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View Full Version : Good Bye!

02-10-2014, 09:51 AM
I'm sorry but I change perspective, I got bored of this game., it is clear that this game supports the rich players and nothing else, an example that I'm a player with nothing mythic saying hello a moderator and do not say anything, but other good arcane if you say hello to and hii

Good bye and lucky everyone :)

02-10-2014, 10:20 AM

btw where did you find that? link me pls!

02-10-2014, 10:22 AM
I'm sorry but I change perspective, I got bored of this game, fines, and injustices, it is clear that this game supports the rich players and nothing else, an example that I'm a player with nothing mythic saying hello a moderator and do not say anything, but other good arcane if you say hello to and hii

Good bye and lucky everyone :)

No bro don't go away i assure you this game isn't like that.
Unlike other mmorpgs i have played AL primary policy is balancing F2P and P2W, making players from the two factions happy.

Every single player is cherished and listened to. For example didn't you see how delph modified "The great Singe rescue" contest?

Even though you don't buy plats you are garanteed fun.

Don't worry many new FREE contents will be coming when the expansion becomes official, forget Singe. There will be many new free things.

And in which other game will you find such a beautiful community???? This is the best i have seen in 5 years.

I am sure if you are in need the mods will help, the fact a mod greet those players and not directly you is just coincidence. It is probably because he/she already friends with those players and not for their gears.

If you want to make friend with a mod pm him/her and chat like a normal dude having normal a conversation. Be polite, be funny and present yourself, remember they are not forced because they are moderators to be your friend.

Enjoy the game and don't worry about this minor things.

AL is beautiful even without plats! :)

02-10-2014, 10:30 AM
Hello Skeuedris,
I am sorry you feel this way. I receive so many pm’s in game. It is hard to reply to all of them. It is even harder when people spam me with messages. Let me give you an example of how many pm’s I receive in game. While on Delphina, within 30 seconds of logging on I have already received 10-15 pm’s from people. When I enter a town I receive so many more. If you see me in the guildhall of in the Forest I am trying to respond to pm’s without being seen in town. I also go AFK sometimes in game. Delphette and Delphlundgren do not have as many friends and it is easier to keep track of conversations. I have thought about making a video of just how many I receive just so you would have an idea. Once again I am sorry!

Prahasit Prahi
02-10-2014, 10:44 AM
Common buddy she has 5000 friends on her toon how come she can reply you just think of it


02-10-2014, 04:09 PM
I am sorry delph, just i was very angry and I dont think in my words :/

02-10-2014, 04:17 PM
I am sorry delph, just i was very angry and I dont think in my words :/

It's ok! I forgive you <3

02-11-2014, 03:18 PM
:D hehehe

02-11-2014, 09:57 PM
You guys are lucky they even log on, we see them once a month if we're lucky...

02-19-2014, 09:53 AM
Hello Skeuedris,
I am sorry you feel this way. I receive so many pm’s in game. It is hard to reply to all of them. It is even harder when people spam me with messages. Let me give you an example of how many pm’s I receive in game. While on Delphina, within 30 seconds of logging on I have already received 10-15 pm’s from people. When I enter a town I receive so many more. If you see me in the guildhall of in the Forest I am trying to respond to pm’s without being seen in town. I also go AFK sometimes in game. Delphette and Delphlundgren do not have as many friends and it is easier to keep track of conversations. I have thought about making a video of just how many I receive just so you would have an idea. Once again I am sorry!
Wooo! Video as A Developer :D I want to join the Video! :D :D :D

03-05-2014, 01:38 PM
I am sorry delph, just i was very angry and I dont think in my words :/

It's ok! I forgive you <3

Awwwwww Delphina gave you a heart! ;)