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View Full Version : Char transfer

05-05-2010, 09:55 AM
hey all, it would be nice to have the option for transfer one char to another server. i would pay for it....the reason for change its simple,i startet at alterra some weeks ago but for me its the server to full so i startet again at fnord. here i found a lot of nice ppl and i will stay on fnord, but all my good stuff wich i hard farmed its on alterra...thats hurts a lot. i hope some gamemaster can make it possible to transfer one char or maybe my equip to fnord. i say it again...I WILL PAY FOR IT :) pls contact me as soon as possible:)
greets gunny alias meldius known as amphoris^^

05-05-2010, 10:02 AM
Character Transfer is something that we will add to the roadmap.

05-05-2010, 10:15 AM
sounds nice,but,cant wait till its possible:) its there a way to make it faster?...i know u guys can do it:)