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View Full Version : mage heal whiners no more

02-11-2014, 03:04 PM
i had this idea for mage heal while i was doing a kraken lv,

you know when mages use their heal its a big green circle? well what if, when mages use their heal, they leave behind a like a big green circle with runes thingies and stuff, and anyone that steps on the circle gets heals and mana buff, same stats and stuff, but the circle stays on the ground for like 20 seconds, i think it would solve the mage heal everyone talks about.

02-11-2014, 03:53 PM
Why u using heal in pve...potions available

02-11-2014, 04:11 PM
Hmm, I can see where your coming from on this, not a bad idea, just probably not as useful though. I can see it now.. well you dropped your heal in a spot I can't get to and so on lol.... Thought 20 secs is too long, maybe 5 or 10 secs would be better.

But as a mage, I don't necessarily see this as something I would like. I do use heal in PvE (yeah I know... can leave out the speeches about how it's worthless - for me I like it and it works so I keep it.) But back to the topic, if others complain that they don't get my heal - buy potions. They don't cost that much, just by doing a couple dailies you have 100 or each type of potion, plenty for a day's run. If you get my heal, great, you just saved some potions. I buy potions to make up what heal can't do when needed, I feel others can buy them too. I"m not your personal healer (or mana regen person).

02-11-2014, 04:24 PM
Good idea but it depends on how much it heals per tick.

02-11-2014, 04:26 PM
HeAl is more of a support skill than a defensive skill.

02-11-2014, 05:39 PM
Heal slow everyone down

02-11-2014, 05:43 PM
Heal slow everyone down

Most who don't use heal use shield....so either way we are down an attack skill and have a defensive.. Guess I don't see how not having heal, but having shield doesn't slow the group down. Unless, you are referring to mages having no defense at all and going only with attack skills. I've tried this (no heal or shield) and just died. Frankly being dead my dps is worthless so I like some defensive skill, whether it be heal or shield. But back to the original topic....... :D

02-11-2014, 06:45 PM
Good idea on theory but there are already healing tick upgrades. I doubt this makes sorc heal any closer to the other two. I mean really, unless the ticks become HOR-like, this won't matter.

02-11-2014, 07:58 PM
Seems cool but would only be useful in CTF and TDM.

02-11-2014, 08:13 PM
A few facts:

1) Lifegiver has no place in PvE as pots are available.
2) In PvP when your shield is down you are insta-killed so Lifegiver at best is a one time shot and in most cases you don't even get a chance to use it when you are caught with shield down.
3) Mana heal for any mage is useless.
4) 2 attack skills isn't enough to kill
5) Because of points 2,3,4 most mages run without lifegiver in PvP or fast switch when necessary.

Making lifegiver better in any respect doesn't address points 2-4.

02-11-2014, 08:29 PM
Unless we take away the useless mana heal per tick upgrade and replace it with a damage reflecting buff. Or a leech DoT that damages anyone in lifegiver's circle and deals four damage ticks that return HP to caster.

Milan Lame Man
02-12-2014, 08:20 AM
Why u using heal in pve...potions available

1) Lifegiver has no place in PvE as pots are available.
You are missing the point. Instead of fixing the skill, you suggest to remove it. How about removing 4 skills for each class, instead of adding 9th? That would be best. All whining stopped in one bold move.
Also not everyone is drowning in millions. On weekend I spend 500 health pots a day no problem. Without heal, I could never earn the leprechaun amulet.

Heal slow everyone down
In timed runs, maybe. If you want to actually have fun playing, heal is useful.

02-12-2014, 12:53 PM
Unless we take away the useless mana heal per tick upgrade and replace it with a damage reflecting buff. Or a leech DoT that damages anyone in lifegiver's circle and deals four damage ticks that return HP to caster. Strongly disagree with first ability. Heal is supposed to heal not deal damage.

Second idea doesnt seem bad.

02-13-2014, 02:38 AM
You are missing the point. Instead of fixing the skill, you suggest to remove it. How about removing 4 skills for each class, instead of adding 9th? That would be best. All whining stopped in one bold move.
Also not everyone is drowning in millions. On weekend I spend 500 health pots a day no problem. Without heal, I could never earn the leprechaun amulet.

In timed runs, maybe. If you want to actually have fun playing, heal is useful.

Shield will save you more pots then heal. Shield is 45% damage reductions with upgrades. So over the long haul, that damage reduction saves you pots which saves you gold. Also can save you time and/or plat by saving you from getting one shot by bosses. If you are using life giver in PvE then you are only saving other people's pots.

02-13-2014, 02:44 AM
Pots are relly cheap and many players have 1000+ of them both. Mage heal gives mana also so it saves pots. It is important when you are running with noobs, because they dont have money to buy pots at all, or they dont know why should they use them.

02-14-2014, 09:43 PM
Most who don't use heal use shield....so either way we are down an attack skill and have a defensive.. Guess I don't see how not having heal, but having shield doesn't slow the group down. Unless, you are referring to mages having no defense at all and going only with attack skills. I've tried this (no heal or shield) and just died. Frankly being dead my dps is worthless so I like some defensive skill, whether it be heal or shield. But back to the original topic....... :D

Decent mages don't use either in pve. I never use heal and only use shield for bosses. The best defence and best support is a good offence. Run fire,ice, light, TS and only sub in shield when absolutely needed.

02-16-2014, 02:15 PM
We don't need to heal other classes. They can give us higher heal stats and limit it only to mage avatar. Still I've given up complaining and stopped playing as much. Right now trying out Order and chaos which has a surprisingly better balanced mage class.

02-17-2014, 06:15 PM
To say heal is not a good skill is true at the moment but to just write it off leaves us with 1 less skill. It would be nice if they gave us something good. Like a skill that absorbs the next 3 hits then gives a HOT over 6 sec to for the amount absorbed. Wars have Armour, rogues have dodge we have the ability to get our foes feet all sticky with our blood as we have been 1 hit squashed.