or she, didn't just sell the Leprechaun Pendant and use that money to buy that item. They replied with the same sentence.

In short, just don't trust people who say that they'll trade you an item if you buy something from the Auction House. More likely than not, it'll be a scam.

Abel Moha
02-13-2016, 07:59 AM
Hello i have been victime of scamm what i do know?

02-13-2016, 11:28 AM
Hello i have been victime of scamm what i do know?

Sorry to hear that! Send an email to support@spacetimestudios.com. Tell them what happened, and include as much information as you possibly can. Add any screenshots of the scam as evidence.

12-23-2016, 08:01 AM
Deutschin scam many many player

Gesendet von meinem SM-G531H mit Tapatalk

01-04-2017, 07:59 AM
thank you for that, I've just removed him from guild when I saw this. We do not accept anyone who scams even if they're only under investigation. He only joined today, so luckily.

04-01-2017, 10:10 PM
ty for this informative guide on how to avoid scams bro.

07-25-2017, 04:34 PM
Wow super cool

10-26-2020, 03:21 PM
Alert! This one is a scammer. He try to do the old school move Trade cancel trade change gold numbers haha! Nice try! Reported. #Cancerhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201026/a08d4d54b8a166dc0ce8ad05941c4b37.jpg

Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk

11-18-2020, 09:09 PM
Thanks you, I have learned the hard way but now I’ll keep this in mind

12-05-2020, 09:01 PM
Thanks for the information

12-12-2020, 05:48 AM

Sent from my YAL-L21 using Tapatalk

03-01-2021, 09:11 AM
Oky cool ty info

03-03-2021, 01:07 PM
Thx for the tips

08-23-2021, 12:58 AM
Right I am going on to the house to see you guys for wolf set for me

02-05-2022, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the info^^

Tapatalkkal küldve az én SM-A515F eszközömről

04-07-2022, 08:19 PM
Thank you for all recomendations!

02-20-2023, 08:07 PM
Still super useful

02-25-2023, 03:39 PM
Always check than confirm lol

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk

04-07-2023, 10:41 PM

Sent from my M2101K6G using Tapatalk

Ahmed Elhadad 3
08-21-2024, 03:47 PM
Its so good thinggg

Ahmed Elhadad 3
08-21-2024, 03:54 PM
I love it reallyy