View Full Version : Issue Connecting

11-29-2010, 09:36 PM
I am using a macbook pro to create my wireless signal for my ipod, via internet sharing (due to me not having wireless and only wired internet)
and i am unable to connect to pocket legends and am unsure why this would be a problem seems as its an apple to apple device, has anyone had this problem before and/or got a solution
many thanks

11-30-2010, 02:18 AM
Now it wont even connect to the patch server.

I'm getting real tired of this...

11-30-2010, 02:31 AM
On my wifi have no problem, when i connect with my phone, android g3 sometimes it works a few hours followed by hours of unable to connect.

11-30-2010, 02:59 AM
I was excited to get on because there was a response that IP routing problem has been fixed. I get on my device, and viola! Can' even connect to the patch server.

Im trying to reinstall now, and if this still doesn't work, it's pretty much over for me. I want a game that I can actually play, like a game should.

11-30-2010, 03:01 AM
i already reinstalled, cleared cach etc and same, no connect to patch server...

11-30-2010, 03:10 AM
Well, im giving it one more chance, just because I love this game so much.

If it still aint working, then that's pretty much it for me.

11-30-2010, 04:54 AM
Ok, still did not work. Pretty much pissed at this point.

Looks like this is it for me guys. T'was fun while it lasted. Good luck guys, and I wish nobody else gets screwed like this.


11-30-2010, 09:57 AM
Similar issue here for myself and 4 of my colleagues. Server status is "available", authentication goes through, but no connection to patch server. We are all on same Android devices, using the same gsm operator. It started last night euro time. Uninstall/Reinstall won't help. Will check later on through WiFi.

11-30-2010, 09:58 AM
We've done what we can to avoid the more common routing problems - if you still have issues, and you're positive they're not with your own network, you may want to check with your network providers as to why you may not be able to connect to particular ip addresses.

These aren't set in stone forever, but as of now, things you need to be able to do to play:
resolve dns entries for auth.pocketlegends.com
establish outgoing tcp connections on ports 80, 443, and 4050-4100 to the following addresses:

11-30-2010, 09:58 AM
Don't hold you breath Sukhumvit, I already tried it on all options I had.

Since that was the case, I already gave up trying.

11-30-2010, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the info.

We tried and could connect through wifi, so obviously the problem is with Vodafone.nl (either on purpose or not...).
I sent them a request to check the routes/ports, but I'm not very confident they will fix this, looks like we will have to give up with this game.

I'll update here in few days when they will have answered, just in case the other persons who reported the issue in this thread are using the same provider (just noticed Akaee location is in the Netherlands as well...).

11-30-2010, 11:34 AM
Yup and Vodafone as well.....

12-03-2010, 03:13 AM
Just received the answer from Vodafone, as expected this is the classic situation where both parts are pointing at the other...

Here is a copy of my request, followed by their answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

First of all, please apologise for this email in english, but my dutch is terrible...

I would like to report a fault that affect myself and all my colleagues using a vodafone data subscription.
The access of mobile online game "Pocket Legends" is blocked since yetserday evening.
Using another provider or direct WiFi connection is fine, but using Vodafone 3G we can't access it anymore.
Here are the required routes to access this service:

resolve dns entries for auth.pocketlegends.com
establish outgoing tcp connections on ports 80, 443, and 4050-4100 to the following addresses:

Kind regards,

Vodafone asnswer:

Dear Mister XXX,

Thank you for your e-mail. You indicate that the game 'Pocket Legends' is no longer accessible over the Vodafone network.

I am sorry to hear you are having trouble accessing the servers. There has not been any recent change to our network structure. We pass data unrestricted, and have no bars set on the domainname / IP-addresses you provided. It is possible that compression affects the accessibility of the game, but again, there has been no recent change to that. I advise you to take up your complaint with 'Pocket Legends', as I am unable to assist you any further.
If you have any questions, go to Mijn Klantenservice in My Vodafone and add your message there or reply to this e-mail.

Kind regards,
Vodafone Customer Services

So if nobody is willing to fix this problems that occurs after recent changes (as I read in another post from dev that they are using new IP addresses), it seems this is over for us.


12-03-2010, 03:36 AM
Just thinking, as you screwed us like this with your changes, to whom shall we ask to have our platinum reimbursed ???

12-03-2010, 04:03 AM
I already gave up.....

12-03-2010, 12:31 PM
For those that may be troubleshooting this issue from their end, or their isp:
If you're able to authenticate, but unable to connect for patching, specifically, then that means you are unable to establish an outgoing tcp connection to, port 4082.

12-03-2010, 12:37 PM
Futumsh, can you check my connecting IP and see if there is any problems there?

My ISP is wi-tribe, if that helps.

12-03-2010, 01:04 PM
We pass data unrestricted, and have no bars set on the domainname / IP-addresses you provided. It is possible that compression affects the accessibility of the game, but again, there has been no recent change to that.

What if this is not an IP issue but their compression affecting the authentication of data between the phone and the server?

12-03-2010, 01:24 PM
Would be possible but again, all was fine with old servers/IP. Why compression would block the traffic only now ?

12-03-2010, 01:26 PM
It wouldn't be related to compression.

12-03-2010, 01:28 PM
Any fix on an alternate connection we can use to connect to the server Futumsh?

12-05-2010, 04:46 PM
Good Evening,

I am a Samsung Galaxy S user, and recently tried to install Pocket Legends. So far so good. The only problem is it logs me in, but when it tries to connect to the patchserver it fails. As in connection failed.. i am using a 3G connection. And havent had any problems with it so far.

i tried reading it up but i didnt find a solution just yet. Hope you guys can help me out..

12-05-2010, 07:30 PM
As stated earlier in this thread, if you can authenticate, but fail to connect when patching, that means you are unable to establish an outgoing tcp connection to, port 4082.

If using wifi, your router may be blocking outgoing connections for that port, though I've not encountered one that would do so by default.
Otherwise, it's likely that either your provider or a peer between them and our servers are blocking traffic to that ip address.

Either you or your provider can use a tcptraceroute tool to determine what's going on (for 3g connections, would likely have to be your provider).

These aren't set in stone forever, but as of now, things you need to be able to do to play:
resolve dns entries for auth.pocketlegends.com
establish outgoing tcp connections on ports 80, 443, and 4050-4100 to the following addresses: