View Full Version : Dormant alts

02-14-2014, 01:01 AM
one of the most important things in dl is your name in my opinion therefore you have to pick a name that's not taken and suits you're needs but recently its been becoming more difficult to choose an original name that's written correctly because of players who probably reserved those names when the game came out and never came back on to actually use the name which is pretty unfair for active players

so what i am suggesting is that what if sts puts like a time limit on alts that never come on for a specific amount of time for example alts that stay inactive for 5-6 months without coming on at least once gets automatically deleted that way more names will always be available for new people or for people who want to make new names

02-14-2014, 04:30 AM
good idea hell

02-14-2014, 10:13 AM
I hate to disagree but being able to reserve an original name means that they have been playing for a long time and deserve to continue to have that name.

Take this for example, a player in PL named Argothewickd recently came back from a 2 year break. Was a very well know player and lots of people knew him. If the same thing was implied for that, then its almost as if the legacy was gone. Yes the name isn't rare but he made the name stand for something and should stay that way.

02-14-2014, 12:34 PM
I hate to disagree but being able to reserve an original name means that they have been playing for a long time and deserve to continue to have that name.

Take this for example, a player in PL named Argothewickd recently came back from a 2 year break. Was a very well know player and lots of people knew him. If the same thing was implied for that, then its almost as if the legacy was gone. Yes the name isn't rare but he made the name stand for something and should stay that way.

well yes true their are those cases but we need to fix this problem somehow because this guy is only one case most of the other players never come on and probably will never come back on again so the name is just gonna be sitting there without any use but i kinda see where you're coming from

02-14-2014, 01:23 PM
I understand the frustration...but I don't think 5-6 months is long enough. It has been about 11 months since we got a level cap raise or any new maps. Some people might only play a game when the cap goes up or new maps come out. It would be wrong of STS to delete all their stuff just because they haven't logged in since the last major update. Maybe something like freeing up reserved names after a year or two is okay if the person never actually logged in to make a toon.

02-14-2014, 04:19 PM
well yes true their are those cases but we need to fix this problem somehow because this guy is only one case most of the other players never come on and probably will never come back on again so the name is just gonna be sitting there without any use but i kinda see where you're coming from

I have a problem with this, i paid 5 platinum to have my characters name "available" reserved, so this shouldent have effect on old players

02-14-2014, 10:34 PM
I understand the frustration...but I don't think 5-6 months is long enough. It has been about 11 months since we got a level cap raise or any new maps. Some people might only play a game when the cap goes up or new maps come out. It would be wrong of STS to delete all their stuff just because they haven't logged in since the last major update. Maybe something like freeing up reserved names after a year or two is okay if the person never actually logged in to make a toon.

well it doesn't matter how its the principle 1-2 years doesn't matter as long as they do something , i mean in the time of 2 years i am sure they could log on at least once to avoid it

02-15-2014, 03:26 AM
they are already doing this. my pl acc was deleted, bc i havent logged in since over a year.

02-15-2014, 05:04 AM
I disagree! :O My alt has a beautiful name, "Noun". Even though I'm leaving soon. Lol.

02-15-2014, 12:11 PM
I disagree! :O My alt has a beautiful name, "Noun". Even though I'm leaving soon. Lol.

one alt dies and another is reborn eh bro!